If Bernie is the nominee, say goodbye to Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Bernie Sanders is popular in Trump country.
He can also attract Independents.
Also, Joe Biden may be too moderate to motivate young liberal voters to show up in the general.
Then there is Trump spending months trying to sink ync Joe Biden, which means he wasted precious time doing opposition research on Bernie Sanders.
Trump supporters are getting a little nervous because for instance, today there is a poll showing Bernie Sanders ahead in the California primary:
Sanders, Buttigieg rise in state poll
I think the possibility of Bernie Sanders becoming our next president is increasingly likely.
Bernie Sanders is popular in Trump country.
He can also attract Independents.
Also, Joe Biden may be too moderate to motivate young liberal voters to show up in the general.
Then there is Trump spending months trying to sink ync Joe Biden, which means he wasted precious time doing opposition research on Bernie Sanders.
Trump supporters are getting a little nervous because for instance, today there is a poll showing Bernie Sanders ahead in the California primary:
Sanders, Buttigieg rise in state poll
I think the possibility of Bernie Sanders becoming our next president is increasingly likely.

Nobody who would have voted for Trump is even going to think of supporting Communist Sanders.

Nope. If Bernie is the nominee, Hillary jumps back in. She will be given the nomination and get crushed again by Trump. Then in 2024 people will point fingers at one another again.

One on one, Bernie can't beat Trump. Biden and Bernie both had a shot in 2016, in 2020 it's far more difficult after 4 years of success and keeping promises. Voters everywhere remain loyal to politicians who do what they promise.
all the polls say Hillary is going to win...remember that?
The polls said Hillary would win the popular vote. Polls don't measure electoral college.
and there is no electoral college in the primaries dumbass.
all the polls say Hillary is going to win...remember that?
The polls said Hillary would win the popular vote. Polls don't measure electoral college.
and there is no electoral college in the primaries dumbass.

I admit to being a bit hazy about how the Primaries work, but my understanding is that it isn't that dissimilar to the Electoral College. My understanding is that each state gets to send so many delegates to each party's convention, and the delegates vote for the nominee. It seems to me that the delegates' role is very similar to that of the Electors in the main election.
all the polls say Hillary is going to win...remember that?
The polls said Hillary would win the popular vote. Polls don't measure electoral college.
and there is no electoral college in the primaries dumbass.

I admit to being a bit hazy about how the Primaries work, but my understanding is that it isn't that dissimilar to the Electoral College. My understanding is that each state gets to send so many delegates to each party's convention, and the delegates vote for the nominee. It seems to me that the delegates' role is very similar to that of the Electors in the main election.

You're right it's similar to the electoral college except for the unpledged delegates (aka "super delegates") which are party leaders, functionaries, etc.. there 765 of them for the Democrats which equates to around 17% of the total delegate count, they can vote for whomever they like at the convention.
Bernie Sanders is popular in Trump country.
He can also attract Independents.
Also, Joe Biden may be too moderate to motivate young liberal voters to show up in the general.
Then there is Trump spending months trying to sink ync Joe Biden, which means he wasted precious time doing opposition research on Bernie Sanders.
Trump supporters are getting a little nervous because for instance, today there is a poll showing Bernie Sanders ahead in the California primary:
Sanders, Buttigieg rise in state poll
I think the possibility of Bernie Sanders becoming our next president is increasingly likely.
Bernie likely would have won in 2016, had Hillary, the DNC, and some in the MSM not committed fraud, cheating him out the nomination. This is the real collusion that has greatly harmed the American people, and for which no one has been held to account.

The DNC will never hand Bernie a box of matches and put him in a room full of dynamite, in the basement of DNC headquarters.
Bernie Sanders is popular in Trump country.
He can also attract Independents.
Also, Joe Biden may be too moderate to motivate young liberal voters to show up in the general.
Then there is Trump spending months trying to sink ync Joe Biden, which means he wasted precious time doing opposition research on Bernie Sanders.
Trump supporters are getting a little nervous because for instance, today there is a poll showing Bernie Sanders ahead in the California primary:
Sanders, Buttigieg rise in state poll
I think the possibility of Bernie Sanders becoming our next president is increasingly likely.

Opposition research on Bernie? The man is a walking, talking pile of opposition research. He is not even a Democrat in reality! He is a Communist.

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