I wonder if Palestinians are done celebrating the Oct. 7 attacks…


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
They hit the streets in celebration and eating of sweets. Polls show that vast majority supported Oct. 7, before Israelis had retaliated. I wonder if they are still dancing and braying like donkeys. Inquiring Minds want to know.


The-Twilight-Zone-FUCK EM.jpg
They hit the streets in celebration and eating of sweets. Polls show that vast majority supported Oct. 7, before Israelis had retaliated. I wonder if they are still dancing and braying like donkeys. Inquiring Minds want to know.

Just one Hellfire missile, that's all I ask for...

They hit the streets in celebration and eating of sweets. Polls show that vast majority supported Oct. 7, before Israelis had retaliated. I wonder if they are still dancing and braying like donkeys. Inquiring Minds want to know.
Now they are whining and crying.
Just one Hellfire missile, that's all I ask for...

View attachment 869969
"As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy."

It basically means that if you start flying missiles into crowds of people and blowing up everything indiscriminately, you are no better than Hamas.

Ra's al Ghul "Compassion is a weakness your enemies will not share."

Batman "That's why it's so important. It separates us from them."
Yes , you are like a braying donkey .
Except that you are just an ignorant Racist old man braying .
Can’t handle the truth eh? I bet you and your Pali buddies that you service regularly celebrated too. Are you celebrating now?
OCT 7, 2023?

That onslaught, atrocities of:

- massacring youths,

- suffocating shelters with people in them,

- burning children alive,

- decapitaing and mutilation of bodies,

- torturing en masse,

- mass raping girls some before killing some post mortem - all while laughing,

- gouging out the eyes,

- cutting off the genitalia of men and slicing off the breasts of women,

- murdering children in front of their parents and parents in front of their children,

- played with decapitated heads...

- kidnapping men women and children,

- parading with half naked hostages to be abused by many ordinary Gazans cheering..

All the above under cries of Allah Akbar!
Good to see the Freedom Fighters continue their superb performance .
The Israeli Child Killers are so panic stricken that their propaganda presses cannot keep up with Nutty Yahoo's demands .
Israeli False Flag stories are now the nation's biggest export line .
Currently two for the price of one is being offered to USless based media organisations .

Cloudy and Pasta Jelly last seen packing their bags as the Isrsaelis show signs of being overrun .
OCT 7, 2023?

That onslaught, atrocities of:

- massacring youths,

- suffocating shelters with people in them,

- burning children alive,

- decapitaing and mutilation of bodies,

- torturing en masse,

- mass raping girls some before killing some post mortem - all while laughing,

- gouging out the eyes,

- cutting off the genitalia of men and slicing off the breasts of women,

- murdering children in front of their parents and parents in front of their children,

- played with decapitated heads...

- kidnapping men women and children,

- parading with half naked hostages to be abused by many ordinary Gazans cheering..

All the above under cries of Allah Akbar!

Pasta Jelly moves ahead in the Troll stakes .

She dare not read the threads " Hamas alleged atrocities are Fake "

But picks up school award for Biggest Gullible
Good to see the Freedom Fighters continue their superb performance .
The Israeli Child Killers are so panic stricken that their propaganda presses cannot keep up with Nutty Yahoo's demands .
Israeli False Flag stories are now the nation's biggest export line .
Currently two for the price of one is being offered to USless based media organisations .

Cloudy and Pasta Jelly last seen packing their bags as the Isrsaelis show signs of being overrun .

I love you but you're fuckin' nuts.

The chief coward hinself fled in humanitarian convoy ...

Hamas terrorists who surrendered to the IDF complained that the Hamas leadership doesn't care about the public.

The head of Hamas in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, fled Gaza City in northern Gaza to Khan Yunis in southern Gaza in a humanitarian convoy soon after the war began, an Israeli source told KAN news on Saturday.

Additionally on Saturday night, IDF Spokesperson R.-Adm. Daniel Hagari said that terrorists who surrendered in Shejaia and Jabalya told Israeli security forces that Hamas leaders, including Sinwar, were "denying reality" despite being updated on the situation on the ground.

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