If MSM Keeps Pushing That Election Is Over,Will Most Blacks Just Assume It And Stay Home That Night?

"Now dat we've had a bruvver in de White House, I ain't never gonna vote for no damned TuBob never agin... phukk dem honkies!"
We don't know who could win the election. Democrats have lied so much for so long, that there is just no way to know who is really ahead. Telling people, especially the illiterate hillary voter that the election is over would be an unspeakable interference if a republican did it. Since it's the democrats, hey keep it up. The election is over, Hilly won.

Remember when Trump said election day was the 28th of November? Is that what you're talking about?
No I don't remember. Refresh my memory. Do you have a link?


We don't know who could win the election. Democrats have lied so much for so long, that there is just no way to know who is really ahead. Telling people, especially the illiterate hillary voter that the election is over would be an unspeakable interference if a republican did it. Since it's the democrats, hey keep it up. The election is over, Hilly won.

Remember when Trump said election day was the 28th of November? Is that what you're talking about?
No I don't remember. Refresh my memory. Do you have a link?
no, but i distinctively remember seeing CBS/NYT poll on TV, I think it predicted McCain 38% and Obama about 58?59?,,,,,it was just a huge gap and I knew it was bogus. then again,,,CBS? NYT's?
We don't know who could win the election. Democrats have lied so much for so long, that there is just no way to know who is really ahead. Telling people, especially the illiterate hillary voter that the election is over would be an unspeakable interference if a republican did it. Since it's the democrats, hey keep it up. The election is over, Hilly won.

Remember when Trump said election day was the 28th of November? Is that what you're talking about?
No I don't remember. Refresh my memory. Do you have a link?
no, but i distinctively remember seeing CBS/NYT poll on TV, I think it predicted McCain 38% and Obama about 58?59?,,,,,it was just a huge gap and I knew it was bogus. then again,,,CBS? NYT's?

Good a time as any to enter into that dance where I ask for a source and you conveniently forget that you made a claim.
lets do this,,,we have a polling place on one corner, and a KFC on a nearby corner,,,its 5pm, where do you think blacks will race to on that night?
:cow: :blues: :afro: NBC,CNN,ABC and the rest are already claiming that the race is over, Hillary has won, etc. etc. Now keep in mind, Hillary already has "The Dumb/Stupid" Vote locked up. Which means many of her naive supporters will just say to themselves come November 8th, yah know, they say Hillary has already won and I just don't feel like standing in line for two hours tonight{and this could be any of her braindead voters}. But we all know that 94% of all blacks wont be racing to the polls on November 8th, and especially if they also just assume that Hillary has won, and decide to go eat at one of their local fast food restaurant instead. Now imagine if 20 Million of them all feel the same way and don't show up? :2up:

Go back to Stormfront, racist.

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