If Reagan hadn’t signed the Amnesty Bill of 1986 would Mexifornia be the super shithole it is today?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Would HRC have won the popular vote in the 2016 election?
Would we have sanctuary cities?
Would the poverty rates be as high as they are?
Would REAL American children feel like foreigners in public schools and in their own country?
Would healthcare and emergency services be as horrible as it is today?
Would we have a record number of homeless people shitting in our streets?
Would our Veterans be forced to take a back seat to illegal Mexicans?
Consider the cause and affect....the true catalyst to many, many problems in this country today.
Condensing it for you...politicians are the root of all our problems today.
Reagan did much damage to this country in many ways, that it just one of them.

Yet you faux conservatives on here still worship the ground he walked on.

Never understood that.
Would HRC have won the popular vote in the 2016 election?
Would we have sanctuary cities?
Would the poverty rates be as high as they are?
Would REAL American children feel like foreigners in public schools and in their own country?
Would healthcare and emergency services be as horrible as it is today?
Would we have a record number of homeless people shitting in our streets?
Would our Veterans be forced to take a back seat to illegal Mexicans?
Consider the cause and affect....the true catalyst to many, many problems in this country today.
Reagan was not very good. The only reason he has any manner of prowess is because of the act he got to follow. Jimmy Carter was quite possibly the worst leader of a nation in world history. He would have made Andrew Johnson a popular president.

Also, Reagan was a big-spending, debt-creating statist who loved to play World Police at our expense.
Reagan, and the elite Republicans aren't much, if at all better than the Democrats on these issues.

However, pound for pound typical Republicans are indeed more anti-Illegal, but they haven't been represented very well.
If we could just get rid of all those damn Polish bastards, America would be great.



I keeed. I keeeed

Would HRC have won the popular vote in the 2016 election?
Would we have sanctuary cities?
Would the poverty rates be as high as they are?
Would REAL American children feel like foreigners in public schools and in their own country?
Would healthcare and emergency services be as horrible as it is today?
Would we have a record number of homeless people shitting in our streets?
Would our Veterans be forced to take a back seat to illegal Mexicans?
Consider the cause and affect....the true catalyst to many, many problems in this country today.
Perhaps we should just finish the action we began in 1846 and this time, once we roll into Mexico with troops, take fully conquer it, make it a 51st state and eliminate the drug cartels.
Would HRC have won the popular vote in the 2016 election?
Would we have sanctuary cities?
Would the poverty rates be as high as they are?
Would REAL American children feel like foreigners in public schools and in their own country?
Would healthcare and emergency services be as horrible as it is today?
Would we have a record number of homeless people shitting in our streets?
Would our Veterans be forced to take a back seat to illegal Mexicans?
Consider the cause and affect....the true catalyst to many, many problems in this country today.
Perhaps we should just finish the action we began in 1846 and this time, once we roll into Mexico with troops, take fully conquer it, make it a 51st state and eliminate the drug cartels.

What does that solve?

I thought that having Mexico as the same country as the U.S.A, would only help the Mexicans come here?
Would HRC have won the popular vote in the 2016 election?
Would we have sanctuary cities?
Would the poverty rates be as high as they are?
Would REAL American children feel like foreigners in public schools and in their own country?
Would healthcare and emergency services be as horrible as it is today?
Would we have a record number of homeless people shitting in our streets?
Would our Veterans be forced to take a back seat to illegal Mexicans?
Consider the cause and affect....the true catalyst to many, many problems in this country today.

And the american sheep seriously think he was one of the greatest presidents ever always ranking him in the top ten.LOL beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet. i have people at work that cant come to grips they have been brainwashed by our corrupt media that reagan was such a great man and carter was the worst president ever not understanding the facts that the media has said that about him cause he was the last decent president america had who did not bow down to the elite who run the country. thank god trump got elected otherwise that would STILL be going on now. trump is the first president since carter to do anything of what he said he would do.
Would HRC have won the popular vote in the 2016 election?
Would we have sanctuary cities?
Would the poverty rates be as high as they are?
Would REAL American children feel like foreigners in public schools and in their own country?
Would healthcare and emergency services be as horrible as it is today?
Would we have a record number of homeless people shitting in our streets?
Would our Veterans be forced to take a back seat to illegal Mexicans?
Consider the cause and affect....the true catalyst to many, many problems in this country today.
Reagan was not very good. The only reason he has any manner of prowess is because of the act he got to follow. Jimmy Carter was quite possibly the worst leader of a nation in world history. He would have made Andrew Johnson a popular president.

Also, Reagan was a big-spending, debt-creating statist who loved to play World Police at our expense.

another sheep brainwashed by the corrupt media. yeah he was such a bad leader he did not start wars with other countries like all the other presidents since then have that make him much WORSE leader than all the others since him.LOL

.And he spent four years as commander in chief of the world’s largest and most lethal military without dropping one bomb, launching one missile, or firing one shot
Jimmy Carter Was a Lot Better President Than Almost Anyone Ever Admits

you at LEAST got the last sentence in your babble there on reagan correct.i give you that much.

He did not do what every president since him has done,start wars in other countrys murdering women and children yet people call him the worst president ever.:rolleyes-41: beam me up scoty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.
Last edited:
Would HRC have won the popular vote in the 2016 election?
Would we have sanctuary cities?
Would the poverty rates be as high as they are?
Would REAL American children feel like foreigners in public schools and in their own country?
Would healthcare and emergency services be as horrible as it is today?
Would we have a record number of homeless people shitting in our streets?
Would our Veterans be forced to take a back seat to illegal Mexicans?
Consider the cause and affect....the true catalyst to many, many problems in this country today.
there have always been millions of Mexicans in California.....they would have still came whether Regan signed the bill or not.....
Reagan, and the elite Republicans aren't much, if at all better than the Democrats on these issues.

However, pound for pound typical Republicans are indeed more anti-Illegal, but they haven't been represented very well.
If we could just get rid of all those damn Polish bastards, America would be great.



I keeed. I keeeed


I don't know, Poland's looking more, and more inviting all the time.

Western Europeans first loved looting, and shooting non-Whites, now they love non-Whites invading.

I'm so sorry, but Western Europeans have major, major issues.
Would HRC have won the popular vote in the 2016 election?
Would we have sanctuary cities?
Would the poverty rates be as high as they are?
Would REAL American children feel like foreigners in public schools and in their own country?
Would healthcare and emergency services be as horrible as it is today?
Would we have a record number of homeless people shitting in our streets?
Would our Veterans be forced to take a back seat to illegal Mexicans?
Consider the cause and affect....the true catalyst to many, many problems in this country today.
Perhaps we should just finish the action we began in 1846 and this time, once we roll into Mexico with troops, take fully conquer it, make it a 51st state and eliminate the drug cartels.

What does that solve?

I thought that having Mexico as the same country as the U.S.A, would only help the Mexicans come here?
Mexico has NEVER been right throughout its history. Its had one rebellion after another, each time putting bandits in power and its recent administrations have been unable to quell the drug cartels, crooked cops and poverty. Implanting a US administration might turn it around.
Would HRC have won the popular vote in the 2016 election?
Would we have sanctuary cities?
Would the poverty rates be as high as they are?
Would REAL American children feel like foreigners in public schools and in their own country?
Would healthcare and emergency services be as horrible as it is today?
Would we have a record number of homeless people shitting in our streets?
Would our Veterans be forced to take a back seat to illegal Mexicans?
Consider the cause and affect....the true catalyst to many, many problems in this country today.
Perhaps we should just finish the action we began in 1846 and this time, once we roll into Mexico with troops, take fully conquer it, make it a 51st state and eliminate the drug cartels.

What does that solve?

I thought that having Mexico as the same country as the U.S.A, would only help the Mexicans come here?
Mexico has NEVER been right throughout its history. Its had one rebellion after another, each time putting bandits in power and its recent administrations have been unable to quell the drug cartels, crooked cops and poverty. Implanting a US administration might turn it around.

It's our own internal responsibility to stop Mexicans from coming here, not Mexico's.

I fail to see how invading Mexico would do anything else but destroy Mexican homes, and cause even much more Mexicans to come here?
another sheep brainwashed by the corrupt media. yeah he was such a bad leader he did not start wars with other countries like all the other presidents since then have that make him much WORSE leader than all the others since him.LOL
I have no problem with a president starting a war when they should to protect Americans. Carter SHOULD have started a war, but was so much of a do-nothing POS, America promptly pink-slipped his usesless ass in favor of the spare from California.

This is how much hyena taint Carter sucked:

another sheep brainwashed by the corrupt media. yeah he was such a bad leader he did not start wars with other countries like all the other presidents since then have that make him much WORSE leader than all the others since him.LOL
I have no problem with a president starting a war when they should to protect Americans. Carter SHOULD have started a war, but was so much of a do-nothing POS, America promptly pink-slipped his usesless ass in favor of the spare from California.

This is how much hyena taint Carter sucked:


Well, Carter - Brzezinski did prop up, and suck Soviets into Afghanistan, the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union, had they not had done just that, we might still have a Soviet Union.
Look at how North Korea has lagged on, and on.
All factors listed are extra Reagan
Yes...NAFTA & CAFTA...US Agricultural dumping as a result of the treaty has decimated the Mexican/Central American subsistence farmer. Maquiladoras positioned along the border have resulted in further migration toward 'El Norte' in hopes of finding labor.
Yes...Demographic shift in California. Particularly in SoCal, primarily SD, Orange & Riverside Counties. These shifts have permitted Dems the left to lock down California. Orange and SD counties used to be conservative strongholds.
Yes...Supreme court ruling that the 'Equal Protection Clause' applies to all persons whether citizen or not.
Yes...Big business lobby and coercion of Conservative politicians to look the other way with regard to labor...Meat packing...construction...farm labor all played a huge part.
Yes...Subsequent liberal California policies toward migrants have exacerbated the situation with regard to welfare, schooling availability (ESL, K-12/University).
Would HRC have won the popular vote in the 2016 election?
Would we have sanctuary cities?
Would the poverty rates be as high as they are?
Would REAL American children feel like foreigners in public schools and in their own country?
Would healthcare and emergency services be as horrible as it is today?
Would we have a record number of homeless people shitting in our streets?
Would our Veterans be forced to take a back seat to illegal Mexicans?
Consider the cause and affect....the true catalyst to many, many problems in this country today.
there have always been millions of Mexicans in California.....they would have still came whether Regan signed the bill or not.....

14.5 million in the 80’s....60 million now.
Are you claiming the Amnesty Bill didn’t serve as a gateway for the great invasion?
Immigrant share falls among largest Hispanic origin groups since 2000
Would HRC have won the popular vote in the 2016 election?
Would we have sanctuary cities?
Would the poverty rates be as high as they are?
Would REAL American children feel like foreigners in public schools and in their own country?
Would healthcare and emergency services be as horrible as it is today?
Would we have a record number of homeless people shitting in our streets?
Would our Veterans be forced to take a back seat to illegal Mexicans?
Consider the cause and affect....the true catalyst to many, many problems in this country today.
there have always been millions of Mexicans in California.....they would have still came whether Regan signed the bill or not.....

14.5 million in the 80’s....60 million now.
Are you claiming the Amnesty Bill didn’t serve as a gateway for the great invasion?
Immigrant share falls among largest Hispanic origin groups since 2000
i said California....
Would HRC have won the popular vote in the 2016 election?
Would we have sanctuary cities?
Would the poverty rates be as high as they are?
Would REAL American children feel like foreigners in public schools and in their own country?
Would healthcare and emergency services be as horrible as it is today?
Would we have a record number of homeless people shitting in our streets?
Would our Veterans be forced to take a back seat to illegal Mexicans?
Consider the cause and affect....the true catalyst to many, many problems in this country today.
Perhaps we should just finish the action we began in 1846 and this time, once we roll into Mexico with troops, take fully conquer it, make it a 51st state and eliminate the drug cartels.
Yeah...that would be Greeeeaaaat. Not so much. The reason that we chose the lands that we did in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is because there were not a lot of people there. We never had any interest in trying to convert millions of Mexicans into American citizens. US leadership fully understood the immensity of that undertaking. Additionally, it would have probably resulted in a nice big war with the Spanish Empire.

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