If People Really Cared About Transgender Rights Wouldn't There Be A Transgender Restroom Available For Them?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Unless you count a one room one toilet family restroom that is. I mean if they want inclusion so badly then why not have a restroom for trans people? Oh yeah that's right, it's because they just want something to complain about and it's all about pushing an agenda no matter how unsafe it is.
That's a fine idea.....They could call it a Abby-Something restroom.

That's a fine idea.....They could call it a Abby-Something restroom.


That or fag friendly. They could go ahead and rape each other for all I care. It just isn't right for the rest of us to have to be exposed to it. Especially innocent children.
The only real issue with "bathrooms" is that when men use a urinal, their dick is partly exposed, which gives some women cases of the vapors. I've heard that women could use a urinal, but I cannot and don't want to imagine how that could happen with anything other than a skirt.

But where it is really important is when you have thousands of people wanting to pee at the same time. Think rock concert or football game. With a wall of urinals, things move along at a good pace. If all you have is "stalls" to do your business, men will revolt. They will miss a significant part of the proceedings.

Women deal with all-stalls, and God bless them. I wouldn't be happy with that.

There is no such thing as trans. Either you have a dick or you don't. End of story.

If People Really Cared About Transgender Rights Wouldn't There Be A Transgender Restroom Available For Them?​

Therein lies the rub: if they really wanted to respect everyone, they would offer unisex bathrooms for people who are not sure what they are or don't mind sharing a bathroom with gender dysphoric people, just as they would offer sports teams just for transgenders instead of sticking them on the girls volleyball team against their wishes.
Therein lies the rub: if they really wanted to respect everyone, they would offer unisex bathrooms for people who are not sure what they are or don't mind sharing a bathroom with gender dysphoric people, just as they would offer sports teams just for transgenders instead of sticking them on the girls volleyball team against their wishes.

That's just my point. I couldn't mention it in the OP but the left doesn't care about respecting people. For the majority of them they're all just a bunch of perverts who couldn't care less of women (or men since they can be victims of abuse too) whose privacy is being violated and making them feel uncomfortable.
The only real issue with "bathrooms" is that when men use a urinal, their dick is partly exposed, which gives some women cases of the vapors. I've heard that women could use a urinal, but I cannot and don't want to imagine how that could happen with anything other than a skirt.

But where it is really important is when you have thousands of people wanting to pee at the same time. Think rock concert or football game. With a wall of urinals, things move along at a good pace. If all you have is "stalls" to do your business, men will revolt. They will miss a significant part of the proceedings.

Women deal with all-stalls, and God bless them. I wouldn't be happy with that.

There is no such thing as trans. Either you have a dick or you don't. End of story.
The ones at the old RFK stadium in the 60s/70s were little more than a cement trench with water running through it into a drain. I bet 50 men could have lined-up in front of it.....Basically you just pissed on the wall. :laughing0301:

Sorta like this but enclosed.


If memory serves the old memorial Stadium in Baltimore was like that too.
The ones at the old RFK stadium in the 60s/70s were little more than a cement trench with water running through it into a drain. I bet 50 men could have lined-up in front of it.....Basically you just pissed on the wall. :laughing0301:

Sorta like this but enclosed.


If memory serves the old memorial Stadium in Baltimore was like that too.

So, tell me... what were they in for?
Unless you count a one room one toilet family restroom that is. I mean if they want inclusion so badly then why not have a restroom for trans people? Oh yeah that's right, it's because they just want something to complain about and it's all about pushing an agenda no matter how unsafe it is.
The stick figure with both a wang and a couple of ta-tas would be hilarious!
Unless you count a one room one toilet family restroom that is. I mean if they want inclusion so badly then why not have a restroom for trans people? Oh yeah that's right, it's because they just want something to complain about and it's all about pushing an agenda no matter how unsafe it is.
But then if you wanted to be the pervert of perverts wouldn't you claim to be trans. We wouldn't have official trans credentials verifiers.
You remind me of people I've argued with about Hitler. yes, he was a mass murderer and a pervert and a megalomaniac but gosh gee golly "HE WASN"T A LiAR !! " gasp sob
But then if you wanted to be the pervert of perverts wouldn't you claim to be trans. We wouldn't have official trans credentials verifiers.
You remind me of people I've argued with about Hitler. yes, he was a mass murderer and a pervert and a megalomaniac but gosh gee golly "HE WASN"T A LiAR !! " gasp sob

Yes that's why I said if the perverts don't want to use the restroom that goes with their biological sex then they can rape each other for all I care in their own trans restroom. They deserve it at that point.
Unless you count a one room one toilet family restroom that is. I mean if they want inclusion so badly then why not have a restroom for trans people? Oh yeah that's right, it's because they just want something to complain about and it's all about pushing an agenda no matter how unsafe it is.
They do have a bathroom just for Trans-people. It’s called whichever bathroom they chose. It’s just for them, not the rest of us Nazis.

Its happening in the schools in my town. Trans middle-schoolers here ARE using the bathroom of their choice. I guarantee 90% of the parents here have no idea this is happening at their child’s school. Im talking about 12 year olds.….

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