I want my country back


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV


Jobs we lost may never return to support an illegal alien work force. So amnesty may not be best for America and Americans. Americans first before illegal aliens. Our economy cannot afford for illegal aliens to take jobs that Americans should have. That is just hard reality. We all fail or some of us fail and that mean American workers first, American children first, our poor first and our sick first. If amnesty is given to 30 million illegal aliens, we all fail.

If we send illegal aliens the message that there is not work for them they will not come, leaving their families behind in Mexico and they will leave and take their anchor babies, American born children with them. Their home is not here, but home is where they families are and their families home is in Mexico. We cannot separate these families by allowing them to leave their anchor babies here. For us to support. There are Mexican born children living in this country with their parents and there is no reason why American born children cannot live in Mexico with their parents. Mexican born children do not anchor their parents to Mexico so why should American born children anchor their parents here?

If illegal aliens are out of work, they should go home and not be a burden on already struggling Americans If Obama, Reid and Pelosi want them here, then they should contribute for their support by giving up their salaries, because we are not willing to give par of our earnings, when we are already contributing to our own.

During “Operations Wetback” it was Americans first and in the 1920s it was Americans first when illegal aliens were deported. But we are not asking for mass deportation, but for enforcement of work place laws and they will self deport. Stabilizing America job force and economy. Another amnesty means certain death for America forever. We will never be able to fix illegal immigration. We will become North Mexico with all of Mexico’s problem. Poverty, crime and corruption.
I want my country back.
Hey we have been working for 10 years or so to solve the illegal problem by making the USA less attractive than Mexico. We are getting there, be patient.
If one was born here he/she IS a native american! If one was born here he/she is NOT an immigrant.

Natives = the natives are the people living in a place, not visitors or foreigners; born in the place or country indicated.

Immigrant = a person who comes into a foreign country or region to live.
Hi Lil:



Start with the Illegal Alien Foreign National squatting in the White House. His home country is Kenya, according to his wife:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLDHDfPNBME]Michelle Obama: Barack's Home Country Is Kenya[/ame]

Jobs we lost may never return to support an illegal alien work force. So amnesty may not be best for America and Americans.

No kidding. Twenty Million goddamned Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals came here in the middle of the night to 'displace' U.S. Workers from JOBS. Then those 20 Million 'displaced' U.S. Workers had to go out and steal JOBS from another 20 Million Americans in a 'displacement cycle' that NEVER ENDS. The fact that you allow 20 Million goddamned Illegal Aliens to run around loose EVERYWHERE in the USA is reason #11 that America will most certainly be destroyed (my Topic).

Americans first before illegal aliens. Our economy cannot afford for illegal aliens to take jobs that Americans should have. That is just hard reality.

That has been the hard reality for the last two decades and your corrupt politicians in Washington D.C. care NOTHING about working Americans. The local Consumer/Tax Bases are being destroyed, as the foreclosure rates keep going up; because 'displaced' Americans cannot afford to make house payments and pay their taxes to support the local schools. Illegals kill 25 STUPID Americans every damned day, which amounts to 10,000 U.S. Citizens killed every year by citizens of 'other countries' that are NOT even supposed to be here. The fact that Illegal Aliens also steal identities and JOBS from U.S. Citizens is only a secondary concern, when so many of our fellow Americans DIE over the simple fact that Clinton/Bush/Obama refuse to enforce the "Rule Of Law."

Screw the stupid Americans. Nobody cares ...


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More conservative xenophobia. Illegal aliens should be prosecuted...but you havent lost your county.
The title of this thread amounts to histrionics of the highest order.
If y'all what your Country back you FIRST must realise that BOTH neocon repubs and corporatist/progressive dems are your mortal enemies.
José Illegal and Maria Illegal:

Queremos nuestro pais de vuelta!!

We want our country back!!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sorry folks. It was not a serious post by any stretch. I just couldn't resist the temptation.

But think about it for a moment... The line "I want my country back" makes much more sense coming out of the mouths of illegal Mexicans residing in the US (and Indians, as Luissa righty noted) than in the mouth of Anglo citizens of the US.

Nobody "stole" your country from you Anglo (so far, at least). Last time I checked the American Southwest was firmly under US control and nobody but hispanic fringe groups seriously questions America's sovereignty under those former Mexican provinces. So you can't "want back" what you never lost in the first place as Vanquish stated.

But Mexicans cannot "want it back" either because the moment the country as a whole accepted US control over those regions it was not their land anymore. So don't even bother typing angry replies to that farcical post : )

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