If Obama had a daughter, would she look like this?


Gold Member
Nov 26, 2013
Excited to show off her new look to her friends like any young teen girl would be, Mallory posted the photos to Twitter, and once the photos started making their way around the web things escalated out of control.

...The moonbat editor of Ebony.com, also a former member of the Black Panther Party and professional race-baiter, took the opportunity to promote her hatred for all things white while making bold accusations against Mallory, who, mind you, is a 12-year-old. But I guess when you’re blinded by hatred, the age of the “oppressor” doesn’t matter so much.

Braiding your hair if you are white? Racist

Telling people how to style their because they are white? Not racist.

What a world we live in today.

Excited to show off her new look to her friends like any young teen girl would be, Mallory posted the photos to Twitter, and once the photos started making their way around the web things escalated out of control.

...The moonbat editor of Ebony.com, also a former member of the Black Panther Party and professional race-baiter, took the opportunity to promote her hatred for all things white while making bold accusations against Mallory, who, mind you, is a 12-year-old. But I guess when you’re blinded by hatred, the age of the “oppressor” doesn’t matter so much.

Braiding your hair if you are white? Racist

Telling people how to style their because they are white? Not racist.

What a world we live in today.

She is not white...we are all shades of brown now...some light brown, some dark...some reddish, some yellowish.....nevertheless all brown.....
Excited to show off her new look to her friends like any young teen girl would be, Mallory posted the photos to Twitter, and once the photos started making their way around the web things escalated out of control.

...The moonbat editor of Ebony.com, also a former member of the Black Panther Party and professional race-baiter, took the opportunity to promote her hatred for all things white while making bold accusations against Mallory, who, mind you, is a 12-year-old. But I guess when you’re blinded by hatred, the age of the “oppressor” doesn’t matter so much.

Braiding your hair if you are white? Racist

Telling people how to style their because they are white? Not racist.

What a world we live in today.


I think her hair looks nice. Who on earth would worry about how someone else fixes their hair. Leave it to the most jealous race on earth to make a stink.
Much ado over nothing. The girl did nothing wrong.
Obama is to blame for this, because he promised us that he would make all this go away, and instead he promoted it and made it worse.
That hairstyle did look good on her. Not a lot of white girls (or boys for that matter) can pull it off to where they do not look like an idiot. For example:

A lot of white male fighters who have longer hair will have their hair put in corn rows before a fight. I've never heard anyone complain about that.
Black people are desperate and out-of-work so Obama districts them with shit like this so they won't see clearly that it's his fault that they don't have a job or money to save for their kid's college fund.
A lot of white male fighters who have longer hair will have their hair put in corn rows before a fight. I've never heard anyone complain about that.

I suspect the idea is to get the hair out of the way. IDK. Never really though about it that much. Seems like it is one extreme or the other--shaved or that I guess. I just don't get why someone would sit there long enough to do something like that. It had to take hours.
It wouldn't matter what the person did, wore, styled, drove, what color, brand, size, whatever it is, if it shows up on Twitter you can bet there will be a sufficient number of assholes to ridicule it.
Twitter is one big cesspool of dickwads.

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