If Obama Was Republican, Media Would Investigate His Illegal Alien Family In U.S.


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I believe that is true. Don't you? In case you haven't heard, Obama's aunt from Kenya died the other day and there hasn't been a peep of it in the MSM stating she had been living here illegally for years using a Social Security number getting welfare. Obama's uncle Omar has been doing the same too. Author Jack Cashill brings up a good point in a radio interview this morning with Peter Boyles that if this was a republican president such as Mitt Romney with illegal alien family members living here in the states and getting welfare, the main stream media would be investigating this to the fullest and demanding answers. But they haven't and wont. It shows their utter attempts at covering for the putative president.

Author: Obama's Illegal Alien Family Members; Media Would Be All Over It If Republican - Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tue0Ghjrq_s]Part 1: Author: Obama's Illegal Alien Family - YouTube[/ame]
Of course they would and they'd point out how suspicious it is that he claimed over the years to be a Kenyan (on his bio and in ads when he ran for senator) and now claims all those previous times were typos.
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If Ted Cruz were a democrat the republicans would investigate his father for entering the country illegally.
As to the question posed in the title, the commie media loves illegals and criminals regardless of their affiliation.
I believe that is true. Don't you? In case you haven't heard, Obama's aunt from Kenya died the other day and there hasn't been a peep of it in the MSM stating she had been living here illegally for years using a Social Security number getting welfare. Obama's uncle Omar has been doing the same too. Author Jack Cashill brings up a good point in a radio interview this morning with Peter Boyles that if this was a republican president such as Mitt Romney with illegal alien family members living here in the states and getting welfare, the main stream media would be investigating this to the fullest and demanding answers. But they haven't and wont. It shows their utter attempts at covering for the putative president.

Author: Obama's Illegal Alien Family Members; Media Would Be All Over It If Republican - Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Part 1: Author: Obama's Illegal Alien Family - YouTube

If Obama was Republican he never would have been elected, the Media would have exposed him as an Alien with a falsified Birth Certificate before the first election. The Greatest Fraud ever perpetrated on the American People.
Such bitterness and hatred for you Better And MLK was against the war an was shot down by a deranged cracker while he was in Memphis supporting the striking sanitation workers

Rice as well as Collin powell supporte the elction of Obama

Prior to the 1970s and the republican southern strategy there were a lot of Blacks in the republican party then the bible thumping crackers hi jacked the party

Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy

Exclusive: Lee Atwater?s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy | The Nation

and the southern crackers followed along
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