If an organization is so good, why are members forced to join??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Here is what a supporter of the current Michigan law that forces people to join unions and have dues automatically deducted...

Mott said if the legislation is approved, fewer people will likely join unions but the unions will have to represent them.

"They don't have to pay into it but they reap the benefits."

Hundreds of protesters arrive at Michigan Capitol; inside crowd chants 'this is our house' | Politics/Election 2012 | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

So the ONLY reason people join UNIONS is to reap the benefits right?

Then why is there a law that REQUIRES them to join?

Logic would say if the UNION is doing their jobs well i.e. providing the benefits people would pay to join right?

BUT it appears the rank and file DON"T see the UNION paying any of the benefits... the employer does!
And if the UNION is paying any benefits it's coming because of members dues deducted from the members' paychecks!
So if I am a member and a employer comes to town offering higher pay and benefits BUT it is not a union shop which place would I want to work i.e. exchange my 40 hours a week for a paycheck and benefits???
A place where I don't have more money deducted from my paycheck or a place where I'm forced to have money deducted?

Seems like a no brainer!
"According to the New York Times, Big Labor spent nearly $450 million in the 2008 elections electing Obama and the Democrats."

So if I were a union member BUT didn't want Obama/Democrats elected... I had no choice!!!
Well this is appears to be a UNION thug's answer to my question..
Union Mob Destroys Tent With People Inside
He says they are parasites taking advantage of benefits that were hard fought by the union leadership.
Well that's good enough for me!
I mean does any UNION pay the benefits OR does the employer provide the hard fought benefits?
What the UNION leaders do is blackmail plain and simple.
They extort from the company that if the company doesn't pay the workers won't work. Workers don't work employers' business suffers OR
employers take and move business.
Doesn't appear to be a positive value that UNION leaders bring so as a member forced to pay dues the member simply asks..
"if you don't get what you the leaders want, you force me not to work and are you going to pay my rent??"

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