CDZ If a psychiatrist says you have a chemical imbalance in your brain and need drugs.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Imagine a doctor could prescribe you drugs for diabetes and there was no definitive blood test that could ever prove his diagnosis wrong. Imagine your family and friends heeded his expert advice and were attempting to coerce you into taking the medication. Imagine further that a judge could legally order you to take the medication if their coercion failed.

What if a police officer that accused you of driving drunk did not have to give you a breathalyzer or videotape your road sobriety test and could get you convicted based on his expert testimony? This is exactly why there was such a rush to develop a breathalyzer in the early 20th century.

A psychiatrist can accuse you of having a chemical imbalance in your brain knowing there is no way to definitively test whether you actually do or not. In other words, his claim can't be falsified. The only thing known for certain is that you are exhibiting behavior that others with more social power than you take issue with and would like to control. It's a fact that you are exhibiting the behavior, it's an opinion as to why.

Given today's overly socialized environment, pharmaceutical companies can form a cooperative relationship with psychiatrists and insurance companies and target society's loners for psychiatric treatment and medication. If the combined groups can convince the masses to bow down at their feet and listen to their suggestions, they can isolate an individual and attempt to coerce them into taking dangerous drugs with potentially horrific side effects. If they can get the legal system on board, they can even force you to take them against your will. Additionally, you would have no way of proving the "experts" wrong.

Today, 1 in 6 Americans is on some type of psychiatric medication, many of them children with still developing brains. In particular, there is an epidemic of rambunctious young boys being subjected to ADHD medications for acting like rambunctious young boys. Here is a quote from a magazine article:

The Easy Job of Pitching Drugs to Psychiatrists – Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Colorado

"Sales of psychiatric drugs are big business. How big? Worldwide sales of antidepressants, stimulants, antianxiety and antipsychotic drugs top $82 billion a year and fuel the $330 billion psychiatric industry – all while failing to produce a single cure.

Though there are no lab tests, brain scans, or any other type of medical tests or other physical evidence to prove the existence of any mental disorder, psychiatrists continue to label millions of Americans with “mental illnesses” and to prescribe dangerous, mind-altering drugs to “medicate” diseases that are not there. These psychiatric drugs cause 700,000 adverse drug reactions and an estimated 42,000 deaths each year, and the numbers continue to climb."

Here is a link to a video that can be viewed online titled “Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging"

Watch Videos: The Marketing of Madness
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Not exactly how it works though. If you are experiencing some dysfunction in your life, they try to prescribe meds that have a history of addressing the dysfunction. It is about maintaining not curing. One of my sisters almost died from an eating disorder. The psychologist was all abut the therapy. The psychiatrist was all about drugs and prescribed her something off-label because it had the side-effect of making patients taking it feel hungry all the time and she had lost her ability to feel hunger like most people do.
Too many drugs are prescribed, absolutely. The for profit industry of drugging people is despicable. I don't think there is anything we can do about it. I will add, however, that drugs do help many people. I tell clients that they should be a last resort, but for the people who benefit from them they are invaluable.
I don't think it's a coincidence that two of the main fields experiencing a Replicability Crisis in regards to their experiments are the Psychiatric fields and the Pharmaceutical fields. Both have something to sell you.
Imagine a doctor could prescribe you drugs for diabetes and there was no definitive blood test that could ever prove his diagnosis wrong. Imagine your family and friends heeded his expert advice and were attempting to coerce you into taking the medication. Imagine further that a judge could legally order you to take the medication if their coercion failed.

What if a police officer that accused you of driving drunk did not have to give you a breathalyzer or videotape your road sobriety test and could get you convicted based on his expert testimony? This is exactly why there was such a rush to develop a breathalyzer in the early 20th century.

A psychiatrist can accuse you of having a chemical imbalance in your brain knowing there is no way to definitively test whether you actually do or not. In other words, his claim can't be falsified. The only thing known for certain is that you are exhibiting behavior that others with more social power than you take issue with and would like to control. It's a fact that you are exhibiting the behavior, it's an opinion as to why.

Given today's overly socialized environment, pharmaceutical companies can form a cooperative relationship with psychiatrists and insurance companies and target society's loners for psychiatric treatment and medication. If the combined groups can convince the masses to bow down at their feet and listen to their suggestions, they can isolate an individual and attempt to coerce them into taking dangerous drugs with potentially horrific side effects. If they can get the legal system on board, they can even force you to take them against your will. Additionally, you would have no way of proving the "experts" wrong.

Today, 1 in 6 Americans is on some type of psychiatric medication, many of them children with still developing brains. In particular, there is an epidemic of rambunctious young boys being subjected to ADHD medications for acting like rambunctious young boys. Here is a quote from a magazine article:

The Easy Job of Pitching Drugs to Psychiatrists – Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Colorado

"Sales of psychiatric drugs are big business. How big? Worldwide sales of antidepressants, stimulants, antianxiety and antipsychotic drugs top $82 billion a year and fuel the $330 billion psychiatric industry – all while failing to produce a single cure.

Though there are no lab tests, brain scans, or any other type of medical tests or other physical evidence to prove the existence of any mental disorder, psychiatrists continue to label millions of Americans with “mental illnesses” and to prescribe dangerous, mind-altering drugs to “medicate” diseases that are not there. These psychiatric drugs cause 700,000 adverse drug reactions and an estimated 42,000 deaths each year, and the numbers continue to climb."

Here is a link to a video that can be viewed online titled “Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging"

Watch Videos: The Marketing of Madness

That depends on the mental illness. So if you are suicidal or depressed, some medication appears to be prescribed to stabilize you long enough to process what's going on. It's temporary.

Yep, blood tests are often also run to make sure that the issue isn't medical like someone not knowing they are diabetic or hormones.

So, most people see a psychologist and get a psychological evaluation or are seeking treatment and the behavior is tracked over time. Then they see a psychiatrist and start medication and see if it works. Other people are clearly psychotic and hallucinating. That's your sign. I'm thinking if you stripped down naked and walked down the street because God told you that it was necessary and to beat the hell out of a dog because it was a demon.........mental illness is worth exploring.

Twenty years ago I was jumping up and down because too many kids were getting nailed with ADHD and prescribed medication by their pediatricians based on a referral from a school. People don't care enough to examine the high stakes testing kept being pushed down on them at much younger ages. Choices folks.
Too many drugs are prescribed, absolutely. The for profit industry of drugging people is despicable. I don't think there is anything we can do about it. I will add, however, that drugs do help many people. I tell clients that they should be a last resort, but for the people who benefit from them they are invaluable.
We don't agree on much but I'm with you there.
I don't think it's a coincidence that two of the main fields experiencing a Replicability Crisis in regards to their experiments are the Psychiatric fields and the Pharmaceutical fields. Both have something to sell you.
Basically your telling us you've been diagnosed as nuts and are trying to blame the doctor for your condition.......? :dunno:
I don't think it's a coincidence that two of the main fields experiencing a Replicability Crisis in regards to their experiments are the Psychiatric fields and the Pharmaceutical fields. Both have something to sell you.

Selling that decades old godvernment of drugs, godvernment of death to rival WW II Nazi economics to keep it a Christian Nation.

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