If Only Every Nation Followed Islamic Law

Just ask Kahn.
I'm sure he would agree. Just take a look at the evangelical lunatics supporting Drumpf.
Yes, anyone who goes around thinking their greatest duty is to look out after widows and orphans would be a lunatic from your perspective.

who is it that "goes around thinking that his greatest duty is to look after widows and orphans"???
You should try it.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

a quotation from James. It is not at all clear to me who James was. -----but it's just a quotation from some person that made it into the NT. Read Oliver Twist to see how well
the Anglicans adhered. Interestingly enough, muslims claim
to incorporate the same idea in their "system". Ask any
muslim. Not only do they protect orphans and widows----they DO IT BETTER
Irrelivent. It's a Christian verse that hundreds of millions believe to be the word of God.

Unlike Muslims who treat women lower than animals and use little boys as rape toys.
I'm sure he would agree. Just take a look at the evangelical lunatics supporting Drumpf.
Yes, anyone who goes around thinking their greatest duty is to look out after widows and orphans would be a lunatic from your perspective.

who is it that "goes around thinking that his greatest duty is to look after widows and orphans"???
You should try it.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

a quotation from James. It is not at all clear to me who James was. -----but it's just a quotation from some person that made it into the NT. Read Oliver Twist to see how well
the Anglicans adhered. Interestingly enough, muslims claim
to incorporate the same idea in their "system". Ask any
muslim. Not only do they protect orphans and widows----they DO IT BETTER
Irrelivent. It's a Christian verse that hundreds of millions believe to be the word of God.

Unlike Muslims who treat women lower than animals and use little boys as rape toys.

Muslims INSIST that muhummad was the first hero in the history of the world who GAVE WOMEN --RIGHTS!!!!!!
It is clear that you have not had much interaction with our
dear muzzie citizens. Feel free to ask questions. As to using little boys as rape toys----generally that would have to be non-muslim little boys for a really adherent muslim. Muslims will ASSURE you that the rules of islam PROTECT the rights of
orphans ----and children, in general.
Yes, anyone who goes around thinking their greatest duty is to look out after widows and orphans would be a lunatic from your perspective.

who is it that "goes around thinking that his greatest duty is to look after widows and orphans"???
You should try it.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

a quotation from James. It is not at all clear to me who James was. -----but it's just a quotation from some person that made it into the NT. Read Oliver Twist to see how well
the Anglicans adhered. Interestingly enough, muslims claim
to incorporate the same idea in their "system". Ask any
muslim. Not only do they protect orphans and widows----they DO IT BETTER
Irrelivent. It's a Christian verse that hundreds of millions believe to be the word of God.

Unlike Muslims who treat women lower than animals and use little boys as rape toys.

Muslims INSIST that muhummad was the first hero in the history of the world who GAVE WOMEN --RIGHTS!!!!!!
It is clear that you have not had much interaction with our
dear muzzie citizens. Feel free to ask questions. As to using little boys as rape toys----generally that would have to be non-muslim little boys for a really adherent muslim. Muslims will ASSURE you that the rules of islam PROTECT the rights of
orphans ----and children, in general.
Hilarious. Mohamed took the girls from fathers he slaughtered. Used small children as sex toys. Today, women are treated as less than animals in Islamic nations. Children are openly used as rape toys.
The christers sure have short memories about their history

  • The Crusades (Beginning 1095): As a religious driven military movement, the Crusades, fought mainly against Muslims, were efforts to recapture the “Holy Land” which lead to irrational claims of “crosses” appearing on chests of leaders, demoralization of non-Christians and mass murders of innocent men, women and children.
  • The Inquisition (Beginning 1184): The purpose of the Inquisition was stated in a 1578 handbook for inquisitors as, “… for punishment does not take place primarily and per se for the correction and good of the person punished, but for the public good in order that others may become terrified and weaned away from the evils they would commit.” Such as statement makes it clear that the goal was to inspire fear amongst a people in order to rule and conquer them. During the Inquisitions church leaders often supported the enslavement and/or murder of “heretics”.
  • Reformation (circa 1518): The intent of the Reformation was to restore Christianity to a more “pure” form. In order to do so, millions upon millions of Europeans were murdered as Catholics murdered Protestants and Protestants murdered Catholics. In some instances, those that “opposed” the church authority were murdered and hung in cages as a reminder to all what happens to such persons.
  • Witch Hunts (beginning circa 1480 in Europe): The witch hunts in the United States were short lived and resulted in very few deaths compared to the witch hunts in Europe where countless people were wrongfully murdered after bogus trials.
  • The Holocaust (beginning circa 1933): Jews have been murdered and enslaved throughout Europe’s violent Christian history and the Nazi’s continued this long tradition of murder – claiming it to be for the betterment of God and God’s wish. Although the Jewish people took the largest number of casualties, other groups were murdered including, homosexuals, Soviet citizens, political prisoners and the disabled.
  • The Christian Identity Movement (circa 1915): Crimes Against the Jewish, African Americans and Homosexuals continued in the name of “God” with the advent of groups such as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) during the Christian Identity Movement. These groups again made claims of their intentions to purify the Christian religion and use violence, intimidation and other horrifying methods to make their case. Other groups which are considered part of the Christian Identity Movement include: the American Nazi Party; Aryan Nations; Church of Jesus Christ Christian; Jubilee, National Association for the Advancement of White People; The Order; Scriptures for America; White Aryan Resistance (WAR); and White Separatist Banner.

Thankfully since the enlightenment when christianity was finally defanged and declawed was society allowed to progress, now the same must be done to radical Islam
  1. "Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme." (Quran, 4:34)
The christers sure have short memories about their history

  • The Crusades (Beginning 1095): As a religious driven military movement, the Crusades, fought mainly against Muslims, were efforts to recapture the “Holy Land” which lead to irrational claims of “crosses” appearing on chests of leaders, demoralization of non-Christians and mass murders of innocent men, women and children.
  • The Inquisition (Beginning 1184): The purpose of the Inquisition was stated in a 1578 handbook for inquisitors as, “… for punishment does not take place primarily and per se for the correction and good of the person punished, but for the public good in order that others may become terrified and weaned away from the evils they would commit.” Such as statement makes it clear that the goal was to inspire fear amongst a people in order to rule and conquer them. During the Inquisitions church leaders often supported the enslavement and/or murder of “heretics”.
  • Reformation (circa 1518): The intent of the Reformation was to restore Christianity to a more “pure” form. In order to do so, millions upon millions of Europeans were murdered as Catholics murdered Protestants and Protestants murdered Catholics. In some instances, those that “opposed” the church authority were murdered and hung in cages as a reminder to all what happens to such persons.
  • Witch Hunts (beginning circa 1480 in Europe): The witch hunts in the United States were short lived and resulted in very few deaths compared to the witch hunts in Europe where countless people were wrongfully murdered after bogus trials.
  • The Holocaust (beginning circa 1933): Jews have been murdered and enslaved throughout Europe’s violent Christian history and the Nazi’s continued this long tradition of murder – claiming it to be for the betterment of God and God’s wish. Although the Jewish people took the largest number of casualties, other groups were murdered including, homosexuals, Soviet citizens, political prisoners and the disabled.
  • The Christian Identity Movement (circa 1915): Crimes Against the Jewish, African Americans and Homosexuals continued in the name of “God” with the advent of groups such as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) during the Christian Identity Movement. These groups again made claims of their intentions to purify the Christian religion and use violence, intimidation and other horrifying methods to make their case. Other groups which are considered part of the Christian Identity Movement include: the American Nazi Party; Aryan Nations; Church of Jesus Christ Christian; Jubilee, National Association for the Advancement of White People; The Order; Scriptures for America; White Aryan Resistance (WAR); and White Separatist Banner.

Thankfully since the enlightenment when christianity was finally defanged and declawed was society allowed to progress, now the same must be done to radical Islam
Christ hater thinks lying about thousand year old events justifies what Islam is doing today.
who is it that "goes around thinking that his greatest duty is to look after widows and orphans"???
You should try it.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

a quotation from James. It is not at all clear to me who James was. -----but it's just a quotation from some person that made it into the NT. Read Oliver Twist to see how well
the Anglicans adhered. Interestingly enough, muslims claim
to incorporate the same idea in their "system". Ask any
muslim. Not only do they protect orphans and widows----they DO IT BETTER
Irrelivent. It's a Christian verse that hundreds of millions believe to be the word of God.

Unlike Muslims who treat women lower than animals and use little boys as rape toys.

Muslims INSIST that muhummad was the first hero in the history of the world who GAVE WOMEN --RIGHTS!!!!!!
It is clear that you have not had much interaction with our
dear muzzie citizens. Feel free to ask questions. As to using little boys as rape toys----generally that would have to be non-muslim little boys for a really adherent muslim. Muslims will ASSURE you that the rules of islam PROTECT the rights of
orphans ----and children, in general.
Hilarious. Mohamed took the girls from fathers he slaughtered. Used small children as sex toys. Today, women are treated as less than animals in Islamic nations. Children are openly used as rape toys.

you knowledge is very superficial----you do not understand
THE BEAUTY of Islamic jurisprudence. I do---because I have been conversant with muslims for more than 50 years
AND my very own hubby was born in a classical shariah shit hole----one of the VERY first----after the one now called Saudi arabia. You do not know what true compassion is. In Islamic law-----when a muslim kills a man-----he gets the man's wife and kids so that the lucky wife and kids can have the glorious advantage of living in a MUSLIM HOME!!!!!! ----got that? The confiscation of the wife and kids is an act of
BENEVOLENCE (allah said so) ----My own mother-in-law was ALMOST LUCKY------her father died when she was 11
(of natural causes)------as a little jewish girl SHE would have had the ADVANTAGE of being enslaved to the local imam.
Unfortunately she missed the opportunity----there is a story----
my father-in-law---at that time was about 15 or 16-----he had lost HIS mother and two baby sibs when his mother was raped and murdered (the babies died of exposure) SO---the father of the 16 year old-----decided "TIME TO LEAVE THIS COUNTRY" -----he took his son--and the little orphaned girl----
and got them married and -----RAN. It took years----by the time they got out-----the little girl had two children--one was my present hubby.------the boy (ie husband of the orphaned girl and son of the heroic guy who saved them) also survived----
the little couple made their way to Palestine (a third child died in transit) ------SEE???? my mother-in-law COULD HAVE BEEN A HAPPY MUSLIMAH sex slave -----the old man died too---in transit----in the port city ADEN----he was by my rough calculation---probably about 50. Instead she just became
a jewish mother of ten -------isn't life strange? Islamic law makes it so interesting. Today the enslavement of Yazidi girls is done LEGALLY by Islamic law because they are not muslims----and if they have no father OR are not "under Islamic protection"-----they are free for the taking. Now we have our very own scholar of Islamic law in the USA-----Khizr
Khan. He could explain how WONDERFUL is Islamic law
You should try it.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

a quotation from James. It is not at all clear to me who James was. -----but it's just a quotation from some person that made it into the NT. Read Oliver Twist to see how well
the Anglicans adhered. Interestingly enough, muslims claim
to incorporate the same idea in their "system". Ask any
muslim. Not only do they protect orphans and widows----they DO IT BETTER
Irrelivent. It's a Christian verse that hundreds of millions believe to be the word of God.

Unlike Muslims who treat women lower than animals and use little boys as rape toys.

Muslims INSIST that muhummad was the first hero in the history of the world who GAVE WOMEN --RIGHTS!!!!!!
It is clear that you have not had much interaction with our
dear muzzie citizens. Feel free to ask questions. As to using little boys as rape toys----generally that would have to be non-muslim little boys for a really adherent muslim. Muslims will ASSURE you that the rules of islam PROTECT the rights of
orphans ----and children, in general.
Hilarious. Mohamed took the girls from fathers he slaughtered. Used small children as sex toys. Today, women are treated as less than animals in Islamic nations. Children are openly used as rape toys.

you knowledge is very superficial----you do not understand
THE BEAUTY of Islamic jurisprudence. I do---because I have been conversant with muslims for more than 50 years
AND my very own hubby was born in a classical shariah shit hole----one of the VERY first----after the one now called Saudi arabia. You do not know what true compassion is. In Islamic law-----when a muslim kills a man-----he gets the man's wife and kids so that the lucky wife and kids can have the glorious advantage of living in a MUSLIM HOME!!!!!! ----got that? The confiscation of the wife and kids is an act of
BENEVOLENCE (allah said so) ----My own mother-in-law was ALMOST LUCKY------her father died when she was 11
(of natural causes)------as a little jewish girl SHE would have had the ADVANTAGE of being enslaved to the local imam.
Unfortunately she missed the opportunity----there is a story----
my father-in-law---at that time was about 15 or 16-----he had lost HIS mother and two baby sibs when his mother was raped and murdered (the babies died of exposure) SO---the father of the 16 year old-----decided "TIME TO LEAVE THIS COUNTRY" -----he took his son--and the little orphaned girl----
and got them married and -----RAN. It took years----by the time they got out-----the little girl had two children--one was my present hubby.------the boy (ie husband of the orphaned girl and son of the heroic guy who saved them) also survived----
the little couple made their way to Palestine (a third child died in transit) ------SEE???? my mother-in-law COULD HAVE BEEN A HAPPY MUSLIMAH sex slave -----the old man died too---in transit----in the port city ADEN----he was by my rough calculation---probably about 50. Instead she just became
a jewish mother of ten -------isn't life strange? Islamic law makes it so interesting. Today the enslavement of Yazidi girls is done LEGALLY by Islamic law because they are not muslims----and if they have no father OR are not "under Islamic protection"-----they are free for the taking. Now we have our very own scholar of Islamic law in the USA-----Khizr
Khan. He could explain how WONDERFUL is Islamic law
I understand perfectly Mohammed was a terrorist who took the children of his victims to use as sex toys. Then we have his Koran telling you to beat your wife if you're unhappy with her as your slave:

"Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme." (Quran, 4:34)
a quotation from James. It is not at all clear to me who James was. -----but it's just a quotation from some person that made it into the NT. Read Oliver Twist to see how well
the Anglicans adhered. Interestingly enough, muslims claim
to incorporate the same idea in their "system". Ask any
muslim. Not only do they protect orphans and widows----they DO IT BETTER
Irrelivent. It's a Christian verse that hundreds of millions believe to be the word of God.

Unlike Muslims who treat women lower than animals and use little boys as rape toys.

Muslims INSIST that muhummad was the first hero in the history of the world who GAVE WOMEN --RIGHTS!!!!!!
It is clear that you have not had much interaction with our
dear muzzie citizens. Feel free to ask questions. As to using little boys as rape toys----generally that would have to be non-muslim little boys for a really adherent muslim. Muslims will ASSURE you that the rules of islam PROTECT the rights of
orphans ----and children, in general.
Hilarious. Mohamed took the girls from fathers he slaughtered. Used small children as sex toys. Today, women are treated as less than animals in Islamic nations. Children are openly used as rape toys.

you knowledge is very superficial----you do not understand
THE BEAUTY of Islamic jurisprudence. I do---because I have been conversant with muslims for more than 50 years
AND my very own hubby was born in a classical shariah shit hole----one of the VERY first----after the one now called Saudi arabia. You do not know what true compassion is. In Islamic law-----when a muslim kills a man-----he gets the man's wife and kids so that the lucky wife and kids can have the glorious advantage of living in a MUSLIM HOME!!!!!! ----got that? The confiscation of the wife and kids is an act of
BENEVOLENCE (allah said so) ----My own mother-in-law was ALMOST LUCKY------her father died when she was 11
(of natural causes)------as a little jewish girl SHE would have had the ADVANTAGE of being enslaved to the local imam.
Unfortunately she missed the opportunity----there is a story----
my father-in-law---at that time was about 15 or 16-----he had lost HIS mother and two baby sibs when his mother was raped and murdered (the babies died of exposure) SO---the father of the 16 year old-----decided "TIME TO LEAVE THIS COUNTRY" -----he took his son--and the little orphaned girl----
and got them married and -----RAN. It took years----by the time they got out-----the little girl had two children--one was my present hubby.------the boy (ie husband of the orphaned girl and son of the heroic guy who saved them) also survived----
the little couple made their way to Palestine (a third child died in transit) ------SEE???? my mother-in-law COULD HAVE BEEN A HAPPY MUSLIMAH sex slave -----the old man died too---in transit----in the port city ADEN----he was by my rough calculation---probably about 50. Instead she just became
a jewish mother of ten -------isn't life strange? Islamic law makes it so interesting. Today the enslavement of Yazidi girls is done LEGALLY by Islamic law because they are not muslims----and if they have no father OR are not "under Islamic protection"-----they are free for the taking. Now we have our very own scholar of Islamic law in the USA-----Khizr
Khan. He could explain how WONDERFUL is Islamic law
I understand perfectly Mohammed was a terrorist who took the children of his victims to use as sex toys. Then we have his Koran telling you to beat your wife if you're unhappy with her as your slave:

"Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme." (Quran, 4:34)

the specific words of the koran MATTER just about as much as the specific PUTATIVE words of this or that person in the bible----the issue is that which the current scholars of the religion SAY they mean. Islam is that which "koranic scholars" say is islam------that which Islamic scholars say is
even more horrific that the stuff in the koran
Irrelivent. It's a Christian verse that hundreds of millions believe to be the word of God.

Unlike Muslims who treat women lower than animals and use little boys as rape toys.

Muslims INSIST that muhummad was the first hero in the history of the world who GAVE WOMEN --RIGHTS!!!!!!
It is clear that you have not had much interaction with our
dear muzzie citizens. Feel free to ask questions. As to using little boys as rape toys----generally that would have to be non-muslim little boys for a really adherent muslim. Muslims will ASSURE you that the rules of islam PROTECT the rights of
orphans ----and children, in general.
Hilarious. Mohamed took the girls from fathers he slaughtered. Used small children as sex toys. Today, women are treated as less than animals in Islamic nations. Children are openly used as rape toys.

you knowledge is very superficial----you do not understand
THE BEAUTY of Islamic jurisprudence. I do---because I have been conversant with muslims for more than 50 years
AND my very own hubby was born in a classical shariah shit hole----one of the VERY first----after the one now called Saudi arabia. You do not know what true compassion is. In Islamic law-----when a muslim kills a man-----he gets the man's wife and kids so that the lucky wife and kids can have the glorious advantage of living in a MUSLIM HOME!!!!!! ----got that? The confiscation of the wife and kids is an act of
BENEVOLENCE (allah said so) ----My own mother-in-law was ALMOST LUCKY------her father died when she was 11
(of natural causes)------as a little jewish girl SHE would have had the ADVANTAGE of being enslaved to the local imam.
Unfortunately she missed the opportunity----there is a story----
my father-in-law---at that time was about 15 or 16-----he had lost HIS mother and two baby sibs when his mother was raped and murdered (the babies died of exposure) SO---the father of the 16 year old-----decided "TIME TO LEAVE THIS COUNTRY" -----he took his son--and the little orphaned girl----
and got them married and -----RAN. It took years----by the time they got out-----the little girl had two children--one was my present hubby.------the boy (ie husband of the orphaned girl and son of the heroic guy who saved them) also survived----
the little couple made their way to Palestine (a third child died in transit) ------SEE???? my mother-in-law COULD HAVE BEEN A HAPPY MUSLIMAH sex slave -----the old man died too---in transit----in the port city ADEN----he was by my rough calculation---probably about 50. Instead she just became
a jewish mother of ten -------isn't life strange? Islamic law makes it so interesting. Today the enslavement of Yazidi girls is done LEGALLY by Islamic law because they are not muslims----and if they have no father OR are not "under Islamic protection"-----they are free for the taking. Now we have our very own scholar of Islamic law in the USA-----Khizr
Khan. He could explain how WONDERFUL is Islamic law
I understand perfectly Mohammed was a terrorist who took the children of his victims to use as sex toys. Then we have his Koran telling you to beat your wife if you're unhappy with her as your slave:

"Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme." (Quran, 4:34)

the specific words of the koran MATTER just about as much as the specific PUTATIVE words of this or that person in the bible----the issue is that which the current scholars of the religion SAY they mean. Islam is that which "koranic scholars" say is islam------that which Islamic scholars say is
even more horrific that the stuff in the koran
Yep. And in Islam you are taught to properly beat your wife, women are slaves to men lower than animals, and children are allowed to be used as sex slaves.
for the sake of bringing us (and this thread) up to date----I will add that Khizr Khan's vulgar and arrogant attack on Donald is entirely consistent with Islamic modes of behavior. In Islamic law-----a muslim can slap and spit and shit on any kaffir he encounters-------any return attack by the kaffir is a CAPITAL CRIME. His "YOU HAVE SACRIFICED NOTHING"-----was
very significant in his world-----what he was really saying is
interpret people like Khan------you have to KNOW islam
They are such an advanced culture.

Via Emirates 24/7:

A Saudi court ordered a man lashed 280 times after he was found guilty of helping an African magician residing in his home country.

Police arrested the defendant in the Western Red Sea port of Jeddah after a Saudi man reported that he charged him SR9,000 (Dh9,000) and sent the money to the magician in Africa for alleged treatment of magic spell.

‘Ajel’ newspaper said the defendant persuaded the Saudi man that he and his wife were under a magic spell because they could not make babies.

“Police sent an informer pretending to be under a magic spell. When he paid the middleman, they swooped on his house and arrested him,” the paper said, adding that other victims have also reported him to the police.
Sheesh. Religious zealotry is so backwards and embarrassing.

You guys can never specifically call out radical islam. You always have to condemn their actions as "religious zealotry", when in reality they are the only religion doing shit like this.
Religious zealots of all religions are harming people all over the world in various ways. In civilized countries they are increasingly neutralized.
Yes, 165 million murdered by their own governments in the past century to eradicate religion. How proud you are of such a civilized movement.
I guess white and Chinese people need the threat of eternal punishment to stop them from committing genocidal atrocities :dunno:

I mean look how many of them have come out for Trump
I'm sure he would agree. Just take a look at the evangelical lunatics supporting Drumpf.
Yes, anyone who goes around thinking their greatest duty is to look out after widows and orphans would be a lunatic from your perspective.

who is it that "goes around thinking that his greatest duty is to look after widows and orphans"???
You should try it.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

a quotation from James. It is not at all clear to me who James was. -----but it's just a quotation from some person that made it into the NT. Read Oliver Twist to see how well
the Anglicans adhered. Interestingly enough, muslims claim
to incorporate the same idea in their "system". Ask any
muslim. Not only do they protect orphans and widows----they DO IT BETTER
Irrelivent. It's a Christian verse that hundreds of millions believe to be the word of God.

Unlike Muslims who treat women lower than animals and use little boys as rape toys.

more that you don't know-------in Islamic law----lots of the RULES imposed on ---dhimmis ---(non muslims who are permitted to breathe in Islamic lands) are actually derived
from some of the denigrations placed on muslim women--slightly enhanced. These restrictive rules relate to lack of freedom of movement and even restictions on being out of doors (on the loose) after dusk. In shariah law----the life of a
muslim has a monetary value (in a legal sense) ---the value of a muslim woman is half that of a man----the value of a non muslim man half that of a muslim woman (ie 1/4 that of a muslim man) -----ya gotta know fractions in islam----that's why muslims incorrectly claim that they invented algebra (actually it is a hindu thing) The algebra is important in determining how many of the war captive sex slaves go to this or that person depending on rank
for the sake of bringing us (and this thread) up to date----I will add that Khizr Khan's vulgar and arrogant attack on Donald is entirely consistent with Islamic modes of behavior. In Islamic law-----a muslim can slap and spit and shit on any kaffir he encounters-------any return attack by the kaffir is a CAPITAL CRIME. His "YOU HAVE SACRIFICED NOTHING"-----was
very significant in his world-----what he was really saying is
interpret people like Khan------you have to KNOW islam
"a muslim can slap and spit and shit on any kaffir he encounters"

Yep, treating people as less than animals is common in Islam.
for the sake of bringing us (and this thread) up to date----I will add that Khizr Khan's vulgar and arrogant attack on Donald is entirely consistent with Islamic modes of behavior. In Islamic law-----a muslim can slap and spit and shit on any kaffir he encounters-------any return attack by the kaffir is a CAPITAL CRIME. His "YOU HAVE SACRIFICED NOTHING"-----was
very significant in his world-----what he was really saying is
interpret people like Khan------you have to KNOW islam
"a muslim can slap and spit and shit on any kaffir he encounters"

Yep, treating people as less than animals is common in Islam.

not exactly-----the issue is Muslim vs Non-muslim. It is not exactly a caste society------only in some respects----but not like the really hard core----big shot vs-----lowly victims----like medievial serf vs "nobleman"
The christers sure have short memories about their history

  • The Crusades (Beginning 1095): As a religious driven military movement, the Crusades, fought mainly against Muslims, were efforts to recapture the “Holy Land” which lead to irrational claims of “crosses” appearing on chests of leaders, demoralization of non-Christians and mass murders of innocent men, women and children.
  • The Inquisition (Beginning 1184): The purpose of the Inquisition was stated in a 1578 handbook for inquisitors as, “… for punishment does not take place primarily and per se for the correction and good of the person punished, but for the public good in order that others may become terrified and weaned away from the evils they would commit.” Such as statement makes it clear that the goal was to inspire fear amongst a people in order to rule and conquer them. During the Inquisitions church leaders often supported the enslavement and/or murder of “heretics”.
  • Reformation (circa 1518): The intent of the Reformation was to restore Christianity to a more “pure” form. In order to do so, millions upon millions of Europeans were murdered as Catholics murdered Protestants and Protestants murdered Catholics. In some instances, those that “opposed” the church authority were murdered and hung in cages as a reminder to all what happens to such persons.
  • Witch Hunts (beginning circa 1480 in Europe): The witch hunts in the United States were short lived and resulted in very few deaths compared to the witch hunts in Europe where countless people were wrongfully murdered after bogus trials.
  • The Holocaust (beginning circa 1933): Jews have been murdered and enslaved throughout Europe’s violent Christian history and the Nazi’s continued this long tradition of murder – claiming it to be for the betterment of God and God’s wish. Although the Jewish people took the largest number of casualties, other groups were murdered including, homosexuals, Soviet citizens, political prisoners and the disabled.
  • The Christian Identity Movement (circa 1915): Crimes Against the Jewish, African Americans and Homosexuals continued in the name of “God” with the advent of groups such as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) during the Christian Identity Movement. These groups again made claims of their intentions to purify the Christian religion and use violence, intimidation and other horrifying methods to make their case. Other groups which are considered part of the Christian Identity Movement include: the American Nazi Party; Aryan Nations; Church of Jesus Christ Christian; Jubilee, National Association for the Advancement of White People; The Order; Scriptures for America; White Aryan Resistance (WAR); and White Separatist Banner.

Thankfully since the enlightenment when christianity was finally defanged and declawed was society allowed to progress, now the same must be done to radical Islam

Yes, indeed. And then they had an epiphany and they stopped doing that sort of shit. Three hundred years it's been since the Reformation. Three hundred years of relatively sane relations with their non religious cousins. How about Islam? What? No Reformation yet? They still get to rape, murder and kill in the name of their God?

Surely you can do better than that, guano.
They are such an advanced culture.

Via Emirates 24/7:

A Saudi court ordered a man lashed 280 times after he was found guilty of helping an African magician residing in his home country.

Police arrested the defendant in the Western Red Sea port of Jeddah after a Saudi man reported that he charged him SR9,000 (Dh9,000) and sent the money to the magician in Africa for alleged treatment of magic spell.

‘Ajel’ newspaper said the defendant persuaded the Saudi man that he and his wife were under a magic spell because they could not make babies.

“Police sent an informer pretending to be under a magic spell. When he paid the middleman, they swooped on his house and arrested him,” the paper said, adding that other victims have also reported him to the police.
Sheesh. Religious zealotry is so backwards and embarrassing.

You guys can never specifically call out radical islam. You always have to condemn their actions as "religious zealotry", when in reality they are the only religion doing shit like this.
Religious zealots of all religions are harming people all over the world in various ways. In civilized countries they are increasingly neutralized.
Yes, 165 million murdered by their own governments in the past century to eradicate religion. How proud you are of such a civilized movement.
I guess white and Chinese people need the threat of eternal punishment to stop them from committing genocidal atrocities :dunno:

I mean look how many of them have come out for Trump
That was a crappy strawman to dodge the atrocities committed in the name of the religion of Athiesm in the past century. Even for you.
Yes, anyone who goes around thinking their greatest duty is to look out after widows and orphans would be a lunatic from your perspective.

who is it that "goes around thinking that his greatest duty is to look after widows and orphans"???
You should try it.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

a quotation from James. It is not at all clear to me who James was. -----but it's just a quotation from some person that made it into the NT. Read Oliver Twist to see how well
the Anglicans adhered. Interestingly enough, muslims claim
to incorporate the same idea in their "system". Ask any
muslim. Not only do they protect orphans and widows----they DO IT BETTER
Irrelivent. It's a Christian verse that hundreds of millions believe to be the word of God.

Unlike Muslims who treat women lower than animals and use little boys as rape toys.

more that you don't know-------in Islamic law----lots of the RULES imposed on ---dhimmis ---(non muslims who are permitted to breathe in Islamic lands) are actually derived
from some of the denigrations placed on muslim women--slightly enhanced. These restrictive rules relate to lack of freedom of movement and even restictions on being out of doors (on the loose) after dusk. In shariah law----the life of a
muslim has a monetary value (in a legal sense) ---the value of a muslim woman is half that of a man----the value of a non muslim man half that of a muslim woman (ie 1/4 that of a muslim man) -----ya gotta know fractions in islam----that's why muslims incorrectly claim that they invented algebra (actually it is a hindu thing) The algebra is important in determining how many of the war captive sex slaves go to this or that person depending on rank
You can claim Islam teaches to take care of women, children, homosexuals all the live long day. Reality says the opposite.
Sheesh. Religious zealotry is so backwards and embarrassing.

You guys can never specifically call out radical islam. You always have to condemn their actions as "religious zealotry", when in reality they are the only religion doing shit like this.
Religious zealots of all religions are harming people all over the world in various ways. In civilized countries they are increasingly neutralized.
Yes, 165 million murdered by their own governments in the past century to eradicate religion. How proud you are of such a civilized movement.
I guess white and Chinese people need the threat of eternal punishment to stop them from committing genocidal atrocities :dunno:

I mean look how many of them have come out for Trump
That was a crappy strawman to dodge the atrocities committed in the name of the religion of Athiesm in the past century. Even for you.
Well you have no problem ignoring all the atrocities across the millenia that have been, and continue to be committed in the name of religious insanity.

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