Zone1 If Diversity Training has the Opposite Effect of the Intended Effect, Should we Stop Doing it?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
I get that they are trying to do something good. They are convinced that racism, sexism, gender-ism, all kinda isms, are rampant in the ranks of all institutions and organizations. Training in how to be more accepting of people's differences sounds like a solution.

But, research shows that it is not. How long will we beat a dead horse?


Measuring the Effectiveness of Diversity Training

A number of studies from academicians have questioned the value of diversity training. For example, Kalev, Dobbin, and Kelly (2006) found that diversity training actually led to a decrease in representation of African American women in managerial ranks. These researchers analyzed corporate data from 708 companies dating back to the 1970s and measured progress based on racial composition of the managers group. The negative effect of diversity training was obtained after the researchers controlled many other factors, such as existence of a diversity staff, an affirmative action plan, and a formal mentoring program.

A National Backlash Is Raging Diversity training has fueled the fires of a national backlash. Many people have come to believe that the point of diversity training is to change white men.

As part of this counterrevolution, reverse discrimination has taken center stage. A 1996 study by Princeton Survey Associates found that people believe, by a twoto-one margin, that discrimination against whites is a bigger problem than racism.

Lawsuits Have Increased Rather than Decreased. Diversity training has fallen far short of its promised results. Rather than decreasing, discrimination lawsuits have proliferated. From 1990 to 1994, there was a 34% increase in claims and a 38% increase in dollars awarded to individuals as a result of claims for sex, race, age discrimination, and sexual harassment.

A Set of Action Steps Is Needed Diversity training’s focus on understanding and valuing human differences doesn’t reduce workplace discrimination. The training hasn’t provided the relationship skills necessary to work effectively with those who believe differently.

Dispensing information about how differences such as race, creed, or lifestyle might affect employees without offering a set of techniques to manage those differences is pointless. The way to reduce discrimination is to change the organization’s culture–something that only top managers can do.
"Diversity" training is based upon the most primitive way of evaluating the world -- that people are defined by tribe. This is everything that forward-thinking people fought hard to eliminate for hundreds of years as liberals fought for an egalitarian society where people were judged by individual merit rather than being assigned rights based upon group.

Today's left is the very antithesis of liberalism as now EVERYTHING is predicated upon tribal identity.

It isn't about diversity, folks. It is about control.
"Diversity" training is based upon the most primitive way of evaluating the world -- that people are defined by tribe. This is everything that forward-thinking people fought hard to eliminate for hundreds of years as liberals fought for an egalitarian society where people were judged by individual merit rather than being assigned rights based upon group.
Yes, the problem with an egalitarian society for some people is that equality of opportunity means that some will succeed more than others. The ones who don't succeed will seek ways to gain from their own failure.
Today's left is the very antithesis of liberalism as now EVERYTHING is predicated upon tribal identity.

It isn't about diversity, folks. It is about control.
The truth is that diversity training does achieve its unstated goal. When I say, "look, diversity training just pisses off white males, and makes them more likely to discriminate, not less." Democrats stop reading at "pisses off white males," because that is the true goal.
That's incorrect, but this kind of thing is expected here.
It is one thing to accept differences in tastes in music, food, clothing, and religion. It is something quite else to teach us that we should accept differences in average intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy.

Anyone with extensive experiences with the different races knows that these differences exist. Most whites are angered to be told that we are responsible for the deficiencies of a race it has become become dangerous to describe accurately.
I have worked with black beneficiaries of affirmative action. Their inferior performance was noticed.

If diversity is to be accepted, whites will not need to change. Blacks will need to change. They will need to prove that they can do their jobs adequately.
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Yet YOU say the very same thing. Your entire thread history is that whites are, by their nature/existence, evil
No, that's what dumb whites think. There are whites here who don't come to your conclusion because I have plainly stated that white racists are the problem. However, your posting history as well as many whites here like you has been, blacks are dumb, lazy, inferior criminals. So just stop whining when you get shown that whites aren't the creators of all modern civilization.
No, that's what dumb whites think. There are whites here who don't come to your conclusion because I have plainly stated that white racists are the problem. However, your posting history as well as many whites here like you has been, blacks are dumb, lazy, inferior criminals. So just stop whining when you get shown that whites aren't the creators of all modern civilization.
Black social pathology causes white racism. It is not true that all "blacks are dumb, lazy, inferior criminals."

Nevertheless, by every objective, measurable criterion blacks tend to be less intelligent than whites. Blacks have higher rates of illegitimacy, and much higher rates of crime.

As long as these average racial differences persist, diversity training is a waste of time and money. It is not possible to teach whites and East Asians what is not true.

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