I won't vote for Jeb Bush!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Jeb Bush was a pot-smoking bully say former classmates TheHill

He was a bully and if I was around back when he was in school me and my fellow JROTC cadets would have him on the receiving end of our drill rifles. God I wish time travel was possible! Take some of my JROTC friends and drill rifles and get down to business! Fucking pig Jeb Never served! Fucking draft dodger coward! He probably wouldn't hack it in JROTC! Worthless pothead fuck won't make it to the primaries!
Jeb Bush was a pot-smoking bully say former classmates TheHill

He was a bully and if I was around back when he was in school me and my fellow JROTC cadets would have him on the receiving end of our drill rifles. God I wish time travel was possible! Take some of my JROTC friends and drill rifles and get down to business! Fucking pig Jeb Never served! Fucking draft dodger coward! He probably wouldn't hack it in JROTC! Worthless pothead fuck won't make it to the primaries!

Jeb is not my favorite, but Obama smoked pot and did blow and didn't serve in JROTC as well. Lots of people overlooked his transgressions and voted for him. Were you one of them?
I was around back when he was in school me and my fellow JROTC cadets would have him on the receiving end of our drill rifles.

Jeb has made it quite clear he won't be running to the far right; his position will be supported wildly by the mainstream of the GOP.
Jeb has made it quite clear he won't be running to the far right; his position will be supported wildly by the mainstream of the GOP.
yeah but Iowa is tea party territory, and imo NH will be Walker friendly. Jeb looks better in blue states and states like SC where money makes a difference.
Iowa, where, let me say, I have many friends, is still fuckwit TP territory. One of my sibs there, who runs operations now in the upper MidWest, used to interrupt the family board meetings with TeaP rants. My sister put an end to that by pushing through a vote that empowered the Board to penalize him $5k for each rant thereafter. He was pissed but knew better than to sound off.
Jeb Bush used to shit his pants when he was a year old. Who wants a pants shitter for President?

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