"I won't text and drive if it is against the law"..wow!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I swear I heard a radio personality when news about the NHTSB suggested banning of text/driving.."
well if it becomes a law I won't do it"!

YES really.
What is it with truly ignorant people who IGNORE the more fundamental laws of nature like oh for example:

A car traveling at 30 mph travels in 44 feet on one second.
reaction time from lifting eyes from texting to braking: 1.5 seconds. (accident reconstructionists simply to use a standard reaction time number, such as 1.5 seconds, when analyzing a case.
Visual Expert Human Factors: Driver Reaction Time

That means by the time a normal driver
1) raises their eyes from their texting
2) slams on the brakes

They have traveled 66 feet.

Using driving rules 1 car length for every 10 miles per hour and
Average car length 13 feet that means at 30 mph means or
3 car lengths or ~ 40 feet.

So our texting driver travels 66 feet before seeing the car in front and slamming the brakes on!

Before slamming on the brakes.. ACCIDENT!!!
And that's assuming the driver is driving 1 car length/10 mph!

Laws of physics and physiology supercede laws of MAN every time!

BUT of course this radio personality LIKE almost all nanny state children KNOW that they don't want to get caught by a cop breaking the LAWS of Man!!

REALITY CHECK Yesterday I was driving 50 mph and young tattooed girl was driving next lane beside me side-by-side.. NOT 5 car lengths from car in front.. AND TEXTING WHILE DRIVING!
GEEZ... there ought to be a law!!!
DUH.. there IS... LAW of common SENSE and golden Rule!

If from pre-school and up, from 2 year old watching TV to advertising the same amount of time and money that was spent on "global warming" and "Greening" were spent on teaching people common sense.. i.e.
YOU don't TEXT and Drive at the same time!
You don't expect a cop on every corner to be as inexpensive as each of us having common sense i.e. don't text and drive...
If that were the meme of the day constantly beaten into all of us again like global warming/greening.. THERE wouldn't be the need of a "law against..."!
We'd be following "common SENSE" laws.. i.e. you can't stop your car fast enough if you are texting and driving for example!!!
Texting AND talking on cell phones while driving (hands-free or not) should never, ever be done. Period. It's just asking for trouble.

In May 2008, Good and her parents were heading home from her college graduation when a young man chatting on his cell phone ran a red light. At that moment, a tractor trailer on the opposite side of the road swerved, hitting her family's car head-on. Her parents did not survive the crash.

"I was barely alive," said Good, who spent two months in a coma after the tragic accident. She now walks with a cane and has only one functioning arm.

Say Yes To The Dress: Bride Jacy Good Talks About Her Tragic Accident

Brief video of Jacy talking about the accident at link.
Why dont we all put in for an 8cyl black government car with a driver. We can then sit in the back and do what we want. Well for now anyway!
they are also trying to ban talking on the cell phone. But did you know drinking coffee and eating while driving causes more accidents then talking on the phone. I dont do it because I dont like it unless its my kids , or hubby or my mom i will not answer the phone and I normally pull over.
It's amazing how so many people wait for government to tell them what to do. Common sense isn't common anymore. Too many don't think for themselves any more and wait for guidance from the state or federal government. Heck, the politicians have trained people to let them take care of them from cradle to grave, so this isn't surprising that some people will do things till told not to.
I was rear ended by a driver texting last April. While no one was hurt there was considerable damage to both vehicles. Yup, we need a law banning this extremely dangerous distraction!
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One more thing to enforce.

One more effort at enforced behaviour modification.

I can hardly wait for the electronic surveilance that we will all soon be under.

1984 does not seem so far fetched today as it did some time ago.
I was rear ending by a driver texting last April. While no one was hurt there was considerable damage to both vehicles. Yup, we need a law banning this extremely dangerous distraction!

I wish laws would keep people from doing stupid things. Some will obey for fear of getting a ticket. Many of us don't do it because we value our lives and others, so will follow common sense before the law catches up.

Too many will ignore the law, just like so many laws are already ignored. Like Ron White says, you can't fix stupid.
my point in this thread was simple!
Common sense would be more efficient. The lawbreakers are few. So why not spend MORE money educating people on common sense. On the efficiencies and savings that common sense provides RATHER then thinking "OH we need another law"!
We are now so over regulated over ruled.. lawed to the hilt!
When will more people recognize that teaching people to have common sense is more efficient less costly then hiring people to stop the few!
We will always have the few that don't care if they get caught!
What we need is to reduce the number of laws, increase spending on teaching common sense and then see how stupid it is to first thing say.."there ought to be a law!"
Common senses should be beaten into our heads with the same fervor same evangelism that global warming has been beaten into our kids today!
Seriously.. ask any kid how often they've been educated in school about the seriousness of global warming... YET not one has been taught the golden rule, much less the concept of "common sense" i.e. the reason you don't text and drive is NOT because it is against a man-made law.. BUT IT is common sense!!!
I was rear ended by a driver texting last April. While no one was hurt there was considerable damage to both vehicles. Yup, we need a law banning this extremely dangerous distraction!

That's why I don't mind banning the texting thing, my nephew won't walk again because of being plowed into by a young girl texting.

I'm usually the last one to ask for more regs, but this one hit real close to home.
I was rear ended by a driver texting last April. While no one was hurt there was considerable damage to both vehicles. Yup, we need a law banning this extremely dangerous distraction!

That's why I don't mind banning the texting thing, my nephew won't walk again because of being plowed into by a young girl texting.

I'm usually the last one to ask for more regs, but this one hit real close to home.
Do you honestly think the young girl would have stopped texting if it was against the law?
Also.. didn't the girl get charged with any negligence?
I mean in Fl. the law is pretty clear. I mean the whole reason current discussion about text while driving is because a truck driver here in Fl
was charged with vehicular homicide and reckless driving!
Texting Truck Driver Arresting After Hitting School Bus | InjuryBoard Jacksonville

My point is what MORE should be done.. i.e. this driver was charged with HOMICIDE and reckless driving..wasn't the girl in your nephew's accident?
AND what good would ADDITIONAL laws do?
It's like "HATE" crime laws. I never understood that.
If you beat someone up why is it different if it was done for "hate" or stupidity or what?
You hurt someone you have to pay!
Same with the young texting girl and your nephew!
SHE's paying for reckless driving!
What would adding "texting" do?
I've always wondered how do they prove you were texting.

In Georgia it's against the law. What if I'm dialing a number, it's going to look like I'm punching buttons on my phone the same it would as if I were texting. Do they confiscate your phone and look and see what times text were sent or perhaps not sent?
I swear I heard a radio personality when news about the NHTSB suggested banning of text/driving.."
well if it becomes a law I won't do it"!

YES really.
What is it with truly ignorant people who IGNORE the more fundamental laws of nature like oh for example:

A car traveling at 30 mph travels in 44 feet on one second.
reaction time from lifting eyes from texting to braking: 1.5 seconds. (accident reconstructionists simply to use a standard reaction time number, such as 1.5 seconds, when analyzing a case.
Visual Expert Human Factors: Driver Reaction Time

That means by the time a normal driver
1) raises their eyes from their texting
2) slams on the brakes

They have traveled 66 feet.

Using driving rules 1 car length for every 10 miles per hour and
Average car length 13 feet that means at 30 mph means or
3 car lengths or ~ 40 feet.

So our texting driver travels 66 feet before seeing the car in front and slamming the brakes on!

Before slamming on the brakes.. ACCIDENT!!!
And that's assuming the driver is driving 1 car length/10 mph!

Laws of physics and physiology supercede laws of MAN every time!

BUT of course this radio personality LIKE almost all nanny state children KNOW that they don't want to get caught by a cop breaking the LAWS of Man!!

REALITY CHECK Yesterday I was driving 50 mph and young tattooed girl was driving next lane beside me side-by-side.. NOT 5 car lengths from car in front.. AND TEXTING WHILE DRIVING!
GEEZ... there ought to be a law!!!
DUH.. there IS... LAW of common SENSE and golden Rule!

If from pre-school and up, from 2 year old watching TV to advertising the same amount of time and money that was spent on "global warming" and "Greening" were spent on teaching people common sense.. i.e.
YOU don't TEXT and Drive at the same time!
You don't expect a cop on every corner to be as inexpensive as each of us having common sense i.e. don't text and drive...
If that were the meme of the day constantly beaten into all of us again like global warming/greening.. THERE wouldn't be the need of a "law against..."!
We'd be following "common SENSE" laws.. i.e. you can't stop your car fast enough if you are texting and driving for example!!!

Should I start classifying people with myth in their name the same way I classify people who use truth?

Are you aware that, despite the uproar about texting and driving and how everyone is doing it, highway fatalities are at their lowest level in decades?
Texting AND talking on cell phones while driving (hands-free or not) should never, ever be done. Period. It's just asking for trouble.

In May 2008, Good and her parents were heading home from her college graduation when a young man chatting on his cell phone ran a red light. At that moment, a tractor trailer on the opposite side of the road swerved, hitting her family's car head-on. Her parents did not survive the crash.

"I was barely alive," said Good, who spent two months in a coma after the tragic accident. She now walks with a cane and has only one functioning arm.
Say Yes To The Dress: Bride Jacy Good Talks About Her Tragic Accident

Brief video of Jacy talking about the accident at link.

Did you know that talking to passengers results in more deaths than talking and texting combined? Should we outlaw passengers in cars?
Distracted driving KILLS!!! Next up for the nanny state:

No listening to the radio or music while driving....it's distracting.
All passengers will be required to be blindfolded and gagged while in a car....it's a distraction.
Children will be required to be knocked unconscious while in a car....they can be a distraction.
Fast food restaurants will be forced to close all drive through windows...eating while driving is a distraction
Auto Manufacturers will be required to eliminate cup holders from all cars....drinking any liquid while driving can be a distraction.

Welcome to the "Nanny State"....

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