"i'd like to see her take my cows away"...Jerry Falwell Jr along with Don Jr threaten to shoot AOC!!

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“I always thought that if more good people had concealed carry permits,then we could end these Muslims before they [unintelligible].” This was just this weekend at CPAC, the conference attended by the President and members, to 1000s. Where’s the resolution against Islamophobia?
“I always thought that if more good people had concealed carry permits,then we could end these Muslims before they [unintelligible].” This was just this weekend at CPAC, the conference attended by the President and members, to 1000s. Where’s the resolution against Islamophobia?

The resolution? Hell it's right over h<<<<<KAAABLAAAAAMMM>>>>>>>

How dare Fallwell and Don Jr. build up my hopes like that?

They better make good on their promise, or I'll be severely disappointed in them.

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