If defense cuts go into effect

US defense spending as a percentage of GDP is about half of what is was in the 1960s. The US ranks 8th worldwide in defense spending as a percentage of GDP. I agree that there is plenty of room for cuts in DOD. We pay out a lot on lazy contractors for example. The global obligations of the US military require lots of money. What other countries spend on defense has nothing to do with what this country has to spend in order to protect itself.

No fair salt, ganging up on me with truthmatters like that. You two are an awesome force.

We spend more on the military then all other countries, combined. It's the biggest part of the government.

So what now? You guys want a big government? :lol:

And your Commie ass is well protected, so shuddup.

Our asses have always been protected by two oceans and the strongest Navy in the world. The other 75% of our budget is used for projecting power abroad
US defense spending as a percentage of GDP is about half of what is was in the 1960s. The US ranks 8th worldwide in defense spending as a percentage of GDP. I agree that there is plenty of room for cuts in DOD. We pay out a lot on lazy contractors for example. The global obligations of the US military require lots of money. What other countries spend on defense has nothing to do with what this country has to spend in order to protect itself.

No fair salt, ganging up on me with truthmatters like that. You two are an awesome force.

We spend more on the military then all other countries, combined. It's the biggest part of the government.

So what now? You guys want a big government? :lol:

And your Commie ass is well protected, so shuddup.

My "ass" ain't commie..but your interest in says alot.
We spend more on the military then all other countries, combined. It's the biggest part of the government.

So what now? You guys want a big government? :lol:

And your Commie ass is well protected, so shuddup.

Our asses have always been protected by two oceans and the strongest Navy in the world. The other 75% of our budget is used for projecting power abroad

Not to mention several very large mountain ranges.
Americans need to ignore the fear tactics that if we cut defense by a nickel we are opening ourselves up to invasion. Fact is, the US can't be invaded.....EVER

We currently have 1500 nuclear warheads that we can place anywhere on a moments notice. Even if we had 20, nobody would risk invading us. That is what we need for our actual defense.

The rest is projecting power and protecting our interests around the world. That is the mission that needs to be reexamined. We maintain forces that are capable of engaging at numerous places at the same time. We maintain a force structure that assumes what if we have to do everything ourselves.

Well, we don't have to do everything ourselves. We have strong alliances with Europe, Japan and S Korea. We need to make them assume the major burden in their areas of influence. They have more to lose than we do.
Americans need to ignore the fear tactics that if we cut defense by a nickel we are opening ourselves up to invasion. Fact is, the US can't be invaded.....EVER

We currently have 1500 nuclear warheads that we can place anywhere on a moments notice. Even if we had 20, nobody would risk invading us. That is what we need for our actual defense.

The rest is projecting power and protecting our interests around the world. That is the mission that needs to be reexamined. We maintain forces that are capable of engaging at numerous places at the same time. We maintain a force structure that assumes what if we have to do everything ourselves.

Well, we don't have to do everything ourselves. We have strong alliances with Europe, Japan and S Korea. We need to make them assume the major burden in their areas of influence. They have more to lose than we do.


Having several nukes is keeping North Korea from being invaded. It's why so many want to join that club.

In any case..it was never original intent to become a military empire.

Something the "strict constitutionalists" seem to forget over and over.
I know that there are areas of the DOD budget that can be trimmed. The department should go under the knife like all other agencies. What other countries spend on security though should have no bearing on what the U.S. spends. Spending more on the number one constitutional mandate makes sense to me. Cutting the defense budget just to bolster someone's favorite social program does not.
I know that there are areas of the DOD budget that can be trimmed. The department should go under the knife like all other agencies. What other countries spend on security though should have no bearing on what the U.S. spends. Spending more on the number one constitutional mandate makes sense to me. Cutting the defense budget just to bolster someone's favorite social program does not.

Once again it comes down to what is defense? We need to spend very little to actually "defend" the Continental US. Cuts will impact the number of missions abroad and the amount of support we can provide other nations in defending themselves

Now let's talk social programs. Keep in mind that social programs help Americans while defense programs are primarily helping people in distant lands. We are telling Americans that they will have to sacrifice social programs that help with education, healthcare and vital support so that we can maintain a defensive posture on the other side of the globe
WE'll be just fine, I think

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The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans weren't much of a comfort during the Cuban Missle Crises
I know that there are areas of the DOD budget that can be trimmed. The department should go under the knife like all other agencies. What other countries spend on security though should have no bearing on what the U.S. spends. Spending more on the number one constitutional mandate makes sense to me. Cutting the defense budget just to bolster someone's favorite social program does not.

Once again it comes down to what is defense? We need to spend very little to actually "defend" the Continental US. Cuts will impact the number of missions abroad and the amount of support we can provide other nations in defending themselves

Now let's talk social programs. Keep in mind that social programs help Americans while defense programs are primarily helping people in distant lands. We are telling Americans that they will have to sacrifice social programs that help with education, healthcare and vital support so that we can maintain a defensive posture on the other side of the globe

Our social programs are failing. We need to defend our economy. Not sure big ass tanks are getting the job done.
I know that there are areas of the DOD budget that can be trimmed. The department should go under the knife like all other agencies. What other countries spend on security though should have no bearing on what the U.S. spends. Spending more on the number one constitutional mandate makes sense to me. Cutting the defense budget just to bolster someone's favorite social program does not.

Once again it comes down to what is defense? We need to spend very little to actually "defend" the Continental US. Cuts will impact the number of missions abroad and the amount of support we can provide other nations in defending themselves

Now let's talk social programs. Keep in mind that social programs help Americans while defense programs are primarily helping people in distant lands. We are telling Americans that they will have to sacrifice social programs that help with education, healthcare and vital support so that we can maintain a defensive posture on the other side of the globe

Our social programs are failing. We need to defend our economy. Not sure big ass tanks are getting the job done.

There is a bigger threat to this country from economic crisis than foreign invasion
With all the uprisings going on in the Middle east and Al Qaeda expanding into Africa, is cutting defense really a good idea right now? I personally don't think so.
Constitutionalists, I have a question. How many years, according to the Constitution of the United States must we approve budgets for the United States Army?

Conservatives, I have a question for you. If you believe that the social safety net is wasteful, can you imagine any wasteful spending in the Department of Defense?

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