I Wonder, Why is the D Flop Sweat so Intense So Early?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
With the impeach meme electing their radical wing in the primaries they are likely to go into the wilderness. For a long time the Ds have known that only their SALT deduction has kept them from Blue Wall collapse. Now they are losing their tax base and collapse is on the way.

Worst case.

They become two or more centrist regional parties until the Trump administration runs out of low hanging fruit. Shortly into his second term the Trump growth machine is going to be running on momentum. The Ds are going to do a replay of the 1929-53 Rs, not the post Civil War Whigs unless either their circular firing squad keeps it up or they demonstrate even greater incompetence by trying another coronation. There is also the possibility that the current R cast of Victory disease is stopped by something other than electoral defeat.

So, why all the flop sweat over yesterday's news?
Soros needs to wait until after the 2018 shellacking to have his democrat Party openly embrace Communism, blaming the losses on his party being too Conservative

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