If Mahomet Were Around Today, Would He Be In Prison?


Jun 29, 2011
Given Mahomet married a 6 year old little girl when he was 53 and liked to fondle the under-age girl, which is pedophilia, if he were alive today, would Mahomet be in prison as a sexual predator and child molester?

Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad...
Muhammad married ‘A’isha in Mecca when she was a child of six and lived with her in Medina when she was nine or ten. She was the only virgin that he married. Her father, Abu Bakr, married her to him and the apostle gave her four hundred dirhams

Sahih Bukhari Hadeeth...
Narrated 'Aisha:: The Prophet and I used to take a bath from a single pot while we were Junub. During the menses, he used to order me to put on an Izar (dress worn below the waist) and used to fondle me. While in Itikaf, he used to bring his head near me and I would wash it while I used to be in my periods (menses).

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