If libbs truly believe in separation of church and state ,then why are they silent...


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
why are libbs silent about black churches busing voters to to the polls to vote democrat ??? they are always screaming separation of church and state but are silent on this matter ... what would they have to say about white churches all over America busing millions of voters to vote republican ???
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The same reason I don't complain about white churches busing in people to vote Republican, or whatever for that matter.

That must be churning in your head pretty good. :thup:
why are libbs silent about black churches busing voters to to the polls to vote democrat ??? they are always screaming separation of church and state but are silent on this matter ... what would they have to say about white churches all over America busing millions of voters to vote republican ???

Are the churches giving them democrat only ballots? Or just taking them to vote. Last I heard, votes are by secret ballot.

Same would apply for white churches....unless they are handing out Republican choice only ballots, they are just helping people to go vote...and everyone steps in that booth and who's there to make them vote one way or another?
why are libbs silent about black churches busing voters to to the polls to vote democrat ??? they are always screaming separation of church and state but are silent on this matter ... what would they have to say about white churches all over America busing millions of voters to vote republican ???

Are the churches giving them democrat only ballots? Or just taking them to vote. Last I heard, votes are by secret ballot.

Same would apply for white churches....unless they are handing out Republican choice only ballots, they are just helping people to go vote...and everyone steps in that booth and who's there to make them vote one way or another?
i call bullshit on your claim !!! they sure as hell are voting democrat !! you know it i know it and they know it !!! and white churches are not busing millions of church goers to the polls like black churches are !!! to people like you hypocricy is second nature !!
why are libbs silent about black churches busing voters to to the polls to vote democrat ??? they are always screaming separation of church and state but are silent on this matter ... what would they have to say about white churches all over America busing millions of voters to vote republican ???

Are the churches giving them democrat only ballots? Or just taking them to vote. Last I heard, votes are by secret ballot.

Same would apply for white churches....unless they are handing out Republican choice only ballots, they are just helping people to go vote...and everyone steps in that booth and who's there to make them vote one way or another?
i call bullshit on your claim !!! they sure as hell are voting democrat !! you know it i know it and they know it !!! and white churches are not busing millions of church goers to the polls like black churches are !!! to people like you hypocricy is second nature !!

How do you know it when ballots are: a) provided with all choices, not just democratic choices...and b) voting is secret.

Neither you nor I nor those churches get to mark those ballots for those people.
Are the churches giving them democrat only ballots? Or just taking them to vote. Last I heard, votes are by secret ballot.

Same would apply for white churches....unless they are handing out Republican choice only ballots, they are just helping people to go vote...and everyone steps in that booth and who's there to make them vote one way or another?
i call bullshit on your claim !!! they sure as hell are voting democrat !! you know it i know it and they know it !!! and white churches are not busing millions of church goers to the polls like black churches are !!! to people like you hypocricy is second nature !!

How do you know it when ballots are: a) provided with all choices, not just democratic choices...and b) voting is secret.

Neither you nor I nor those churches get to mark those ballots for those people.
soooo are you trying to say that Obama will not get the majority of the black vote again ???are you saying that well over 90% of the black will not go to Obama again >>
why are libbs silent about black churches busing voters to to the polls to vote democrat ??? they are always screaming separation of church and state but are silent on this matter ... what would they have to say about white churches all over America busing millions of voters to vote republican ???

To Progressive Statist's, the State is God. Their Worship is okay, it's Our worship they have a problem with. It's Our God They want out of Their lives, so They can play God, Silly. :):):)
Are the churches giving them democrat only ballots? Or just taking them to vote. Last I heard, votes are by secret ballot.

Same would apply for white churches....unless they are handing out Republican choice only ballots, they are just helping people to go vote...and everyone steps in that booth and who's there to make them vote one way or another?
i call bullshit on your claim !!! they sure as hell are voting democrat !! you know it i know it and they know it !!! and white churches are not busing millions of church goers to the polls like black churches are !!! to people like you hypocricy is second nature !!

How do you know it when ballots are: a) provided with all choices, not just democratic choices...and b) voting is secret.

Neither you nor I nor those churches get to mark those ballots for those people.

It's not about who marks the Ballot Silly, it is about how Progressive Ballot Counters Interpret the marks. Were you born Yesterday, or what???
why are libbs silent about black churches busing voters to to the polls to vote democrat ??? they are always screaming separation of church and state but are silent on this matter ... what would they have to say about white churches all over America busing millions of voters to vote republican ???

Are the churches giving them democrat only ballots? Or just taking them to vote. Last I heard, votes are by secret ballot.

Same would apply for white churches....unless they are handing out Republican choice only ballots, they are just helping people to go vote...and everyone steps in that booth and who's there to make them vote one way or another?
i call bullshit on your claim !!! they sure as hell are voting democrat !! you know it i know it and they know it !!! and white churches are not busing millions of church goers to the polls like black churches are !!! to people like you hypocricy is second nature !!

It's not about the busing as much as directing from the Pulpit, while at the same time, Conservative Churches and the main stream get pressured with Exemption Issues and Threats for speaking openly.
Are the churches giving them democrat only ballots? Or just taking them to vote. Last I heard, votes are by secret ballot.

Same would apply for white churches....unless they are handing out Republican choice only ballots, they are just helping people to go vote...and everyone steps in that booth and who's there to make them vote one way or another?
i call bullshit on your claim !!! they sure as hell are voting democrat !! you know it i know it and they know it !!! and white churches are not busing millions of church goers to the polls like black churches are !!! to people like you hypocricy is second nature !!

How do you know it when ballots are: a) provided with all choices, not just democratic choices...and b) voting is secret.

Neither you nor I nor those churches get to mark those ballots for those people.

Oh come on....you KNOW how they're going to vote and you know why Obama has called out to the black church's to do this. Right, we can't prove how they will vote, but we're 99.9% sure it'll be democrat. You can stick your head in the sand and pretend nothings going on, but the rest of us won't.

You've never seen or heard of "white" church's doing this...and you never will.
why are libbs silent about black churches busing voters to to the polls to vote democrat ??? they are always screaming separation of church and state but are silent on this matter ... what would they have to say about white churches all over America busing millions of voters to vote republican ???

Because that's not a Seperation of Church and State issue. The government is not interfering in religion nor are any religious-based laws being passed. There's no freedom of religion issue and no Establishment of religion issue.

Now under IRS rules, in order to have a non-profit charity status, all charities (not just churches) must refrain from campaigning for or against specific candidates (though they can speak about the issues). So if the churches are bussing people and the ministers are specifically instructing people to vote Democrat, that would be a violation of IRS rules and the church should lose its tax-exempt status.

But it has nothing to do with Church/State seperation.
i call bullshit on your claim !!! they sure as hell are voting democrat !! you know it i know it and they know it !!! and white churches are not busing millions of church goers to the polls like black churches are !!! to people like you hypocricy is second nature !!

How do you know it when ballots are: a) provided with all choices, not just democratic choices...and b) voting is secret.

Neither you nor I nor those churches get to mark those ballots for those people.
soooo are you trying to say that Obama will not get the majority of the black vote again ???are you saying that well over 90% of the black will not go to Obama again >>

He may...but how is that the responsibility of churches who provide transportation to the polling places? Do you have evidence of the ministers ordering the people they give rides to to vote Democrat or else? If you have THAT kind of evidence, you'd have a case.

BTW....I am in agreement that churches....all churches...should lose their tax exempt status...but not because of this.
How do you know it when ballots are: a) provided with all choices, not just democratic choices...and b) voting is secret.

Neither you nor I nor those churches get to mark those ballots for those people.
soooo are you trying to say that Obama will not get the majority of the black vote again ???are you saying that well over 90% of the black will not go to Obama again >>

He may...but how is that the responsibility of churches who provide transportation to the polling places? Do you have evidence of the ministers ordering the people they give rides to to vote Democrat or else? If you have THAT kind of evidence, you'd have a case.

BTW....I am in agreement that churches....all churches...should lose their tax exempt status...but not because of this.

American Family Association should lose their tax exempt status. They are completely partisan and own over 200 radio stations with nonstop ultra right wing propaganda.
why are libbs silent about black churches busing voters to to the polls to vote democrat ??? they are always screaming separation of church and state but are silent on this matter ... what would they have to say about white churches all over America busing millions of voters to vote republican ???

The separate of church and state ensures that government doesn't favor one religion over another. The concept has nothing to do with a particular church advocating a political position, which has long been the case for religion in America.

That said, the idea of busing worshipers to polls and advocating one party from the pew is disturbing but only because those churches benefit from taxpayer money by virtue of their tax exempt status, another loophole I would personally like to see eliminated.
Are the churches giving them democrat only ballots? Or just taking them to vote. Last I heard, votes are by secret ballot.

Same would apply for white churches....unless they are handing out Republican choice only ballots, they are just helping people to go vote...and everyone steps in that booth and who's there to make them vote one way or another?
i call bullshit on your claim !!! they sure as hell are voting democrat !! you know it i know it and they know it !!! and white churches are not busing millions of church goers to the polls like black churches are !!! to people like you hypocricy is second nature !!

How do you know it when ballots are: a) provided with all choices, not just democratic choices...and b) voting is secret.

Neither you nor I nor those churches get to mark those ballots for those people.

And their pastor is urging them who to vote for from the pulpit. So, you can play stupid, however there was a lot made when churches of another color had Republican guests and endorsed Republicans.

Personally, to me it is wrong to use religion to promote party politics. It was wrong under Bush, it is wrong under Obama, however, you are not a typical liberal and seem to be inconsistent in your principles.
soooo are you trying to say that Obama will not get the majority of the black vote again ???are you saying that well over 90% of the black will not go to Obama again >>

He may...but how is that the responsibility of churches who provide transportation to the polling places? Do you have evidence of the ministers ordering the people they give rides to to vote Democrat or else? If you have THAT kind of evidence, you'd have a case.

BTW....I am in agreement that churches....all churches...should lose their tax exempt status...but not because of this.

American Family Association should lose their tax exempt status. They are completely partisan and own over 200 radio stations with nonstop ultra right wing propaganda.

Totally agree.
i call bullshit on your claim !!! they sure as hell are voting democrat !! you know it i know it and they know it !!! and white churches are not busing millions of church goers to the polls like black churches are !!! to people like you hypocricy is second nature !!

How do you know it when ballots are: a) provided with all choices, not just democratic choices...and b) voting is secret.

Neither you nor I nor those churches get to mark those ballots for those people.

And their pastor is urging them who to vote for from the pulpit. So, you can play stupid, however there was a lot made when churches of another color had Republican guests and endorsed Republicans.

Personally, to me it is wrong to use religion to promote party politics. It was wrong under Bush, it is wrong under Obama, however, you are not a typical liberal and seem to be inconsistent in your principles.
If you have evidence of that, yes..they're tax exempt status should be taken....but then again, I believe that ALL churches should lose their tax exempt status anyways.
why are libbs silent about black churches busing voters to to the polls to vote democrat ??? they are always screaming separation of church and state but are silent on this matter ... what would they have to say about white churches all over America busing millions of voters to vote republican ???

It sounds to me like you're jealous of the free ride, haha. But in all seriousness, many churches do this. Also, this has nothing to do with the separation of church and state, since no laws are being enacted and these religious institutions have the right to car pool where every they want. In terms of Obama getting many of the christian black votes, although it may be true, you are confusing a causation with a correlation.

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