If Obama wins,what then ?


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Will there be dancing in the street. How long does this country have if Obama wins? Are we are headed toward an economic collapse.You throw Obamacare onto what we know we're gonna get more of from Obama: More debt, more spending, the expansion of the welfare state, more people on food stamps. How long can this go on? How many of you think we're at the tipping point now? Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the years are 2020, 2022, 2024 as to when they implode. How long do we have if this guy wins? And then what happens? If this guy wins, do you realize...?

Obama's is a failed presidency. But he has the good fortune to be a failed president with a media that has no worldview categories for a failed socialist president. This explains why his failed presidency is not discussed in those terms. This is why the election still seems close. Obama seems to me to be a sunk president being artificially kept afloat with digital imagery. But the realities still are what they are.
If obama wins a second term, it will be every man, woman and child for themselves. The economy will utterly collapse, but unlike the workers utopia promised in Cloward Piven, it will be more like the riots of Greece and Spain.
If Obama wins and the GOP pulls back from the fringe (and doesn't fall off the edge) we can expect the following:

1. Our economy will continue its recovery;

2. Local government will recover as their burden of providing health care will be reduced;

3. Foreign Policy will focus more on diplomacy and less on the big stick;

4. Energy independence will progress as solar, wind, geothermal and even tidal means of producing energy will become more common; less oil will be imported and more produced within the lower 48 with respect for our environment;

5. The Clean Air and Clean Water Acts will remain in full force and effect;

6. Revenue will begin to off set annual deficits and economic patriotism will become common place. Even Wall Streeters will invest in Treasury Bills and not Asian banks and companies;

7. Issues will once again become substantive as the GOP realizes politics of personal attacks has been rejected by the voters.
Get a grip.

The day liberals actually reform a program in the federal government, is the day they are republicans

We've long since passed that point. Yes, the Democrats today are yesteryear's Republicans.

You're one of the Party insiders so you'll be OK when it all collapses and we turn into Spain or Greece.

The rest of the USMB Libs have no idea what's coming and they're all thinking "you said we'd be OK" and you'll say, "No, I said I'd be OK"

I was with two Russian emigres who exited your shithole motherland in 1989, first fucking chance they got and they had nothing good to say about Obama and the Dems. They think you're fucking stupid for wanting to be like the old USSR
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If Obama wins and the GOP pulls back from the fringe (and doesn't fall off the edge) we can expect the following:

1. Our economy will continue its recovery;

2. Local government will recover as their burden of providing health care will be reduced;

3. Foreign Policy will focus more on diplomacy and less on the big stick;

4. Energy independence will progress as solar, wind, geothermal and even tidal means of producing energy will become more common; less oil will be imported and more produced within the lower 48 with respect for our environment;

5. The Clean Air and Clean Water Acts will remain in full force and effect;

6. Revenue will begin to off set annual deficits and economic patriotism will become common place. Even Wall Streeters will invest in Treasury Bills and not Asian banks and companies;

7. Issues will once again become substantive as the GOP realizes politics of personal attacks has been rejected by the voters.

Not to mention the continuing transition of the health system to a foundation that can meet the challenges of the 21st century.
The OP may need to get some mental help

So you like Obamas policies of womb to the tomb entitlements ? Please tell me more about 4 more years of Obama ?

Oh great.. NoNoNova went dumpster diving and found a pile of broken records.

Here's a plan.. If you don't want to vote for the ******...then don't. If you can't stand the country when they re-elect the ******.. Move to another country. That butt hurt thing you people do when you don't get your way has grown old. If you don't win...just get the fuck out of the way.
Pray for the future welfare of this nation, that's what. Obama's major wish has been, is, and will continue to be ill for this nation. If you listened to the litany of the consequences of the defense cuts due to coming budget sequestration, you'll understand. One of them, the smallest American Air Force ever, should make you squirm in your shorts.
Obama doesn't care, if America should be so weakened by the defense cuts that Iran could conquer America, he'd be completely pleased by that result. That's not likely to happen. The Chicomms would likely take their shot at us first and that would tickle Obama pink. Former Obama White House Communications Director Anita Dunne and former Obama White House Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein could share their mutual ecstasy together at the prospect of being ruled by the political descendants of their real hero, the late Communist Party Chairman Mao tse Tung.
Weakness, or the perception of weakness has historically been an open invitation to agression. The United States, like the aging gunfighters of the old west were, in that weakened state would be a prime target for just about any punk nation in the world to set their sights on to settle some old scores, real or imagined.
If Obama wins and the GOP pulls back from the fringe (and doesn't fall off the edge) we can expect the following:

1. Our economy will continue its recovery;

2. Local government will recover as their burden of providing health care will be reduced;

3. Foreign Policy will focus more on diplomacy and less on the big stick;

4. Energy independence will progress as solar, wind, geothermal and even tidal means of producing energy will become more common; less oil will be imported and more produced within the lower 48 with respect for our environment;

5. The Clean Air and Clean Water Acts will remain in full force and effect;

6. Revenue will begin to off set annual deficits and economic patriotism will become common place. Even Wall Streeters will invest in Treasury Bills and not Asian banks and companies;

7. Issues will once again become substantive as the GOP realizes politics of personal attacks has been rejected by the voters.

So what does "Team Kumbaya" do about the looming fiscal cliff? Ignore it? Blame it on the GOP? You guys make me chuckle with this new "economic patriotism" thing, Catcher. It's almost as vague as "Hope and Change" and makes about as much sense. Since when did fiscal insanity become patriotic?
Pray for the future welfare of this nation, that's what. Obama's major wish has been, is, and will continue to be ill for this nation. If you listened to the litany of the consequences of the defense cuts due to coming budget sequestration, you'll understand. One of them, the smallest American Air Force ever, should make you squirm in your shorts.
Obama doesn't care, if America should be so weakened by the defense cuts that Iran could conquer America, he'd be completely pleased by that result. That's not likely to happen. The Chicomms would likely take their shot at us first and that would tickle Obama pink. Former Obama White House Communications Director Anita Dunne and former Obama White House Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein could share their mutual ecstasy together at the prospect of being ruled by the political descendants of their real hero, the late Communist Party Chairman Mao tse Tung.
Weakness, or the perception of weakness has historically been an open invitation to agression. The United States, like the aging gunfighters of the old west were, in that weakened state would be a prime target for just about any punk nation in the world to set their sights on to settle some old scores, real or imagined.

I bet you do a great imitation of that clint Eastwood empty chair thingy.
Will there be dancing in the street. How long does this country have if Obama wins? Are we are headed toward an economic collapse.You throw Obamacare onto what we know we're gonna get more of from Obama: More debt, more spending, the expansion of the welfare state, more people on food stamps. How long can this go on? How many of you think we're at the tipping point now? Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the years are 2020, 2022, 2024 as to when they implode. How long do we have if this guy wins? And then what happens? If this guy wins, do you realize...?

Obama's is a failed presidency. But he has the good fortune to be a failed president with a media that has no worldview categories for a failed socialist president. This explains why his failed presidency is not discussed in those terms. This is why the election still seems close. Obama seems to me to be a sunk president being artificially kept afloat with digital imagery. But the realities still are what they are.

How about if Republicans finally decide to bargain in good faith with Democrats so we can actually get some reasonable spending cuts and reasonable tax increases to get the deficit somewhat under control? And please don't give me the "we can't raise taxes because it will cause a recession, or we need more tax cuts so the job creators start can start creating new jobs" bullshit. We already know cutting taxes doesn't lead to more jobs. If it did, we'd be swimming in jobs right now.

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