If Jefferson founded Republican Party in 1793, liberalism has no place in our history

Stepping away from the crown and founding an independent country is the ultimate in "liberalism". This is why conservative Benedict Arnold hated "liberals".
The fact that right wingers don't understand this proves why a lack of education leads to failure.
, said name directly ties the current group using the lable to the old.

no dear, Jefferson used a name "and philosophy" that are identical to the name "and philosophy" used by modern Republicans. You cant ask for a connection more solid than that can you? If so what would it be?
Stepping away from the crown and founding an independent country is the ultimate in "liberalism".

actually liberalism is about very big and always growing govt while our founders stepped away and wanted very very limited conservative govt. See why we say slow?
The silly bugger also suffers under the delusion that because there are some minor rhetorical similarities between the odd goper and Jefferson or Madison, this cements a philosophical tie. Emperrical evidence to the contrary.

Can the illiterate liberal tell us where Jefferson was not identical to modern Republicans and 100% opposed to modern Democrats? Welcome to your first lesson in American History!

Thomas Jefferson:
That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

"The path we have to pursue[when Jefferson was President ] is so quiet that we have nothing scarcely to propose to our Legislature."

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.

“I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
James Madison

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor (read-taxes) and bread it has earned -- this is the sum of good government.

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is.

I own that I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

My reading of history convinces me that bad government results from too much government.

Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.

Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.

Most bad government has grown out of too much government.

Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread.
now we have lib govt massively interfering with families and business causing huge inequality.

Really? Examples?

Too easy!!! welfare programs destroyed the American family and the highest tax rates in the world drove many corporations in whole or in part off shore thus creating huge inequality! See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow?

I asked for examples and you gave talking points uncorroborated by any evidence. :eusa_liar:

you think the Black family is intact and corporations are moving in? See why we are positive liberalism is based in pure and perfect ignorance? When liberal loses a point he simple lies and pretends he is correct. Its disgusting and 100% liberal.
now we have lib govt massively interfering with families and business causing huge inequality.

Really? Examples?

Too easy!!! welfare programs destroyed the American family and the highest tax rates in the world drove many corporations in whole or in part off shore thus creating huge inequality! See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow?

I asked for examples and you gave talking points uncorroborated by any evidence. :eusa_liar:

Examples: Too easy!!! welfare programs destroyed the American family and the highest tax rates in the world drove many corporations in whole or in part off shore thus creating huge inequality! See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow?
now we have lib govt massively interfering with families and business causing huge inequality.

Really? Examples?

Too easy!!! welfare programs destroyed the American family and the highest tax rates in the world drove many corporations in whole or in part off shore thus creating huge inequality! See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow?

I asked for examples and you gave talking points uncorroborated by any evidence. :eusa_liar:

you think the Black family is intact and corporations are moving in? See why we are positive liberalism is based in pure and perfect ignorance? When liberal loses a point he simple lies and pretends he is correct. Its disgusting and 100% liberal.

Actually pure and perfect ignorance is the person who wants America to be like China, but who calls all who disagree "communists" :rolleyes:
now we have lib govt massively interfering with families and business causing huge inequality.

Really? Examples?

Too easy!!! welfare programs destroyed the American family and the highest tax rates in the world drove many corporations in whole or in part off shore thus creating huge inequality! See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow?

I asked for examples and you gave talking points uncorroborated by any evidence. :eusa_liar:

you think the Black family is intact and corporations are moving in? See why we are positive liberalism is based in pure and perfect ignorance? When liberal loses a point he simple lies and pretends he is correct. Its disgusting and 100% liberal.

Actually pure and perfect ignorance is the person who wants America to be like China, but who calls all who disagree "communists" :rolleyes:

dear, at this point America is more capitalist than China so capitalists are encouraging China to keep the capitalist reforms coming. Simple enough for a very slow liberal?
now we have lib govt massively interfering with families and business causing huge inequality.

Really? Examples?

Too easy!!! welfare programs destroyed the American family and the highest tax rates in the world drove many corporations in whole or in part off shore thus creating huge inequality! See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow?

I asked for examples and you gave talking points uncorroborated by any evidence. :eusa_liar:

you think the Black family is intact and corporations are moving in? See why we are positive liberalism is based in pure and perfect ignorance? When liberal loses a point he simple lies and pretends he is correct. Its disgusting and 100% liberal.

Actually pure and perfect ignorance is the person who wants America to be like China, but who calls all who disagree "communists" :rolleyes:

dear, at this point America is more capitalist than China so capitalists are encouraging China to keep the capitalist reforms coming. Simple enough for a very slow liberal?

And yet, China is "pro-business" the same way that red states are "pro-business"

Ohhhhhhhh, now I get where the "red" comes from...
And yet, China is "pro-business" the same way that red states are "pro-business"

can the liberal idiot tell us who on earth said that?? You make stuff up and actually beleive it dont you?

It's common knowledge. China is anti-union. They confiscate people's land to build factories for foreign companies. There are minimal pollution regulations, worker protections, wages, etc. Same basic blueprint as Idaho, or South Carolina, or Texas.
And yet, China is "pro-business" the same way that red states are "pro-business"

can the liberal idiot tell us who on earth said that?? You make stuff up and actually beleive it dont you?

It's common knowledge. China is anti-union. They confiscate people's land to build factories for foreign companies. There are minimal pollution regulations, worker protections, wages, etc. Same basic blueprint as Idaho, or South Carolina, or Texas.

and your point is? if you have any idea
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Yeah, those two political parties, both taking the name "Republican" has caused a lot of problems with elementary students over the years at least up to the 8th. grade, but then as the teacher explained it it started to become clearer. Don't worry Eddie you will get it, read some more history and political ideology, and bingo one of these days you will have it.
The silly bugger also suffers under the delusion that because there are some minor rhetorical similarities between the odd goper and Jefferson or Madison, this cements a philosophical tie. Emperrical evidence to the contrary.
And yet, China is "pro-business" the same way that red states are "pro-business"

can the liberal idiot tell us who on earth said that?? You make stuff up and actually beleive it dont you?

It's common knowledge. China is anti-union. They confiscate people's land to build factories for foreign companies. There are minimal pollution regulations, worker protections, wages, etc. Same basic blueprint as Idaho, or South Carolina, or Texas.

Oh, you made a terrible mistake. China isn't "anti union". In fact, the government runs the unions. It's only "independent" unions they won't allow.
The party Jefferson founded became the current Democratic Party.

The modern Republican Party didn't exist until right before the Civil War.
Jacksonian Democrats held some of the views that Jeffersonian Republicans did, such as opposition to implied powers and national banks, but Jeffersonian Republicans in no way resembled "current" Democrats.

The modern Republican Party - the party founded in 1854 - was as much a party of Whigs as the Jeffersonian party was. In any case, the party of republicanism was always in opposition to parties of government control, be it monarchy or democracy.

That liberals have tried to claim Jefferson as a Democrat only attests to their attempts to revise history.

yes exactly, the Democrats are trying to rewrite American history to include themselves in it. In reality their big govt liberalism is opposed to the most basic and fundamental principles of America. It is easy to understand why they spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb and why they elected Obama, a man who had 3 communist parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders.
Except that the Republican Party was formed from the ashes of the Whig Party and adopted its primary points, a strong central government, national debt, doling out money from the treasury to favored corporate interests.

You're talking about Lincoln's Republican Party, not Jefferson's. Do you know the difference?
You don't know the difference, EB, as been shown repeatedly.

Slavery is the ultimate in conservatism, not classical liberalism, and Jeff and most of his buddies were slavers.
Modern Democrats are more Marxist than American. Do you understand?


Modern Democrats compose a political party in the USA

Marxism is a worldview and method of societal analysis

American a citizen of the United States

To make any sense of your statement, one must assume that BOTH Marxism and...American are methods of societal analysis, and that Modern Democrats subscribe more to the former than the undefined latter. In fact, there is no ONE "American" worldview.

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