I went to Mass today


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Today is the first Sunday of Lent, and the theme was the number 40.

It rained 40 days and nights before Noah's ark set down, and God created the rainbow as a covenant that he would not flood the Earth again.

Moses found the Israelites worshiping the Golden Calf, so as punishment they were made to wander for 40 years in the desert.

Jesus went into the desert for 40 days, and was tempted by Satan.

Lent is 40 days long, a period during which we prepare for Easter through fasting, almsgiving, and prayer.

Tomorrow I will go to confession.

Happy Lent.

Happy Lent to all Christians.

I speak of the knowledge of the saints of Islam. The number 40 has a great signification in Islam. A saint of Islam may order his experienced disciple to enter a 40 day seclusion. A seclusion is when you enter in a room while the saint surveils you from a spiritual perspective, and you don't come out of the room. You stay in the room remembering the Name of God, sending prayers on Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), and so on, but not doing anything else and cutting yourself from the people. The goal is to bring you closer to the Court of God, which is the final destination of your journey.

Amongst some things Umar (may God be well pleased with him) was the 40th person to become a Muslim. When he became a Muslim, the Muslims went out and stopped hiding. The 40th day after someone's death is an important day to Muslims. The 40th name of God is "The Sustainer, the Supporter", He who sustains everything (Muqit in Arabic). The 40th name of Muhammad also happens to be "One Sustained" (Mansur in Arabic). As you mentioned, the number 40 played also a significant role in the guidance of the prophets before Muhammad. The Qur'an says:

"And remember We appointed forty nights for Moses, and in his absence ye took the calf (for worship), and ye did grievous wrong."

Happy Lent to all Christians.
Today is the first Sunday of Lent, and the theme was the number 40.

It rained 40 days and nights before Noah's ark set down, and God created the rainbow as a covenant that he would not flood the Earth again.

Moses found the Israelites worshiping the Golden Calf, so as punishment they were made to wander for 40 years in the desert.

Jesus went into the desert for 40 days, and was tempted by Satan.

Lent is 40 days long, a period during which we prepare for Easter through fasting, almsgiving, and prayer.

Tomorrow I will go to confession.

And Judas received 40 pieces of silver for betraying Jesus. :)
Today is the first Sunday of Lent, and the theme was the number 40.

It rained 40 days and nights before Noah's ark set down, and God created the rainbow as a covenant that he would not flood the Earth again.

Moses found the Israelites worshiping the Golden Calf, so as punishment they were made to wander for 40 years in the desert.

Jesus went into the desert for 40 days, and was tempted by Satan.

Lent is 40 days long, a period during which we prepare for Easter through fasting, almsgiving, and prayer.

Tomorrow I will go to confession.
My feet have been cold for forty days.

BTW, when is Easter this year?

Old locals will not plant gardens until Good Friday.
Today is the first Sunday of Lent, and the theme was the number 40.

It rained 40 days and nights before Noah's ark set down, and God created the rainbow as a covenant that he would not flood the Earth again.

Moses found the Israelites worshiping the Golden Calf, so as punishment they were made to wander for 40 years in the desert.

Jesus went into the desert for 40 days, and was tempted by Satan.

Lent is 40 days long, a period during which we prepare for Easter through fasting, almsgiving, and prayer.

Tomorrow I will go to confession.

And Judas received 40 pieces of silver for betraying Jesus. :)
Judas was paid 30 pieces of silver.
I went to confession today. The priest listened to my sins, and then asked me to reflect on John 3:16:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life."
I went to confession today. The priest listened to my sins, and then asked me to reflect on John 3:16:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whomsoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life."

This reminds me of a Hadith Qudsi. A Hadith Qudsi is a Hadith (a saying of Muhammad) where Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) teaches us something that God Almighty said. The Hadiths Qudsi are not part of the Qur'an. They are only found in the Hadiths. I mention hereby that which I was reminded of:

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said that God Almighty said:

"I was a hidden treasure and I wanted to be known, so I created creation."

What He actually created was Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), and for Muhammad He created all creation.
I prayed to St. Joseph during Mass. He is a husband, a father, and a businessman, and he understands my problems.

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