If only SOMEBODY would so SOMETHING to break cycle of gang violence, drugs, unemployment Baltimore


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Heartbreaking scenes on television today. They're speaking of hopelessness and despair in the inner city. Kids born into a cycle of gangs and drugs and no chance at employment. Why wont SOMEONE do SOMETHING? ???

Individuals alone cant defeat the gang culture. Kids can try...but they get sucked into the drugs and violence. Whats needed is a group of organized and trained people willing to confront the gangs, defeat their violence and break their drug chains. But WHO? Its dangerous and dirty.

And individuals cant get jobs. How can they work...when theres no jobs? I mean....we dont want these racist oppressive corporations moving in or anything. ...what with their silly entry level and middle management opportunities. Thats some sellout punk shit. We need....high paying jobs....doing cool shit though...not some sucker job.

Anyway...somebody has to do something!
Get Democrats out of power!

From Baghdad to Baltimore all they do is fuck things up
Ya know...Baghdad vs. Baltimore. ..not far fetched.

Entrenched gang violence. Outsiders trying to clean it up...but being attacked for it. Occasional bad apple amongst the outsiders. No hope for change unless the locals change it.

Yeah..not much different.
Just make daddies raise their kids. That will fix the whole thing.
But democrats won't allow such simple reasoning to interfere with their counterproductive agendas.

Well....we tried through child support laws. But they dont obey them. In fact it makes it worse because they get jailed so often they cant keep a job (so they say...if they worked...they'd have money to stay up to date).
Just make daddies raise their kids. That will fix the whole thing.
But democrats won't allow such simple reasoning to interfere with their counterproductive agendas.

Well....we tried through child support laws. But they dont obey them. In fact it makes it worse because they get jailed so often they cant keep a job (so they say...if they worked...they'd have money to stay up to date).
It shouldn't get to the point of child support. That's more band-aid. The daddies need to live with and raise the children. Right now democrats want everyone to get married except for those who need to.
Just make daddies raise their kids. That will fix the whole thing.
But democrats won't allow such simple reasoning to interfere with their counterproductive agendas.

Well....we tried through child support laws. But they dont obey them. In fact it makes it worse because they get jailed so often they cant keep a job (so they say...if they worked...they'd have money to stay up to date).
It shouldn't get to the point of child support. That's more band-aid. The daddies need to live with and raise the children. Right now democrats want everyone to get married except for those who need to.
Who needs to get married and can't?
Maybe start a privately funded small business loan program for inner city residents. They might act differently when it was their shit on the line and had some skin in the game.
Heartbreaking scenes on television today. They're speaking of hopelessness and despair in the inner city. Kids born into a cycle of gangs and drugs and no chance at employment. Why wont SOMEONE do SOMETHING? ???

Individuals alone cant defeat the gang culture. Kids can try...but they get sucked into the drugs and violence. Whats needed is a group of organized and trained people willing to confront the gangs, defeat their violence and break their drug chains. But WHO? Its dangerous and dirty.

And individuals cant get jobs. How can they work...when theres no jobs? I mean....we dont want these racist oppressive corporations moving in or anything. ...what with their silly entry level and middle management opportunities. Thats some sellout punk shit. We need....high paying jobs....doing cool shit though...not some sucker job.

Anyway...somebody has to do something!

“I’ll have those n-igg-ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”—LBJ

Lyndon got 'em right where he wanted them...and these blind ass dimocrats just keep on keeping on.
Heartbreaking scenes on television today. They're speaking of hopelessness and despair in the inner city. Kids born into a cycle of gangs and drugs and no chance at employment. Why wont SOMEONE do SOMETHING? ???

Individuals alone cant defeat the gang culture. Kids can try...but they get sucked into the drugs and violence. Whats needed is a group of organized and trained people willing to confront the gangs, defeat their violence and break their drug chains. But WHO? Its dangerous and dirty.

And individuals cant get jobs. How can they work...when theres no jobs? I mean....we dont want these racist oppressive corporations moving in or anything. ...what with their silly entry level and middle management opportunities. Thats some sellout punk shit. We need....high paying jobs....doing cool shit though...not some sucker job.

Anyway...somebody has to do something!
I've been saying basically the same thing for many years now. We've been sold out by the very ones that we've entrusted with our well-being. The root causes go back to our self-serving government. You may not have read of any them, but I have explained this in detail many times on this forum. We need to rebuild America, put America back to work, producing what America uses and consumes. I wont go into the details now, but I have spelled it all out on this forum many times already. It has to start with voters refusing to elect or to re-elect professional politicians to run this once great nation. We need pro-America representatives seated in government.
Maybe start a privately funded small business loan program for inner city residents. They might act differently when it was their shit on the line and had some skin in the game.

Yeah...but who the fuck would loan money to or invest in the folks we saw on TV last night?

They dont WANT legitimate jobs or education. Thats the biggest root problem.
Only parents can do anything about the problem. They have to raise their children and teach them not to be violent and destructive, and get them educated. The government is not going to do it.
Maybe start a privately funded small business loan program for inner city residents. They might act differently when it was their shit on the line and had some skin in the game.

Yeah...but who the fuck would loan money to or invest in the folks we saw on TV last night?

They dont WANT legitimate jobs or education. Thats the biggest root problem.
Rich people complaining about no opportunity for them. They get educated or prove that they were correct.
We should start a GoFundMe petition. It's what good Americans do... for pizza shops. Not the poor. Fuck the poor.
Heartbreaking scenes on television today. They're speaking of hopelessness and despair in the inner city. Kids born into a cycle of gangs and drugs and no chance at employment. Why wont SOMEONE do SOMETHING? ???

Individuals alone cant defeat the gang culture. Kids can try...but they get sucked into the drugs and violence. Whats needed is a group of organized and trained people willing to confront the gangs, defeat their violence and break their drug chains. But WHO? Its dangerous and dirty.

And individuals cant get jobs. How can they work...when theres no jobs? I mean....we dont want these racist oppressive corporations moving in or anything. ...what with their silly entry level and middle management opportunities. Thats some sellout punk shit. We need....high paying jobs....doing cool shit though...not some sucker job.

Anyway...somebody has to do something!
Should we convince the locals to "harass a Judge" for their Cause?
Yeah...but who the fuck would loan money to or invest in the folks we saw on TV last night?

They dont WANT legitimate jobs or education. Thats the biggest root problem.

Then why did you even bother to start this bleeding heart thread?

Mocking liberals.

Cops are trying to bring civility.
Corporations would bring jobs.

Lefties demonize both. Then whine about why no one will.help the ghetto.
Free childcare, pre school, food stamps, healthcare, primary school, university, and a guranteed job with a living wage provided for all !!!


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