If Facebook ads by Russians caused you to vote for Trump...


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
...what do you plan to do to ensure that this atrocity never happens again?

Is it worth it to quit reading Facebook, or would you prefer that Facebook regulate content?

Bonus question, do you feel that Russians on Facebook and other social media had a bigger affect on the election, or did Putin do too good of a job keeping Hillary out of Michigan and Wisconsin?

Please be honest with your replies - TIA
Don't have or use Facebook. What did they say, Russia spent $100,000 in Facebook ads? As opposed to Hillary's 1.2 billion in total? Whatever the actual figures, bottom line, if you were thrown to change your vote by a comment on Facebook, you are a schmuck who would have changed because of the weather.
Is Facebook still relevant?

I don't use it anymore and most of the teenagers I work with use something called Snapchat.
dudes, again, the left don't think american citizens are capable of rational thought cause they aren't. hahaahahahhahahaha:auiqs.jpg:
Facebook is heavily populated with older GenXrs and a lot of the Boomers.

It is indeed a viable target of opportunity for the Russians.

Of course, Americans have the ability to parse if they will put in the effort on news sources. However, too many Americans seem to believe what they want and to heck with the facts.
...what do you plan to do to ensure that this atrocity never happens again?

Is it worth it to quit reading Facebook, or would you prefer that Facebook regulate content?

Bonus question, do you feel that Russians on Facebook and other social media had a bigger affect on the election, or did Putin do too good of a job keeping Hillary out of Michigan and Wisconsin?

Please be honest with your replies - TIA
I had my "I'm With Her" t-shirt on when I saw a faccebook ad. that caused me to vote for Trump.
...what do you plan to do to ensure that this atrocity never happens again?

Is it worth it to quit reading Facebook, or would you prefer that Facebook regulate content?

Bonus question, do you feel that Russians on Facebook and other social media had a bigger affect on the election, or did Putin do too good of a job keeping Hillary out of Michigan and Wisconsin?

Please be honest with your replies - TIA

Leftists are such sheep. Democrats have every reason to be worried about facebook ads for Trump. If anyone will be influenced by such an inane thing, it's them
Facebook is heavily populated with older GenXrs and a lot of the Boomers.

It is indeed a viable target of opportunity for the Russians.

Of course, Americans have the ability to parse if they will put in the effort on news sources. However, too many Americans seem to believe what they want and to heck with the facts.
And some even older people. It's amazing how many people used to believe (and many still do) stupid crap that gets sent to their email. So then Facebook would seem even more believable.
Facebook is heavily populated with older GenXrs and a lot of the Boomers.

It is indeed a viable target of opportunity for the Russians.

Of course, Americans have the ability to parse if they will put in the effort on news sources. However, too many Americans seem to believe what they want and to heck with the facts.
And some even older people. It's amazing how many people used to believe (and many still do) stupid crap that gets sent to their email. So then Facebook would seem even more believable.
Dumbasses on this very forum think Facebook and Twitter are news outlets.

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