Ideal Qualifications For President


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
1. Governor of a large state.

2. Significant business experience.

Any others?
After listening to Assad being interviewed by FOX contributors, this past hour, and the resulting analysis of 4 very bright men, I am guessing one of the the answers to your question, for presidential qualifications, would be "delusional." :lol: Assad, Putin, and Obama...
1. Governor of a large state.

2. Significant business experience.

Any others?

Should be an IQ requirement above double digits. You don't know how close Palin came to being president considering McCains age and bush's disaster should be a warning to raise the i.q. level.

Also military experience in combat such as John Kerry or Howard Zinn although Howard checked out a few years ago.
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1. Governor of a large state.

2. Significant business experience.

Any others?

I'd rather they have relevant experience but that's just me.

one that doesn't absolutely NEED 4 networks covering for him non-stop/

Is there really anyone who would not want coverage of our president on ALL networks?

Do this: every time Obama is being covered on MSNBC and/or CNN, check fox. You'll find that fox does not carry very much of of the president's addresses to the nation. Instead, they will have editorializing. No facts. Just opinion. And, its almost every time. Try watching and you'll see what I mean.

I'm not saying to stop the editorializing. I'm just saying there should also be facts - eg - live coverage.
A "president" is an obsolete concept. In the West, it is simply a means by which the zionists override public opinion.
Have taken and passed college-level Intro to Macro- and Intro to Microeconomics class.
How about raising the age requirement to 55? I think it is beneficial to have experienced a few boom-and-bust cycles rather than coming into the job with a pie-in-the-sky attitude.
How about raising the age requirement to 55? I think it is beneficial to have experienced a few boom-and-bust cycles rather than coming into the job with a pie-in-the-sky attitude.

Interesting suggestion. Rather than being governor or a businessman, I would propose the following:

1. Experience in management of a business or governmental unit.
2. Foreign affairs or military experience.
3. An educational/professional career in anything outside of law.
4. Experience with an NGO or non-profit.

and most importantly,

5. A Wood Badge trained leader with a meaningful ticket!
How about raising the age requirement to 55? I think it is beneficial to have experienced a few boom-and-bust cycles rather than coming into the job with a pie-in-the-sky attitude.

Interesting suggestion. Rather than being governor or a businessman, I would propose the following:

1. Experience in management of a business or governmental unit.
2. Foreign affairs or military experience.
3. An educational/professional career in anything outside of law.
4. Experience with an NGO or non-profit.

and most importantly,

5. A Wood Badge trained leader with a meaningful ticket!

I'll go for those. Now what do we do about the ridiculous way we allow the Vice President to be selected?
How about raising the age requirement to 55? I think it is beneficial to have experienced a few boom-and-bust cycles rather than coming into the job with a pie-in-the-sky attitude.

Interesting suggestion. Rather than being governor or a businessman, I would propose the following:

1. Experience in management of a business or governmental unit.
2. Foreign affairs or military experience.
3. An educational/professional career in anything outside of law.
4. Experience with an NGO or non-profit.

and most importantly,

5. A Wood Badge trained leader with a meaningful ticket!

I'll go for those. Now what do we do about the ridiculous way we allow the Vice President to be selected?

How about not electing vice presidents at all? We have a process in place (the Twenty-Fifth Amendment, Section 2) to fill a vacancy in the vice presidency; why not use it from the git-go? The president nominates and the nominee must have support of a majority in each house of Congress. VP becomes just the first presidential appointment of the administration. It also gets rid of that "balancing the ticket" garbage. More emphasis on ability to serve as president, less on election considerations. Also gives the House more of a role.
1. Excellent oratory and listening skills

2. Documented evidence of public service assisting/teaching lower income segments of society

3. Demonstrated commitment to education.

4. Demonstrated ability to bring about change in large organizations.

5. Visionary

6. Solution oriented

7. World traveler (Maybe a stint in the Peace Corps even)

8. Agnostic

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