If Cuba so great, why are people still escaping to come to America?

They are leaving the best health care on the planet to come here?

I know, right? After living in that paradise under the most benevolent dictator, shouldn't we look pretty awful to them? Libs praised Castro. Funny how those who actually live the 'liberal dream' seem to disagree about how wonderful it is.
Still sprouting lies I see.

Cuba = marxist socialist shit hole that is nearly completely without private property and hates capitalism with a passion. There's little or no political power within the hands of the people. This is normal for what it is...

America = social democracy that has private property, strong private sector but has government regulations to prevent abusive behavior against other companies and the people. Social democracies have high standards of living because of this and work very well...

No, you won't find a pure capitalist system outside of maybe a shit hole like Africa or central America...Why? People demand their government to stop the abusive behavior in the first world.

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