“I will not, and you can go **** yourself.”

Didn't happen. Desantis is a crappy governor but he is not that crappy.

Why do you think he's a crappy Governor?
Right now he's wanting to act like the pandemic is over and throw open the doors to tourists while the majority of Floridians will have to wait weeks and months before they are even eligible for a vaccine. I don't expect to be able to get one until May or June if then. It sucks.

People are back to work, kids are back in schools, restaurants and bars are open, but at the same time our number of reported new cases continues to decreases by the day. That sounds like a pretty positive trend to me...
It's not that positive for those who will have to deal with a flood of ignoramuses taking a vacation from covid precautions. Already seeing them downtown walking around like it's all over. Any official concern for people who have to deal with the public is secondary to those all mighty tourist dollars.
Are most people masking and are restaurants and bars following restrictions?
Half-assed at best. If I chose I could walk into any store, bar or restaurant in town without a mask and shake all the Trump loving hands I wanted to. We are a tiny little town waaay off the beaten path. A fishing paradise that the Georgia rednecks really like to visit and they don't even want to see a bunch of commie face masks.
Didn't happen. Desantis is a crappy governor but he is not that crappy.

Why do you think he's a crappy Governor?
Right now he's wanting to act like the pandemic is over and throw open the doors to tourists while the majority of Floridians will have to wait weeks and months before they are even eligible for a vaccine. I don't expect to be able to get one until May or June if then. It sucks.

People are back to work, kids are back in schools, restaurants and bars are open, but at the same time our number of reported new cases continues to decreases by the day. That sounds like a pretty positive trend to me...
It's not that positive for those who will have to deal with a flood of ignoramuses taking a vacation from covid precautions. Already seeing them downtown walking around like it's all over. Any official concern for people who have to deal with the public is secondary to those all mighty tourist dollars.
Are most people masking and are restaurants and bars following restrictions?
Half-assed at best. If I chose I could walk into any store, bar or restaurant in town without a mask and shake all the Trump loving hands I wanted to. We are a tiny little town waaay off the beaten path. A fishing paradise that the Georgia rednecks really like to visit and they don't even want to see a bunch of commie face masks.
I suppose it's nice to go somewhere you feel like you've 'escaped.' I could sure go for that. I don't think we've gotten there yet, though.
Said Governor Desantis to Joe. Interesting if true. Joe plans to violate the Constitution if he so chooses.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was on a conference call with Biden and Fauci where Biden said he would prohibit domestic travel to and from Florida because it would not lockdown. DeSantis did not take any shit from Biden who claimed he had the authority to “restrict movement” of the people. There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that given such authority and it is a First Amendment right to freedom of movement.

Biden then added that DeSantis left Florida’s economy openduring “the dark days of Covid.” Yet the cases here were less than in New York. Moreover, Biden claimed he had unilateral and constitutional authority to protect the nation’s health from “rogue politicians” acting in contravention of established health guidelines. DeSantis replied: “I will not comply.” He said that Biden was targeting Republican states that supported Donald Trump.

“Florida absolutely will not comply,” DeSantis repeated. “Instituting a travel ban or restriction of movement would be a gross example of federal overreach with no grounding in law or science. We have Covid-19 in check, and you’re trying to exert unlawful authority over our state and its people.”

Biden then tacitly threatened to withhold federal funding and to deny Florida access to Covid-19 vaccinations. DeSantis said: “How much do you stand to earn from these vaccines, Dr. Fauci? And, Joe, if you continue with this course of action, I will authorize the state National Guard to protect the movement of Floridians.” Biden responded: “Address me as Mr. President or President Biden.” DeSantis bluntly said: “I will not, and you can go fuck yourself.” DeSantis then hung up.
Biden Claims He Can Prevent People from Traveling State to State with Fauci Support | Armstrong Economics
Those poor people in FL have to put up with a real shitty Governor no matter what policy. KOOK Party.
in the meantime there are millions who want liberal genius gavin laothsome to be recalled
At least CA isn't run by a KOOK.
You can yell kook all you want, but results count. What are Fla's COVID numbers vs CA's? Fla has a high percentage of elderly people, the prime target of COVID. What are their numbers compared to CA?
CA today.....

Said Governor Desantis to Joe. Interesting if true. Joe plans to violate the Constitution if he so chooses.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was on a conference call with Biden and Fauci where Biden said he would prohibit domestic travel to and from Florida because it would not lockdown. DeSantis did not take any shit from Biden who claimed he had the authority to “restrict movement” of the people. There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that given such authority and it is a First Amendment right to freedom of movement.

Biden then added that DeSantis left Florida’s economy openduring “the dark days of Covid.” Yet the cases here were less than in New York. Moreover, Biden claimed he had unilateral and constitutional authority to protect the nation’s health from “rogue politicians” acting in contravention of established health guidelines. DeSantis replied: “I will not comply.” He said that Biden was targeting Republican states that supported Donald Trump.

“Florida absolutely will not comply,” DeSantis repeated. “Instituting a travel ban or restriction of movement would be a gross example of federal overreach with no grounding in law or science. We have Covid-19 in check, and you’re trying to exert unlawful authority over our state and its people.”

Biden then tacitly threatened to withhold federal funding and to deny Florida access to Covid-19 vaccinations. DeSantis said: “How much do you stand to earn from these vaccines, Dr. Fauci? And, Joe, if you continue with this course of action, I will authorize the state National Guard to protect the movement of Floridians.” Biden responded: “Address me as Mr. President or President Biden.” DeSantis bluntly said: “I will not, and you can go fuck yourself.” DeSantis then hung up.
Biden Claims He Can Prevent People from Traveling State to State with Fauci Support | Armstrong Economics
Desantis is a low life lying pos and I'm being kind
Can't be because of COVID. Sounds like he's handling that pretty well. What else ya got?
Didn't happen. Desantis is a crappy governor but he is not that crappy.

Why do you think he's a crappy Governor?
Right now he's wanting to act like the pandemic is over and throw open the doors to tourists while the majority of Floridians will have to wait weeks and months before they are even eligible for a vaccine. I don't expect to be able to get one until May or June if then. It sucks.

People are back to work, kids are back in schools, restaurants and bars are open, but at the same time our number of reported new cases continues to decreases by the day. That sounds like a pretty positive trend to me...
It's not that positive for those who will have to deal with a flood of ignoramuses taking a vacation from covid precautions. Already seeing them downtown walking around like it's all over. Any official concern for people who have to deal with the public is secondary to those all mighty tourist dollars.
Are most people masking and are restaurants and bars following restrictions?
Half-assed at best. If I chose I could walk into any store, bar or restaurant in town without a mask and shake all the Trump loving hands I wanted to. We are a tiny little town waaay off the beaten path. A fishing paradise that the Georgia rednecks really like to visit and they don't even want to see a bunch of commie face masks.
I suppose it's nice to go somewhere you feel like you've 'escaped.' I could sure go for that. I don't think we've gotten there yet, though.
Photo Essay: Finding Florida's Forgotten Coast | VISIT FLORIDA
Didn't happen. Desantis is a crappy governor but he is not that crappy.

Why do you think he's a crappy Governor?
Right now he's wanting to act like the pandemic is over and throw open the doors to tourists while the majority of Floridians will have to wait weeks and months before they are even eligible for a vaccine. I don't expect to be able to get one until May or June if then. It sucks.

People are back to work, kids are back in schools, restaurants and bars are open, but at the same time our number of reported new cases continues to decreases by the day. That sounds like a pretty positive trend to me...
It's not that positive for those who will have to deal with a flood of ignoramuses taking a vacation from covid precautions. Already seeing them downtown walking around like it's all over. Any official concern for people who have to deal with the public is secondary to those all mighty tourist dollars.

Stay home and wear a mask.

You’ll be safe.

You can even wear the mask IN your house. Might as well take every precaution, huh?
Didn't happen. Desantis is a crappy governor but he is not that crappy.

Why do you think he's a crappy Governor?
Right now he's wanting to act like the pandemic is over and throw open the doors to tourists while the majority of Floridians will have to wait weeks and months before they are even eligible for a vaccine. I don't expect to be able to get one until May or June if then. It sucks.

People are back to work, kids are back in schools, restaurants and bars are open, but at the same time our number of reported new cases continues to decreases by the day. That sounds like a pretty positive trend to me...
It's not that positive for those who will have to deal with a flood of ignoramuses taking a vacation from covid precautions. Already seeing them downtown walking around like it's all over. Any official concern for people who have to deal with the public is secondary to those all mighty tourist dollars.

Stay home and wear a mask.

You’ll be safe.
I have to work. It would be nice if the Trumpbots at least tried to keep their germs to themselves. Don't want to wear a mask? Fine. Why do they want to stand so close to me? Why the hurt look when I step back and pass on shaking hands?
This might help you understand why he is a pos
Ron DeSantis is an asshole.

February 2 at 7:21 PM ·

"You gotta be ****king shitting me. After all this time, my senior stepfather was scheduled tomorrow for his vaccine. He just got a call from the medical center that the appointment is canceled because Ron DeSantis took their entire vaccination allotment, so nobody can get it from them.
This ****ing ****head is taking vaccines from counties that didn't vote for him and Trump, and giving them to the panhandle, and The Villages."
This is happening all over, including here in VA. The demand for the vaccine still far exceeds the supply and distribution capacity.

Florida is full of Seniors. DeSantis does not have a vendetta against your father, and he is doing an effective job. Florida is prioritizing administering the vaccine to seniors, and they are doing incredibly well compared to Dem-controlled states...

Jim that was a cut and paste not my step father I just have learned through the years to not trust repubs as far as you can throw them Cruz Graham and Rubio are prime examples
I have to work. It would be nice if the Trumpbots at least tried to keep their germs to themselves. Don't want to wear a mask? Fine. Why do they want to stand so close to me? Why the hurt look when I step back and pass on shaking hands?

We are not all the same. I respect your right to take precautions how you wish. You can change your behavior how you want. No problem at all. That's cool.

I deal with some scared people. I am respectful of them. Everyone has their own situation. There are people who are vulnerable; there are people who are scared; there are people who care for others who are vulnerable; there are people who want to comply with what the government tells them to do.

It's all good.

Just don't expect others to change their behavior.

I can't count the times that I have been told by others online that my right to pursue happiness as I wish stops as soon as I put others at the slightest risk. That is is a ridiculous and selfish opinion. I don't tell them what to do. Do what you want.

Trumpbot Jim
This might help you understand why he is a pos
Ron DeSantis is an asshole.

February 2 at 7:21 PM ·

"You gotta be ****king shitting me. After all this time, my senior stepfather was scheduled tomorrow for his vaccine. He just got a call from the medical center that the appointment is canceled because Ron DeSantis took their entire vaccination allotment, so nobody can get it from them.
This ****ing ****head is taking vaccines from counties that didn't vote for him and Trump, and giving them to the panhandle, and The Villages."
This is happening all over, including here in VA. The demand for the vaccine still far exceeds the supply and distribution capacity.

Florida is full of Seniors. DeSantis does not have a vendetta against your father, and he is doing an effective job. Florida is prioritizing administering the vaccine to seniors, and they are doing incredibly well compared to Dem-controlled states...

Jim that was a cut and paste not my step father I just have learned through the years to not trust repubs as far as you can throw them Cruz Graham and Rubio are prime examples
I think that is true of most politicians. There are some with integrity. A Republican example would be Jim Jordan, whom I think is a national treasure. A Socialist example would be (arguably) Bernie Sanders. Rand Paul is another example of someone with controversial views but votes and speaks his mind.

My Rep, Ben Cline, votes how I expect him to represent me, and I like that a lot. He gets a lot of heat for it in our local paper, which is controlled by Dems and has countless letters admonishing him, but he continues to faithfully support Conservative causes, so he will continue to get my vote.

I tend to like Cruz a lot for his support of Trump and not being so butt hurt about losing to Trump like Rubio, Romney, Kasich, Bush, and Graham. Graham does not seem as much of a swamp creature as Mitch McConnell to me, but both of them are much better than Democrat alternatives, IMO.

I have to work. It would be nice if the Trumpbots at least tried to keep their germs to themselves. Don't want to wear a mask? Fine. Why do they want to stand so close to me? Why the hurt look when I step back and pass on shaking hands?

We are not all the same. I respect your right to take precautions how you wish. You can change your behavior how you want. No problem at all. That's cool.

I deal with some scared people. I am respectful of them. Everyone has their own situation. There are people who are vulnerable; there are people who are scared; there are people who care for others who are vulnerable; there are people who want to comply with what the government tells them to do.

It's all good.

Just don't expect others to change their behavior.

I can't count the times that I have been told by others online that my right to pursue happiness as I wish stops as soon as I put others at the slightest risk. That is is a ridiculous and selfish opinion. I don't tell them what to do. Do what you want.

Trumpbot Jim
The other side of that coin is that I don't care about your happiness when the health and safety of myself and my loved ones is at stake. I can't go anywhere and enjoy myself anymore because jerks just aren't happy unless they violate my airspace. What's up with the hugging? I understand that I look like Santa but come on. It's not like I'm going to give out gifts or something.
The other side of that coin is that I don't care about your happiness when the health and safety of myself and my loved ones is at stake. I can't go anywhere and enjoy myself anymore because jerks just aren't happy unless they violate my airspace. What's up with the hugging? I understand that I look like Santa but come on. It's not like I'm going to give out gifts or something.

Well, I care about your right to pursue happiness as you wish.

Your position is hypocritical and self-centered. You expect other people to change their behavior to meet your desires, but people like me say, "you do what you want, please leave me alone."

"Violate my airspace," really? You have been killing grandmothers your whole life with your germs, and now you are accusing others of doing it?

You are welcome to stay home for as long as you want. Everyone has a fundamental human right to pursue happiness and make their own medical decisions.

Why can't you go anywhere? If you wear a mask, you are protected, right? Get out and enjoy life.

If by some strange reason you think that others need to wear a mask too, then you you should wear two, and you are just as protected. Science and all that.

Don't try to tell me that masks work in only one direction; that would be nonsense.

I think you should turn off CNN and read the Constitution.

PS: It really is just another flu. There are four other coronaviruses that most people acquire at some point in their lives, and they also cause flu-like symptoms. SARS and MERS are two additional ones. Viruses are ubiquitous. COVID-19 is not exceptional, other than the media coverage. There are now seven strains of it detected in the US. Don't be scared; it's completely normal for viruses to mutate. They tend to get weaker over time.

So when the next hurricane hits Florida and DeSantis wants Biden to declare a National Emergency...yea...Go fuck yourself
Said Governor Desantis to Joe. Interesting if true. Joe plans to violate the Constitution if he so chooses.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was on a conference call with Biden and Fauci where Biden said he would prohibit domestic travel to and from Florida because it would not lockdown. DeSantis did not take any shit from Biden who claimed he had the authority to “restrict movement” of the people. There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that given such authority and it is a First Amendment right to freedom of movement.

Biden then added that DeSantis left Florida’s economy openduring “the dark days of Covid.” Yet the cases here were less than in New York. Moreover, Biden claimed he had unilateral and constitutional authority to protect the nation’s health from “rogue politicians” acting in contravention of established health guidelines. DeSantis replied: “I will not comply.” He said that Biden was targeting Republican states that supported Donald Trump.

“Florida absolutely will not comply,” DeSantis repeated. “Instituting a travel ban or restriction of movement would be a gross example of federal overreach with no grounding in law or science. We have Covid-19 in check, and you’re trying to exert unlawful authority over our state and its people.”

Biden then tacitly threatened to withhold federal funding and to deny Florida access to Covid-19 vaccinations. DeSantis said: “How much do you stand to earn from these vaccines, Dr. Fauci? And, Joe, if you continue with this course of action, I will authorize the state National Guard to protect the movement of Floridians.” Biden responded: “Address me as Mr. President or President Biden.” DeSantis bluntly said: “I will not, and you can go fuck yourself.” DeSantis then hung up.
Biden Claims He Can Prevent People from Traveling State to State with Fauci Support | Armstrong Economics
Those poor people in FL have to put up with a real shitty Governor no matter what policy. KOOK Party.
florida has to build millions of home for all those moving there from woke new york and california

Which is why Biden wants Florida shut down.
Really telling that DeSantis is lauded as a kook, a terrible governor and a many other things because he is not following guidelines that others think he should. Meanwhile, CA and NY are heralded as having wonderful governors.

Yet FL is doing very well with the virus whereas CA and NY are doing horribly. It takes a special kind of partisanship and insanity to declare the actual people dead irrelevant but bending the knee to oppressive demands the important metric. It is crystal clear that DeSantis is doing a damn good job where the heroes of the left have failed miserably.

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