I wonder how many left wingers have a problem with this. Meet "Desmond is Amazing" gay pride month.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

A self described DRAG QUEEN, HE is only 10 years old in that video. Being celebrated around the pathetic liberal world as a TRUE INSPIRATION to ALL.

Listen to the stupid WHITE LEFT WING WOMAN anchor woman.

It is his FOURTH pride march, which means he has been doing this since he was 6 or 7.
As foretold, the days of Noah are here.
4th of July five years ago.

Let me just bump this thread.

WATCH: 'Good Morning America' Promotes Child Drag Queen

Here's the point which jumped out at me and hasn't been explicitly addressed, as far as I know: Desmond identifies as a same-sex attracted "androgynous drag kid".

He's TEN YEARS OLD! My youngest son is about to turn ten in a couple of months. The only thing he's "attracted" to is his Roblox account.

What the hell kind of counselor were his parents taking him to that didn't see a giant red warning flag of "SOMETHING WRONG!" in a pre-pubescent child identifying ANY sexual attraction of any sort?

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