I would like the Tea Party if

Well, I'm not sure how you define ignorant. They are not all ignorant. But, IMNSHO, they are all dangerous. Rand Paul, case in point....from my state of KY. He is about as transparent as Bill Frist was. They are both MDs who ran for office in order to preserve their health care fortunes. Doesn't matter who has to die in the process.

They don't understand the figures that get thrown around in Washington any more than the ones who are in Washington now understand them. Instead of taking a really thoughtful approach to the budget, they just want to lop off numbers regardless who gets hurt in the process.

I can concede that they have some valid points. But all the tea partiers are doing is creating yet another power struggle. They have not helped, and indeed, if one were to really analyze the process since their inception, I feel fairly certain it could be shown that they have hurt this country. (That's my opinion.)

Before the TEA party there was no talk of restraining spending. Now there is.

To put the national deficit in terms of a household budget, assume a family has an annual income of $50K. They decide that to live the life they desire, they will need to burrow another $41K every year forever.

That is the current fiscal policy of the USA.

The TEA Party adherants think this is a tad insane. I am a TEA Party adherant. Tell me why spending this much is not insane.

I think they have some VERY good points. The only thing is that you can't unscramble eggs and they don't seem to know this. They are extremely naive, are much too concrete in their thinking, and are charging around like a bull in a china shop.

But then, hey, I know one federal worker who thinks that if they send a few federal workers home on furlough for a couple of weeks that would amount to enough to pay the national deficit off.

As to the borrowing every year, tell me you don't know people who do that. I know people who do that, perhaps not enough to come that close to their income, but I do know people who are so indebted that they will never dig their way out of it. Ever.
Well, I'm not sure how you define ignorant. They are not all ignorant. But, IMNSHO, they are all dangerous. Rand Paul, case in point....from my state of KY. He is about as transparent as Bill Frist was. They are both MDs who ran for office in order to preserve their health care fortunes. Doesn't matter who has to die in the process.

They don't understand the figures that get thrown around in Washington any more than the ones who are in Washington now understand them. Instead of taking a really thoughtful approach to the budget, they just want to lop off numbers regardless who gets hurt in the process.

I can concede that they have some valid points. But all the tea partiers are doing is creating yet another power struggle. They have not helped, and indeed, if one were to really analyze the process since their inception, I feel fairly certain it could be shown that they have hurt this country. (That's my opinion.)

Before the TEA party there was no talk of restraining spending. Now there is.

To put the national deficit in terms of a household budget, assume a family has an annual income of $50K. They decide that to live the life they desire, they will need to burrow another $41K every year forever.

That is the current fiscal policy of the USA.

The TEA Party adherants think this is a tad insane. I am a TEA Party adherant. Tell me why spending this much is not insane.

This is just not true.

All my life this discussion has been going on.

Every time the republicans want to cut help to the poor and the dems wanted to cut defense.

Its been the republicans wanting to cut the Help to the poor in someone elses district but not their own so they can get re elected.

The dems have wanted to cut the military industrial complex for the entire time I have been alive.
Well, I'm not sure how you define ignorant. They are not all ignorant. But, IMNSHO, they are all dangerous. Rand Paul, case in point....from my state of KY. He is about as transparent as Bill Frist was. They are both MDs who ran for office in order to preserve their health care fortunes. Doesn't matter who has to die in the process.

They don't understand the figures that get thrown around in Washington any more than the ones who are in Washington now understand them. Instead of taking a really thoughtful approach to the budget, they just want to lop off numbers regardless who gets hurt in the process.

I can concede that they have some valid points. But all the tea partiers are doing is creating yet another power struggle. They have not helped, and indeed, if one were to really analyze the process since their inception, I feel fairly certain it could be shown that they have hurt this country. (That's my opinion.)

Before the TEA party there was no talk of restraining spending. Now there is.

To put the national deficit in terms of a household budget, assume a family has an annual income of $50K. They decide that to live the life they desire, they will need to burrow another $41K every year forever.

That is the current fiscal policy of the USA.

The TEA Party adherants think this is a tad insane. I am a TEA Party adherant. Tell me why spending this much is not insane.

I think they have some VERY good points. The only thing is that you can't unscramble eggs and they don't seem to know this. They are extremely naive, are much too concrete in their thinking, and are charging around like a bull in a china shop.

But then, hey, I know one federal worker who thinks that if they send a few federal workers home on furlough for a couple of weeks that would amount to enough to pay the national deficit off.

As to the borrowing every year, tell me you don't know people who do that. I know people who do that, perhaps not enough to come that close to their income, but I do know people who are so indebted that they will never dig their way out of it. Ever.

Yours is typical parroting of Maher/Limbaugh: The Tea Party is "naive" and "charge around."

If running up a 14 trillion $ debt is "wisely controlled spending," then perhaps doing something radically different is what we need to begin thinking about.
Well, I'm not sure how you define ignorant. They are not all ignorant. But, IMNSHO, they are all dangerous. Rand Paul, case in point....from my state of KY. He is about as transparent as Bill Frist was. They are both MDs who ran for office in order to preserve their health care fortunes. Doesn't matter who has to die in the process.

They don't understand the figures that get thrown around in Washington any more than the ones who are in Washington now understand them. Instead of taking a really thoughtful approach to the budget, they just want to lop off numbers regardless who gets hurt in the process.

I can concede that they have some valid points. But all the tea partiers are doing is creating yet another power struggle. They have not helped, and indeed, if one were to really analyze the process since their inception, I feel fairly certain it could be shown that they have hurt this country. (That's my opinion.)

Before the TEA party there was no talk of restraining spending. Now there is.

To put the national deficit in terms of a household budget, assume a family has an annual income of $50K. They decide that to live the life they desire, they will need to burrow another $41K every year forever.

That is the current fiscal policy of the USA.

The TEA Party adherants think this is a tad insane. I am a TEA Party adherant. Tell me why spending this much is not insane.

This is just not true.

All my life this discussion has been going on.

Every time the republicans want to cut help to the poor and the dems wanted to cut defense.

Its been the republicans wanting to cut the Help to the poor in someone elses district but not their own so they can get re elected.

The dems have wanted to cut the military industrial complex for the entire time I have been alive.

The entire time you've been alive? What? All ten years? Wow.
Well, I'm not sure how you define ignorant. They are not all ignorant. But, IMNSHO, they are all dangerous. Rand Paul, case in point....from my state of KY. He is about as transparent as Bill Frist was. They are both MDs who ran for office in order to preserve their health care fortunes. Doesn't matter who has to die in the process.

They don't understand the figures that get thrown around in Washington any more than the ones who are in Washington now understand them. Instead of taking a really thoughtful approach to the budget, they just want to lop off numbers regardless who gets hurt in the process.

I can concede that they have some valid points. But all the tea partiers are doing is creating yet another power struggle. They have not helped, and indeed, if one were to really analyze the process since their inception, I feel fairly certain it could be shown that they have hurt this country. (That's my opinion.)

Before the TEA party there was no talk of restraining spending. Now there is.

To put the national deficit in terms of a household budget, assume a family has an annual income of $50K. They decide that to live the life they desire, they will need to burrow another $41K every year forever.

That is the current fiscal policy of the USA.

The TEA Party adherants think this is a tad insane. I am a TEA Party adherant. Tell me why spending this much is not insane.

I think they have some VERY good points. The only thing is that you can't unscramble eggs and they don't seem to know this. They are extremely naive, are much too concrete in their thinking, and are charging around like a bull in a china shop.

But then, hey, I know one federal worker who thinks that if they send a few federal workers home on furlough for a couple of weeks that would amount to enough to pay the national deficit off.

As to the borrowing every year, tell me you don't know people who do that. I know people who do that, perhaps not enough to come that close to their income, but I do know people who are so indebted that they will never dig their way out of it. Ever.

Yours is typical parroting of Maher/Limbaugh: The Tea Party is "naive" and "charge around."

If running up a $14 trillion debt is "wisely controlled spending," then perhaps doing something radically different is what we need to begin thinking about.
It wasn't so well represented by ignorant people. I love freedom, don't really trust the govt. but every time I hear something from someone who represents the tea party I'm totally put off.

You stole my answer.

Keep government hands off my "Medicare"?
Well, I'm not sure how you define ignorant. They are not all ignorant. But, IMNSHO, they are all dangerous. Rand Paul, case in point....from my state of KY. He is about as transparent as Bill Frist was. They are both MDs who ran for office in order to preserve their health care fortunes. Doesn't matter who has to die in the process.

They don't understand the figures that get thrown around in Washington any more than the ones who are in Washington now understand them. Instead of taking a really thoughtful approach to the budget, they just want to lop off numbers regardless who gets hurt in the process.

I can concede that they have some valid points. But all the tea partiers are doing is creating yet another power struggle. They have not helped, and indeed, if one were to really analyze the process since their inception, I feel fairly certain it could be shown that they have hurt this country. (That's my opinion.)

Before the TEA party there was no talk of restraining spending. Now there is.

To put the national deficit in terms of a household budget, assume a family has an annual income of $50K. They decide that to live the life they desire, they will need to burrow another $41K every year forever.

That is the current fiscal policy of the USA.

The TEA Party adherants think this is a tad insane. I am a TEA Party adherant. Tell me why spending this much is not insane.

This is just not true.

All my life this discussion has been going on.

Every time the republicans want to cut help to the poor and the dems wanted to cut defense.

Its been the republicans wanting to cut the Help to the poor in someone elses district but not their own so they can get re elected.

The dems have wanted to cut the military industrial complex for the entire time I have been alive.

Really Republicans want to take cuts from the food stamp program?
By Ezra Klein | July 30, 2010; 10:29 AM ET

Senate cutting food stamps to pay for Medicaid and teacher funding
Ezra Klein - Senate cutting food stamps to pay for Medicaid and teacher funding
It wasn't so well represented by ignorant people. I love freedom, don't really trust the govt. but every time I hear something from someone who represents the tea party I'm totally put off.
You're being fed a carefully crafted vision of the TEA Party. Remember the scary racist white guy running around a TP rally with a machine gun?

He was actually a black guy.

If you want an accurate picture of the TEA Party, go to a rally. Don't rely on what the media shows you, because they have an agenda.
It wasn't so well represented by ignorant people. I love freedom, don't really trust the govt. but every time I hear something from someone who represents the tea party I'm totally put off.

You're right. There are some ignorant people that speak on behalf of the Tea Party. They know something is terribly wrong, but they're not exactly sure how to solve the problem. It's like in 2008 when so many people jumped on the bandwagon and voted for Obama. They knew something was wrong and here was this unknown guy who promised "Hope and Change" and they fell for it only to regret their decision later. But the difference is that the Tea Party is not a political party, but a movement to get our Nation's finances under control and they have been very successful. That alone speaks volumes. If it wasn't for the Tea Party, the politicians would continue to spend money we don't have with impunity.
Before the TEA party there was no talk of restraining spending. Now there is.

To put the national deficit in terms of a household budget, assume a family has an annual income of $50K. They decide that to live the life they desire, they will need to burrow another $41K every year forever.

That is the current fiscal policy of the USA.

The TEA Party adherants think this is a tad insane. I am a TEA Party adherant. Tell me why spending this much is not insane.

This is just not true.

All my life this discussion has been going on.

Every time the republicans want to cut help to the poor and the dems wanted to cut defense.

Its been the republicans wanting to cut the Help to the poor in someone elses district but not their own so they can get re elected.

The dems have wanted to cut the military industrial complex for the entire time I have been alive.

Really Republicans want to take cuts from the food stamp program?
By Ezra Klein | July 30, 2010; 10:29 AM ET

Senate cutting food stamps to pay for Medicaid and teacher funding
Ezra Klein - Senate cutting food stamps to pay for Medicaid and teacher funding

WTF is an "Ezra Klein?"


Ezra Klein writes an opinionated blog on economic policy, collapsing banks, cap and trade, health care reform and pretty much anything else you can attach a chart to. His blog points to the hottest policy ideas on the Web and provides his own up-to-the-minute take. Before coming to The Post, he was an associate editor at the American Prospect. Klein has appeared as a guest on CNN, MSNBC, NPR and C-SPAN and lots of online radio shows you've never heard of.

Klein, who makes a mean kung pao, will also be a regular contributor to The Post's Food section. He contributes to the group food blog the Internet Food Association.

Sounds like a bum that figured out how to type.
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This is just not true.

All my life this discussion has been going on.

Every time the republicans want to cut help to the poor and the dems wanted to cut defense.

Its been the republicans wanting to cut the Help to the poor in someone elses district but not their own so they can get re elected.

The dems have wanted to cut the military industrial complex for the entire time I have been alive.

Really Republicans want to take cuts from the food stamp program?
By Ezra Klein | July 30, 2010; 10:29 AM ET

Senate cutting food stamps to pay for Medicaid and teacher funding
Ezra Klein - Senate cutting food stamps to pay for Medicaid and teacher funding

WTF is an "Ezra Klein?"

Ezra Klein - About Ezra Klein

Ezra Klein writes an opinionated blog on economic policy, collapsing banks, cap and trade, health care reform and pretty much anything else you can attach a chart to. His blog points to the hottest policy ideas on the Web and provides his own up-to-the-minute take. Before coming to The Post, he was an associate editor at the American Prospect. Klein has appeared as a guest on CNN, MSNBC, NPR and C-SPAN and lots of online radio shows you've never heard of.

Klein, who makes a mean kung pao, will also be a regular contributor to The Post's Food section. He contributes to the group food blog the Internet Food Association.

Sounds like a bum that figured out how to type.

How soon we forget

This evening, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) attached an amendment with funding to preserve teachers’ jobs and to provide much-needed Medicaid funding to states to a Federal Aviation Administration bill. The amendment is fully paid-for, and the FAA bill is just a vehicle. Reid filed cloture, meaning the Senate will vote on the provisions on Monday.

The amendment includes $10 billion in funding for teachers’ jobs and $16.1 billion in funding for the Federal Medical Assistance Percentages, or FMAP, program, which provides Medicaid funding to states. For offsets, it closes foreign tax credit loopholes to raise $9 billion; it also cuts $2 billion from Medicaid drug pricing, $8.4 billion in rescissions and $6.7 billion from the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, or SNAP, formerly known as food stamps. There were no further details released at the time. At first blush, cutting food stamps to pay for Medicaid — both problems aid the most economically distressed Americans — and teachers’ jobs seems like a hard compromise to swallow, though it is unclear when the cuts will take effect and what portions will be cut. Rep. Dave Obey (D-Wis.) recently said the White House suggested cutting SNAP to pay for teachers’ jobs.

States have crusaded for Congress to provide promised funds, held up primarily by Senate Republicans concerned about deficit-spending. $24 billion in Medicaid funding died with the jobs bill, or H.R. 4213, eventually stripped down to just its unemployment extension portion. And Senate Democratic leadership stripped teachers’ jobs funding from the war supplemental bill.
Senate Moves EduJobs and FMAP Funding | The Washington Independent
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Before the TEA party there was no talk of restraining spending. Now there is.

To put the national deficit in terms of a household budget, assume a family has an annual income of $50K. They decide that to live the life they desire, they will need to burrow another $41K every year forever.

That is the current fiscal policy of the USA.

The TEA Party adherants think this is a tad insane. I am a TEA Party adherant. Tell me why spending this much is not insane.

I think they have some VERY good points. The only thing is that you can't unscramble eggs and they don't seem to know this. They are extremely naive, are much too concrete in their thinking, and are charging around like a bull in a china shop.

But then, hey, I know one federal worker who thinks that if they send a few federal workers home on furlough for a couple of weeks that would amount to enough to pay the national deficit off.

As to the borrowing every year, tell me you don't know people who do that. I know people who do that, perhaps not enough to come that close to their income, but I do know people who are so indebted that they will never dig their way out of it. Ever.

Yours is typical parroting of Maher/Limbaugh: The Tea Party is "naive" and "charge around."

If running up a $14 trillion debt is "wisely controlled spending," then perhaps doing something radically different is what we need to begin thinking about.

I don't listen to Maher or Limbaugh. I have a responsible job and I work. No time for that rubbish. I would consider the Hermetic Philosophies to be much more valuable, in fact. I am, however, personally acquainted with some of the tea partiers and they aren't the sharpest crayons in the box and many of them have never been out of the kitchen.

Where did I say that "running up a $14 trillion debt is "wisely controlled spending?" ??

What I project if the tea party gains the upper hand is much of our infrastructure crumbling, and this country coming close to civil war. Again. We have too many people who are dependent upon the government for every morsel of food they put in their mouths. Others have claimed to be trying to reduce this number by adding more and more 'programs' to 'help' them to become wage earners. It hasn't worked. It won't work. Abraham Maslow in his hierarchy of needs asserted that people will give up their freedom for security. That segment of society bears this out. And there are reasons beyond laziness that keep people on the public dole.

We have infrastructure now that can't even be kept in good repair, roads, bridges that are falling apart, etc. And every year more are added.

There have to be some hard choices made, and they have to be made by people who can understand the ramifications of those choices. The tea partiers do not understand the ramifications of those choices. And those choices need to traverse EVERY level of society, not just the middle class.

I find it kind of funny how much people seem to think that they will 'save' in terms of their taxes even if drastic changes are made. Blue and white collar workers int he middle class earn a finite amount of money EVERY year. They are not entrepreneurs who have unlimited potential for wealth. I do pretty well, but when I look at the taxes I paid, having it ALL back would not catapult me to another economic class. It would merely elevate me in my current class. Nor would it the factory worker, or the teacher.

I have maintained for years that middle class Americans have watched Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous for so long that they have become deluded about their place on the food chain. They want those lifestyles and somehow think they can have them on 50K a year. The tea partiers, with the exception of the few like Rand Paul, who thinks he should be wealthy at the expense of anyone out there, really have very little to gain from any changes made, and if they aren't careful they have a LOT to lose when it gets turned back on them.
I love how these republicans pretend that the republicans have not supported the military industrial complex for decades.

Some people are jsut history adverse
Well, I'm not sure how you define ignorant. They are not all ignorant. But, IMNSHO, they are all dangerous. Rand Paul, case in point....from my state of KY. He is about as transparent as Bill Frist was. They are both MDs who ran for office in order to preserve their health care fortunes. Doesn't matter who has to die in the process.

They don't understand the figures that get thrown around in Washington any more than the ones who are in Washington now understand them. Instead of taking a really thoughtful approach to the budget, they just want to lop off numbers regardless who gets hurt in the process.

I can concede that they have some valid points. But all the tea partiers are doing is creating yet another power struggle. They have not helped, and indeed, if one were to really analyze the process since their inception, I feel fairly certain it could be shown that they have hurt this country. (That's my opinion.)

Before the TEA party there was no talk of restraining spending. Now there is.

To put the national deficit in terms of a household budget, assume a family has an annual income of $50K. They decide that to live the life they desire, they will need to burrow another $41K every year forever.

That is the current fiscal policy of the USA.

The TEA Party adherants think this is a tad insane. I am a TEA Party adherant. Tell me why spending this much is not insane.

The American people in their personal finances are up to their asses in debt and have been for decades.

The idea that the government's fiscal irresponsibility is something unique to that institution is nonsensical.
For a split second in its infancy, the Tea Party was going to be something different, a party with laser focus on economic/fiscal issues, without a social agenda of any significance.

That didn't last long, because the social conservatives from the old right wing of the GOP stormed in and imposed their social agenda on the movement, and now, for all practical purposes,

you have a tea party that is little more than the traditional base of the GOP, fighting with the moderate wing of the GOP as they always have done.

A Perot type centrist movement would have been better.
For a split second in its infancy, the Tea Party was going to be something different, a party with laser focus on economic/fiscal issues, without a social agenda of any significance.

That didn't last long, because the social conservatives from the old right wing of the GOP stormed in and imposed their social agenda on the movement, and now, for all practical purposes,

you have a tea party that is little more than the traditional base of the GOP, fighting with the moderate wing of the GOP as they always have done.

A Perot type centrist movement would have been better.
Why? Being centrist wasn't the intention. Returning to conservative values was.

Perhaps you'd like to do a little research before you post again.
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I would like them if they were honest...

If you want to reduce debt you have to be willing to give up programs that help you, not just programs that help others. Military, Social Secuity, Medicare, veterans Benefits all should be up for cuts

You can't reduce $14 trillion in debt without raising taxes

Raising taxes? Really should read raise tax revenues. Freezing or reducing spending is paramount, though. Our blood sucking elected criminals have proven year after year that no matter how much money they have to spend to exceed the available revenues, they are equal to the task.

They have a virtually unblemished record throughout my lifetime. I'm old.

Why are so many politicians poor when first elected and rich when they retire or are convicted?

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