If only George W.Bush had been Black


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
It is sort of tragic and ironic that a man who has the potential to be a great president is Black. Being black in America is not a good thing, first slaves, then hung, then kicked out of voting, denied equal education, etc etc, then allowed some rights, then told they have too many rights. Then low and behold they become elitists? Talk about upward mobility. What a screwed up man man is. Only the American Indians have had it as tough and they lost all tradition and were pretty much destroyed.

The 'race card' is another distraction, if Obama were white with a name like Robert Neutral he'd be a shoe in but those people with those weird glasses who can't see past their own prejudices see only so far.

And does anyone talk about John McCain's race? Everyone knows the horrors the white race has perpetuated on the world. Most dictators, mass murderers, robber barons, and other assorted crazies are white. Another white man! OMG
Or just desperate.
Remember, it was the Republicans who supported Clarence Thomas and Colin Powell. Colin Powell would have already run for president if his wife hadn't opted out for him.
My advice would be to drop it. It does more harm than good to keep making Obama look like a victim.

Sorry, but i don't see victim anywhere. Obama needs to speak up about it, he has done so and done it well so far. Consider how Kerry thought he was being magnanimous in his candidacy, it didn't get him very far. They created his image for him. It is why image needs to be countered immediately. While the democrats need to focus on the economy, the republicans will make the race about Obama. They will not focus on issues but on Obama.

Dave Johnson: John McCain 2000: The Swiftboaters' First Mission
They don't get far because they're lying POS who try to dupe the public, and make the monumental mistake of thinking the public is too stupid to realize it.
Speak up about what, exactly?

The subtle racist crap that detracts from the real issues. One sees it often for instance on Fox with the use of names or the emphasis on so called black issues.
The subtle racist crap that detracts from the real issues. One sees it often for instance on Fox with the use of names or the emphasis on so called black issues.
I don't watch FOX so I'll have to take your word for it. But if you've got anything concrete, I'd appreciate a link to it.
I don't watch FOX so I'll have to take your word for it. But if you've got anything concrete, I'd appreciate a link to it.

here you go! :eusa_whistle:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=617eK2XIaLk]YouTube - Best of Jeremiah Wright's Sermons Pt. 1[/ame]


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6.8 million were murdered in 12 years.

I don't remember that happening to any other race, ever in the history of the world.


I know that silly--although millions of russians and chinese were murdered too.
The question was "WHY?"
Hitler didn't like em ? They couldn't run away fast enough? They didn't have an army ? They didn't have a country ?
It is sort of tragic and ironic that a man who has the potential to be a great president is Black. Being black in America is not a good thing, first slaves, then hung, then kicked out of voting, denied equal education, etc etc, then allowed some rights, then told they have too many rights.

you know what is really tragic and ironic? that the elitists have propped up this particular candidate mostly because he is black, they are so freaking cynical, and now the dems conveniently want to have it both ways...as if it is the conservatives who have been obsessing with race in this campaign..? i think you better take ravi's advice and drop that bullshit cuz the heart of america is not buying it.

Then low and behold they become elitists? Talk about upward mobility. What a screwed up man man is.

yeah, uh huh......movin' on up!

that equates alright:

"not a good thing, first slaves, then hung, then kicked out of voting, denied equal education, etc etc, then allowed some rights, then told they have too many rights."

Sorry, but i don't see victim anywhere. Obama needs to speak up about it, he has done so and done it well so far.

Exactly why does Obama need to keep acting like Republicans are against him because he is Black, when No republican has said anything of the sort?

Obama is proof that America has come a long way from it's racist past. Obama is suppose to be about change, and Hope, yet he keeps covertly playing the race card, and the victim. We conservatives Oppose him because of his left wing socialist Ideas, not because he is Black. If a white candidate had the same Ideas as Obama, I would Oppose him just as stongly, and if a Black candidate held my conservative Values I would vote for him in a second.

It seems to me Obama wants to be elected just because he is black, well that and his 1000 dollar bribe for votes. He should stop telling people we are going to try and scare them because he is different. We are trying to scare people because we find his Ideas scary, His skin color is not an issue.

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