If I Were a Democrat


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I wouldn't watch even 2 seconds of Michael Bloomberg's high-priced TV ads. I wouldn't watch them unless all the other candidates were advertising equally. Democrats have long maintained that Republicans are the party of the rich, and have only won elections from massive campaign contributions, and excessive advertising.

In 2016 however, it was Hillary Clinton who received the big bucks from Wall St. donors, and far outspent Sanders and Trump. Trump spent the least of the 3.

It's pretty remarkable that Bloomberg can come along and think he can BUY the US presidency. I don't think that Americans want a president who has no sense of shame. I doubt that Bloomberg cares one wit about America. This sickening splurge of TV money is based on greed, and a hunger for personal power, and nothing more.

If Bloomberg really wanted to help America, he could give a few hundred $$$ to every low-income American (97 million). That would help all those people, plus boost the economy. Bloomberg's ad signature says >> "Rebuild America"

EARTH TO BLOOMBERG: That's exactly what has occurred over the past 3 years. :biggrin:

Bloomberg Billionaire Ad - Bing video
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Bloomberg's ads are for name recognition. Otherwise, they are nothing more than pathetic pandering to Demwits.
It's pretty remarkable that Bloomberg can come along and think he can BUY the US presidency. I don't think that Americans want a president who has no sense of shame.

Democrat = a person in America completely devoid of

1. truth
2. patriotism to America
3. integrity
4. fairness
5. concern for the solvency of America
6. concern for the rights of other Americans

A Democrat is concerned with one and only one thing = how much can I steal from the American taxpayer....

just like Low IQ Joe and his drug addicted kickback conduit kid
Democrat = a person in America completely devoid of

1. truth
2. patriotism to America
3. integrity
4. fairness
5. concern for the solvency of America
6. concern for the rights of other Americans

A Democrat is concerned with one and only one thing = how much can I steal from the American taxpayer....

just like Low IQ Joe and his drug addicted kickback conduit kid

Yep,Democrats have all the attributes you listed in common with Republicans.
in common with Republicans

for the post 1998 GOP, that is mostly true. The post 1998 GOP is 100% sold out to the ISRAEL LOBBY and cares about precisely nothing except Israel.

Democrats care about stealing.

There is a slight difference, as the cause of "Zionism" has bilked us, the US taxpayer, to the tune of trillions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives....
Fair enough, it's your thread so.... You first.
You're not aware of the Biden qpq video ? You somebody to show it ? :huh1:

That was a foreign policy demand from the US, the EU and the IMF. They all let Joe speak for them. They were offering the Ukraine exponentially more loan guarantees than the US was but they let Joe speak for them all, because they know Joe knows how to get the job done. Unlike the Master of Disastrous Deals, Donnie the Trumpybear.
Fair enough, it's your thread so.... You first.
You're not aware of the Biden qpq video ? You somebody to show it ? :huh1:

LOL, what does that have to do with the "substance" of your hypocrisy laden, anti-Bloomberg campaign Ad.. .er.. I mean OP?

For the record, I don't really give a damn about any "Biden qpq video" or any other allegations that two political Crime Families and their apparatchiks care to sling at each other, as far as I'm concerned they're all deceitful crooks anyways.:yapyapyapf:
That was a foreign policy demand from the US, the EU and the IMF. They all let Joe speak for them

Really, getting that prosecutor fired was a "foreign policy demand" and not a QUID PRO QUO "condition" for Ukraine to receive $1 billion in US foreign aid and KICKBACK millions of it to Hunter Biden???


The more they try to explain it, the funnier it gets....
I wouldn't watch even 2 seconds of Michael Bloomberg's high-priced TV ads. I wouldn't watch them unless all the other candidates were advertising equally. Democrats have long maintained that Republicans are the party of the rich, and have only won elections from massive campaign contributions, and excessive advertising.

In 2016 however, it was Hillary Clinton who received the big bucks from Wall St. donors, and far outspent Sanders and Trump. Trump spent the least of the 3.

It's pretty remarkable that Bloomberg can come along and think he can BUY the US presidency. I don't think that Americans want a president who has no sense of shame. I doubt that Bloomberg cares one wit about America. This sickening splurge of TV money is based on greed, and a hunger for personal power, and nothing more.

If Bloomberg really wanted to help America, he could give a few hundred $$$ to every low-income American (97 million). That would help all those people, plus boost the economy. Bloomberg's ad signature says >> "Rebuild America"

EARTH TO BLOOMBERG: That's exactly what has occurred over the past 3 years. :biggrin:

Bloomberg Billionaire Ad - Bing video
The Democrat Party is $7 Million in Debt. The Trump Campaign already has $250 Million.

The Dems had to recruit two Lefty Billionaires to do a Fake Run for President so they could get Negative Advertising out that they simply just cannot afford to pay for themselves.
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That was a foreign policy demand from the US, the EU and the IMF. They all let Joe speak for them

Really, getting that prosecutor fired was a "foreign policy demand" and not a QUID PRO QUO "condition" for Ukraine to receive $1 billion in US foreign aid and KICKBACK millions of it to Hunter Biden???


The more they try to explain it, the funnier it gets....

Loan guarantees from the three totaled nearly 19 billion in all. Didn't go out until they proved to be anti-corruption, which in this case coincided with anti Russia. Corrupt people like the pro-Russian folks the Ghouliguy is seeking dirt from, Russians.

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