I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers then the farm worker that wants to be here in America to improve their own lives.They in many cases grow to love this country like millions of people before them throughout the centuries.

The outsourcers don't give a shit about this nation and don't value the American people as they only care about themselves and adding more billions into their goddamn bank accounts...They're rats. At least the illegals come here to build our homes, slaughter our cows and pick our fruit so we the American people can pay less. They do so in many cases to feed their families for crying out loud.

The rich outsourcer and tax offshorer are thief's that use our resources and fuck over the American people as they think they can use it but be treated to another standard then us little people. They buy our politicans to get sweet tax cuts and to look the other way as they offshored and outsourced our jobs!

Fuck em. They want to offshore and don't give a shit about America??? Well, guess what asshole!!! Bye bye!
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I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers then the farm worker that wants to be here in America to improve their own lives.

The outsourcers don't give a shit about this nation and don't value the American people as they only care about themselves...They're rats. At least the illegals come here to build our homes, slaughter our cows and pick our fruit so we the American people can pay less. They do so in many cases to feed their families for crying out loud.

The rich outsourcer and tax offshorer are thief's that use our resources and fuck over the American people as they think they can use it but be treated to another standard then us little people.

Fuck em. They want to offshore and don't give a shit about America??? Well, guess what asshole!!! Bye bye!

You do know that Kerry and Wife have outsourced thousands of jobs don't you?
I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers then the farm worker that wants to be here in America to improve their own lives.

The outsourcers don't give a shit about this nation and don't value the American people as they only care about themselves...They're rats. At least the illegals come here to build our homes, slaughter our cows and pick our fruit so we the American people can pay less. They do so in many cases to feed their families for crying out loud.

The rich outsourcer and tax offshorer are thief's that use our resources and fuck over the American people as they think they can use it but be treated to another standard then us little people.

Fuck em. They want to offshore and don't give a shit about America??? Well, guess what asshole!!! Bye bye!

You do know that Kerry and Wife have outsourced thousands of jobs don't you?
What exactly did Kerry do?
I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers then the farm worker that wants to be here in America to improve their own lives.

The outsourcers don't give a shit about this nation and don't value the American people as they only care about themselves...They're rats. At least the illegals come here to build our homes, slaughter our cows and pick our fruit so we the American people can pay less. They do so in many cases to feed their families for crying out loud.

The rich outsourcer and tax offshorer are thief's that use our resources and fuck over the American people as they think they can use it but be treated to another standard then us little people.

Fuck em. They want to offshore and don't give a shit about America??? Well, guess what asshole!!! Bye bye!

You do know that Kerry and Wife have outsourced thousands of jobs don't you?
What exactly did Kerry do?

You go ahead and check out the outsourcing of the Heinz Ketchup folks.
I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers then the farm worker that wants to be here in America to improve their own lives.They in many cases grow to love this country and like millions of people before them throughout the centuries.

The outsourcers don't give a shit about this nation and don't value the American people as they only care about themselves and adding more billions into their goddamn bank accounts...They're rats. At least the illegals come here to build our homes, slaughter our cows and pick our fruit so we the American people can pay less. They do so in many cases to feed their families for crying out loud.

The rich outsourcer and tax offshorer are thief's that use our resources and fuck over the American people as they think they can use it but be treated to another standard then us little people. They buy our politicans to get sweet tax cuts and to look the other way as they offshored and outsourced our jobs!

Fuck em. They want to offshore and don't give a shit about America??? Well, guess what asshole!!! Bye bye!

Maybe you should go back to your 6th grade english teacher and see if they can teach you the proper uses of "then" and "than". THEN someone might take you seriously.
I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers then the farm worker that wants to be here in America to improve their own lives.They in many cases grow to love this country and like millions of people before them throughout the centuries.

The outsourcers don't give a shit about this nation and don't value the American people as they only care about themselves and adding more billions into their goddamn bank accounts...They're rats. At least the illegals come here to build our homes, slaughter our cows and pick our fruit so we the American people can pay less. They do so in many cases to feed their families for crying out loud.

The rich outsourcer and tax offshorer are thief's that use our resources and fuck over the American people as they think they can use it but be treated to another standard then us little people. They buy our politicans to get sweet tax cuts and to look the other way as they offshored and outsourced our jobs!

Fuck em. They want to offshore and don't give a shit about America??? Well, guess what asshole!!! Bye bye!
Holy, I mean holy shit.
I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers then the farm worker that wants to be here in America to improve their own lives.They in many cases grow to love this country and like millions of people before them throughout the centuries.

The outsourcers don't give a shit about this nation and don't value the American people as they only care about themselves and adding more billions into their goddamn bank accounts...They're rats. At least the illegals come here to build our homes, slaughter our cows and pick our fruit so we the American people can pay less. They do so in many cases to feed their families for crying out loud.

The rich outsourcer and tax offshorer are thief's that use our resources and fuck over the American people as they think they can use it but be treated to another standard then us little people. They buy our politicans to get sweet tax cuts and to look the other way as they offshored and outsourced our jobs!

Fuck em. They want to offshore and don't give a shit about America??? Well, guess what asshole!!! Bye bye!
I'd rather deport you to North Korea.
I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers then the farm worker that wants to be here in America to improve their own lives.

The outsourcers don't give a shit about this nation and don't value the American people as they only care about themselves...They're rats. At least the illegals come here to build our homes, slaughter our cows and pick our fruit so we the American people can pay less. They do so in many cases to feed their families for crying out loud.

The rich outsourcer and tax offshorer are thief's that use our resources and fuck over the American people as they think they can use it but be treated to another standard then us little people.

Fuck em. They want to offshore and don't give a shit about America??? Well, guess what asshole!!! Bye bye!

You do know that Kerry and Wife have outsourced thousands of jobs don't you?
What exactly did Kerry do?

You go ahead and check out the outsourcing of the Heinz Ketchup folks.
Neither Kerry or his wife have anything to do with Heinz, Homer
I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers then the farm worker that wants to be here in America to improve their own lives.

The outsourcers don't give a shit about this nation and don't value the American people as they only care about themselves...They're rats. At least the illegals come here to build our homes, slaughter our cows and pick our fruit so we the American people can pay less. They do so in many cases to feed their families for crying out loud.

The rich outsourcer and tax offshorer are thief's that use our resources and fuck over the American people as they think they can use it but be treated to another standard then us little people.

Fuck em. They want to offshore and don't give a shit about America??? Well, guess what asshole!!! Bye bye!

You do know that Kerry and Wife have outsourced thousands of jobs don't you?

Doesn't matter party. It needs to stop!
I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers then the farm worker that wants to be here in America to improve their own lives.They in many cases grow to love this country and like millions of people before them throughout the centuries.

The outsourcers don't give a shit about this nation and don't value the American people as they only care about themselves and adding more billions into their goddamn bank accounts...They're rats. At least the illegals come here to build our homes, slaughter our cows and pick our fruit so we the American people can pay less. They do so in many cases to feed their families for crying out loud.

The rich outsourcer and tax offshorer are thief's that use our resources and fuck over the American people as they think they can use it but be treated to another standard then us little people. They buy our politicans to get sweet tax cuts and to look the other way as they offshored and outsourced our jobs!

Fuck em. They want to offshore and don't give a shit about America??? Well, guess what asshole!!! Bye bye!



It's good having all the money!
They are not using YOUR resources, you ass stooge. We have property rights in this country. Assets and resources are not owned by the people; I.e., the state. Apparently you flunk-fucked out of elementary school.

Secondly, if not for private capital investment by wealthy individuals and entities we would devolve into a Third World nation that speaks an odd mix of Spanish and Russian.

I realize that the most likely interpretation of your intellectual gibberish is that you do not intend this to be taken literally. Rather, you are just another angry leftist degenerate. Nonetheless, your civic values suck. These corporatists are not depriving you of anything. They are not your enemy. The federal government, however, is depriving you of a prosperous nation that creates economic opportunity for you by employing onerous regulatory and tax burdens. Things are changing now that we have a new president. Still, you stupid motherfucking degenerate leftist stooges are fighting it tooth and nail. Why? Because you are too stupid to figure out that the leftists have been lying to you for years.

Fuck your class warfare and ignorant economic ideas. We should Deport the leftists, in my opinion, starting with YOU!
I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers then the farm worker that wants to be here in America to improve their own lives.They in many cases grow to love this country like millions of people before them throughout the centuries.

The outsourcers don't give a shit about this nation and don't value the American people as they only care about themselves and adding more billions into their goddamn bank accounts...They're rats. At least the illegals come here to build our homes, slaughter our cows and pick our fruit so we the American people can pay less. They do so in many cases to feed their families for crying out loud.

The rich outsourcer and tax offshorer are thief's that use our resources and fuck over the American people as they think they can use it but be treated to another standard then us little people. They buy our politicans to get sweet tax cuts and to look the other way as they offshored and outsourced our jobs!

Fuck em. They want to offshore and don't give a shit about America??? Well, guess what asshole!!! Bye bye!
So all of that science and infrastructure you want the government to pay for can do that with illegal's instead of actual American business'? Are you seriously this dense?
I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers then the farm worker that wants to be here in America to improve their own lives.

The outsourcers don't give a shit about this nation and don't value the American people as they only care about themselves...They're rats. At least the illegals come here to build our homes, slaughter our cows and pick our fruit so we the American people can pay less. They do so in many cases to feed their families for crying out loud.

The rich outsourcer and tax offshorer are thief's that use our resources and fuck over the American people as they think they can use it but be treated to another standard then us little people.

Fuck em. They want to offshore and don't give a shit about America??? Well, guess what asshole!!! Bye bye!

You do know that Kerry and Wife have outsourced thousands of jobs don't you?
What exactly did Kerry do?

You go ahead and check out the outsourcing of the Heinz Ketchup folks.
Neither Kerry or his wife have anything to do with Heinz, Homer

Your lack of any real education is not my problem.
I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers
Great idea...

Let's get on that...

Just as soon as we flush 11-12,000,000 Illegal Beaners across the border and back to their third-world shit-holes...

First things first...
I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers then the farm worker that wants to be here in America to improve their own lives.They in many cases grow to love this country like millions of people before them throughout the centuries.

The outsourcers don't give a shit about this nation and don't value the American people as they only care about themselves and adding more billions into their goddamn bank accounts...They're rats. At least the illegals come here to build our homes, slaughter our cows and pick our fruit so we the American people can pay less. They do so in many cases to feed their families for crying out loud.

The rich outsourcer and tax offshorer are thief's that use our resources and fuck over the American people as they think they can use it but be treated to another standard then us little people. They buy our politicans to get sweet tax cuts and to look the other way as they offshored and outsourced our jobs!

Fuck em. They want to offshore and don't give a shit about America??? Well, guess what asshole!!! Bye bye!

Of course, outsourcing has nothing to do with your precious unions now does it? Outsourcing has nothing to do with having a company in a country with the highest corporate taxes in the world. Outsourcing has nothing to do with thousands of governmental regulations. Outsourcing has nothing to do with bringing cheap products to your Walmart store so your fellow liberals can afford to buy products. It's because company owners are rats and thieves.

Oh, but you have a solution. Bring in a bunch of low educated people from other countries.

Here's a little reality for ya: If we took all the poor people in this country, put them all on an island somewhere, they not only would not be missed, but the country would flourish. If we took all the wealthy people in this country, put them on an island somewhere, the country collapses.

"The best part of being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong."
Ray from Cleveland
Stop attacking the thread originator and stick to the topic. You can take shots if it is in the course of CONTRIBUTING something to the conversion. Don't make moderation clean flaming like this up...
I'd rather deport the rich outsourcers and backstabbers then the farm worker that wants to be here in America to improve their own lives.They in many cases grow to love this country like millions of people before them throughout the centuries.

The outsourcers don't give a shit about this nation and don't value the American people as they only care about themselves and adding more billions into their goddamn bank accounts...They're rats. At least the illegals come here to build our homes, slaughter our cows and pick our fruit so we the American people can pay less. They do so in many cases to feed their families for crying out loud.

The rich outsourcer and tax offshorer are thief's that use our resources and fuck over the American people as they think they can use it but be treated to another standard then us little people. They buy our politicans to get sweet tax cuts and to look the other way as they offshored and outsourced our jobs!

Fuck em. They want to offshore and don't give a shit about America??? Well, guess what asshole!!! Bye bye!

We have a Constitution and laws. Apparently this is beyond your ability to understand moron. I guess if you want government to deport US citizens we can start with you. Guys that start flame threads in politics can do so from Canada just as well. Careful what you wish for.

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