If republicans and tea baggers find the constitution so sacred...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...then why can't they accept a law that was ruled as constitutional?

For Christ's sakes, just because you don't support a law like ObamaCare, it does not mean it is justified to hold our country hostage over it. It is Ted Cruz and his band of douche tea baggers who own this shut down. Say what you want about Obama in general, but it is completely justified for him not to negotiate over this. Why should he? This is extortion of the worst kind.

What's even worst about this is that it doesn't even represent the views of the people. While it is true that ObamaCare is unpopular nationwide (with a populace that knows very little about it anyway), polls show that most Americans do not want this shut down, EVEN WITH OBAMACARE AT STAKE.

Did you know that among the Americans who oppose ObamaCare, 14% want a single payer system as a replacement?
it depends on what poll u look at.
this is part of being America. Deal with it
some peoole might not actually like fascism shoved down their throat!
it depends on what poll u look at.
this is part of being America. Deal with it
some peoole might not actually like fascism shoved down their throat!

Are you calling ObamaCare fascist? I'm not sure you understand what the word fascist means...
it depends on what poll u look at.
this is part of being America. Deal with it
some peoole might not actually like fascism shoved down their throat!

Are you calling ObamaCare fascist? I'm not sure you understand what the word fascist means...

it is fascist. and it is YOU who has no idea what it means....
very well aware sonny
I am one of the few that understand the difference between words like that. maybe you ahould learn
I will give you a tutorial as long as you say you are my bitch :)
Vox is far more fascistic than Obama. Merriam-Webster defines it as "fas·cism noun \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\ " as ": a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government."

Vox would not allow any dissent.

Vox has issues with people of color and minorities and immigrants and Jews.
it depends on what poll u look at.
this is part of being America. Deal with it
some peoole might not actually like fascism shoved down their throat!

Are you calling ObamaCare fascist? I'm not sure you understand what the word fascist means...

it is fascist. and it is YOU who has no idea what it means....

Do explain, we'd hate to think you are a radical right wing idiot that has no clue to it's meaning,...
...then why can't they accept a law that was ruled as constitutional?

For Christ's sakes, just because you don't support a law like ObamaCare, it does not mean it is justified to hold our country hostage over it. It is Ted Cruz and his band of douche tea baggers who own this shut down. Say what you want about Obama in general, but it is completely justified for him not to negotiate over this. Why should he? This is extortion of the worst kind.

What's even worst about this is that it doesn't even represent the views of the people. While it is true that ObamaCare is unpopular nationwide (with a populace that knows very little about it anyway), polls show that most Americans do not want this shut down, EVEN WITH OBAMACARE AT STAKE.

Did you know that among the Americans who oppose ObamaCare, 14% want a single payer system as a replacement?

There have been many things ruled constitutional then ruled unconstitutional when the climate changed:

Unconstitutional Federal Laws

Read it and weep.
I will give you a tutorial as long as you say you are my bitch :)


...so does anyone with an average intelligence or above have something to add to this discussion?

kinda expected a low level response from you on this. most people shudder at the debate of words like this. it takes.intellect to actually distinguish between them.
its OK. you remain like most of society :thup:
...then why can't they accept a law that was ruled as constitutional?

For Christ's sakes, just because you don't support a law like ObamaCare, it does not mean it is justified to hold our country hostage over it. It is Ted Cruz and his band of douche tea baggers who own this shut down. Say what you want about Obama in general, but it is completely justified for him not to negotiate over this. Why should he? This is extortion of the worst kind.

What's even worst about this is that it doesn't even represent the views of the people. While it is true that ObamaCare is unpopular nationwide (with a populace that knows very little about it anyway), polls show that most Americans do not want this shut down, EVEN WITH OBAMACARE AT STAKE.

Did you know that among the Americans who oppose ObamaCare, 14% want a single payer system as a replacement?

The means of mandating everyone to pay in, as a form of taxes ( Something Obama and the Democrats denied it was up until the moment they had to say that in the Supreme Court ) was ruled as Constitutional.

That's it.

That was the only part of the law that was before the SCotUS.

Now before you go hanging you hat on that.... Answer this simple question.. Has the Supreme Court ever overturned a previous Supreme Court Ruling?
...then why can't they accept a law that was ruled as constitutional?

For Christ's sakes, just because you don't support a law like ObamaCare, it does not mean it is justified to hold our country hostage over it. It is Ted Cruz and his band of douche tea baggers who own this shut down. Say what you want about Obama in general, but it is completely justified for him not to negotiate over this. Why should he? This is extortion of the worst kind.

What's even worst about this is that it doesn't even represent the views of the people. While it is true that ObamaCare is unpopular nationwide (with a populace that knows very little about it anyway), polls show that most Americans do not want this shut down, EVEN WITH OBAMACARE AT STAKE.

Did you know that among the Americans who oppose ObamaCare, 14% want a single payer system as a replacement?

But when the majority in the House is once again Democrats and the radical portion of the Democrats shut the government down because they want universal gun background checks, they Repubs will cry like babies and bitch and claim they NEVER used the exact same tactic. Even though the Dems learned it from the Repubs.

We all, even the ignorant Teabaggers, need to hope and pray that Obama does not negotiate with the funding of government and the debt ceiling as pawns. We will be fucked forever if that happens.
...then why can't they accept a law that was ruled as constitutional?

For Christ's sakes, just because you don't support a law like ObamaCare, it does not mean it is justified to hold our country hostage over it. It is Ted Cruz and his band of douche tea baggers who own this shut down. Say what you want about Obama in general, but it is completely justified for him not to negotiate over this. Why should he? This is extortion of the worst kind.

What's even worst about this is that it doesn't even represent the views of the people. While it is true that ObamaCare is unpopular nationwide (with a populace that knows very little about it anyway), polls show that most Americans do not want this shut down, EVEN WITH OBAMACARE AT STAKE.

Did you know that among the Americans who oppose ObamaCare, 14% want a single payer system as a replacement?

Have you ever read the SCOTUS decision, there are constitutional holes you could put an aircraft carrier through.

1. maobamacare originated in the senate and had revenue raising powers, all bills raising revenues must originate in the house.

2. Without going into the constitutionality of a separability clause, maobamacare didn't have one. This means if one word in the 2000 page monstrosity was found unconstitutional then the whole law should have been stricken and sent back to congress. They didn't do that.

3. According to the constitution all legislative powers are vested in congress yet Mr. Roberts took it upon himself to rewrite the language of the law turning a penalty into a tax. The law should have been stricken and returned to congress for that fix.

4. Mr. Roberts took it upon himself to create a whole new unconstitutional direct tax for not entering into commerce. Direct taxes that are not apportioned among the states by population are unconstitutional.

Your welcome to try to argue these facts, but I doubt you'll have much luck.
Are you calling ObamaCare fascist? I'm not sure you understand what the word fascist means...

it is fascist. and it is YOU who has no idea what it means....

Do explain, we'd hate to think you are a radical right wing idiot that has no clue to it's meaning,...

yea, you are the one to talk.about CLUES. google and MSN cant give you talking points on stuff like this, so u are in way over your head
it is fascist. and it is YOU who has no idea what it means....

Do explain, we'd hate to think you are a radical right wing idiot that has no clue to it's meaning,...

yea, you are the one to talk.about CLUES. google and MSN cant give you talking points on stuff like this, so u are in way over your head

they expect to have a discussion on a derogatory premise?

leftards are really mentally deficient
A LOT more than derogatory. Throw in fallacy, and you made a point :thup: LOL

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