I told YOU f...king idiots it would happen!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
All you idiot Obamacare supporters whose knowledge of health insurance and much less Medicare is equal to my knowledge and Experiences as the size of a thimble!

READ this and get it through your heads OBAMACARE is destroying health CARE!
A) Insurances companies are 22 on list of top 50 profitable average 4%
B) Insurance companies medical loss ratio (MLR) averages 80%!
C) This means NOW with Obamacare.. idiot Obama's stupid bald face lie:

If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor.
I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."
Obama Touts Health Care Plan In Press Conference - ABC News


"I first wrote about this problem in May of 2010, describing it as a “hidden time bomb,” warning that private insurers
“may decide to exit the [individual-insurance market] altogether” because there isn’t much room to improve MLRs in the individual market. And, sadly, I was right. Aetna has announced it is withdrawing from the individual markets in Indiana, Colorado, and other states. Other insurers have similarly withdrawn from Minnesota, Texas, Virginia, and Illinois. I won’t bore you with a laundry list of further examples.

And it’s not just insurers who are dropping out. In September of 2010, McDonald’s announced that, without a waiver from the MLR regulations, the company would be forced to drop health coverage for 29,500 hourly-wage employees. (After the ensuing media firestorm, HHS granted the waiver.)

This is why at least 16 states have applied for waivers to the MLR regulations: Maine (approved); New Hampshire, Nevada, Kentucky, and Iowa (partially approved); North Dakota and Delaware (rejected); and Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kansas, Indiana, Michigan, Texas, North Carolina, and Oklahoma (under review). State governments understand that Obamacare’s MLR regulations will force most insurers to stop offering coverage to people who aren’t in the employer-sponsored system: the very people in whose name the law was passed.

Obamacare's MLR 'Bomb' Will Create Private Insurance Monopolies and Drive Premiums Skyward. Hallelujah! - Forbes
n fact, the CBO says a full repeal of Obamacare would reduce the budget deficit by $540 billion over the next 10 years.

Obamacare | Obamacare's broken promises | The Daily Caller

But remember OBAMA said we'd cut the $4 trillion deficit by saving 1/10th of one percent on health care costs or $2.5 billion a year...
ONLY PROBLEM it will take 1,600 YEARS!!!
Obama should have "by-passed" the insurance companies when he had the chance, and introduced a universal healthcare system that is accessible to every American, irrespective of their ability to pay.

This "band-aid" approach allows too many private self-interests to feed at the "trough," which not only increases the medical and administrative costs but fragments the efficient operation of the system.

Virtually every modern democracy in the world, with the exception of the US, has adopted some form of a public healthcare system that provides services for all its citizens, and at a fraction of the cost.

Unlike the US, the sick and elderly are not subject to high rates of personal bankruptcy based because they are not subject to soaring medical costs.
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Obama should have "by-passed" the insurance companies when he had the chance, and introduced a universal healthcare system that is accessible to every American, irrespective of their ability to pay.

This "band-aid" approach allows too many private self-interests to feed at the "trough," which not only increases the medical and administrative costs but fragments the efficient operation of the system.

Virtually every modern democracy in the world, with the exception of the US, has adopted some form of a public healthcare system that provides services for all its citizens, and at a fraction of the cost.

Unlike the US, the sick and elderly are not subject to high rates of personal bankruptcy based because they are not subject to soaring medical costs.

I agree.
Well, time to replace Obamacare with a single-payer system, then, isn't it?
So does this mean that private health insurance isn't the money-making racket it used to be?
Obama should have "by-passed" the insurance companies when he had the chance, and introduced a universal healthcare system that is accessible to every American, irrespective of their ability to pay.

This "band-aid" approach allows too many private self-interests to feed at the "trough," which not only increases the medical and administrative costs but fragments the efficient operation of the system.

Virtually every modern democracy in the world, with the exception of the US, has adopted some form of a public healthcare system that provides services for all its citizens, and at a fraction of the cost.

Unlike the US, the sick and elderly are not subject to high rates of personal bankruptcy based because they are not subject to soaring medical costs.

Oh that is so cliched and also.. "Virtually every modern democracy in the world," that has is going "BROKE"!

Germany, France, England all having problems financially in subsidizing health care!

French Universal Healthcare Going Bankrupt
National Health Care in the UK is going broke
So does this mean that private health insurance isn't the money-making racket it used to be?
Health insurance companies have average NET Profit BEFORE paying taxes about 4%!!!

WHAT THE f..K is wrong with that?

You hate profits? Probably because you have NO idea what "profits" mean!
You and idiots like you think "profits" are evil!

Well you dumb sh..t guess what??
WITHOUT Profits there are NO JOBS!
There is NO taxes paid there fore NO govt!
93% of the USA revenue comes from taxes!

#1 Personal income tax $1,146 45% (people that work for companies that work for profits primarily.)
#2 Social security tax 900 36% paid by people that work for companies that work for profits primarily.
#3 Corporate income tax 304 12% paid by companies that exist primarily for profits.
#4 Excise taxes 67 3%
#5 Estate taxes 29 1%
Tariffs 28 1%
Other 49 2%
Total: $2,523 100%

Why don't you go after your internet services 20% NET profit!!!

Fortune 500 2009: Top Performers - Most Profitable Industries: Return on Revenues
Top industries: Most profitable 2008 Profits as % of Revenues
1 Network and Other Communications Equipment 20.4%
2 Internet Services and Retailing 19.4
3 Pharmaceuticals 19.3
All you idiot Obamacare supporters whose knowledge of health insurance and much less Medicare is equal to my knowledge and Experiences as the size of a thimble!

READ this and get it through your heads OBAMACARE is destroying health CARE!
A) Insurances companies are 22 on list of top 50 profitable average 4%
B) Insurance companies medical loss ratio (MLR) averages 80%!
C) This means NOW with Obamacare.. idiot Obama's stupid bald face lie:

If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor.
I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."
Obama Touts Health Care Plan In Press Conference - ABC News


"I first wrote about this problem in May of 2010, describing it as a “hidden time bomb,” warning that private insurers
“may decide to exit the [individual-insurance market] altogether” because there isn’t much room to improve MLRs in the individual market. And, sadly, I was right. Aetna has announced it is withdrawing from the individual markets in Indiana, Colorado, and other states. Other insurers have similarly withdrawn from Minnesota, Texas, Virginia, and Illinois. I won’t bore you with a laundry list of further examples.

And it’s not just insurers who are dropping out. In September of 2010, McDonald’s announced that, without a waiver from the MLR regulations, the company would be forced to drop health coverage for 29,500 hourly-wage employees. (After the ensuing media firestorm, HHS granted the waiver.)

This is why at least 16 states have applied for waivers to the MLR regulations: Maine (approved); New Hampshire, Nevada, Kentucky, and Iowa (partially approved); North Dakota and Delaware (rejected); and Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kansas, Indiana, Michigan, Texas, North Carolina, and Oklahoma (under review). State governments understand that Obamacare’s MLR regulations will force most insurers to stop offering coverage to people who aren’t in the employer-sponsored system: the very people in whose name the law was passed.

Obamacare's MLR 'Bomb' Will Create Private Insurance Monopolies and Drive Premiums Skyward. Hallelujah! - Forbes

Well, you sure are impressed with yourself!

Now I would assume that most folks understand that healthcare insurance rate increases reflect the increase of actual healthcare costs. It's a fact that the costs of prescription drugs and services like MRIs, CT Scans in the US, cost many more times the cost. For instance a CT Scan in the US can cost anywhere from $950 to $1,800 but in Canada it cost $530, in Germany the cost is $319 and in France the cost is $212.* Regarding drugs, in the US a prescription of Lipitor cost as low as $125, but in Canada the cost is $33, Germany, $48 and in France the cost is $53.*
* http://voices.washingtonpost.com/ezra-klein/2009/11/an_insurance_industry_ceo_expl.htm

The big difference is, all other country's governments dictate the prices, where as in the US we let private industry dictate the prices. This is a huge, huge reason why healthcare costs are running out of control. The fact that the US doesn't control it's pricing is why it is estimated that healthcare insurance rates will more than double by 2019. Now I know many people on the right hate government intervention with the free market, but in this case the free market in the healthcare industry is depleting the US economy, businesses and Main Street America. In this case can America really afford letting the healthcare industry run amuck?

Also in general, the healthcare industry is crazy with bureaucracy and that too adds to the cost of healthcare. According to Medical Billing and Coding, Administrative costs account for 21% of the spending for healthcare, each American pays $500 annually for Adminstration which is twice as much as the rest of the world!**
**- Why American health-care costs so much in one (very long) graphic - The Washington Post

Obamacare needs to be repealed but it is not much of a factor at all regarding the cost of healthcare or healthcare insurance.

We have to stop this:
Obama should have "by-passed" the insurance companies when he had the chance, and introduced a universal healthcare system that is accessible to every American, irrespective of their ability to pay.

This "band-aid" approach allows too many private self-interests to feed at the "trough," which not only increases the medical and administrative costs but fragments the efficient operation of the system.

Virtually every modern democracy in the world, with the exception of the US, has adopted some form of a public healthcare system that provides services for all its citizens, and at a fraction of the cost.

Unlike the US, the sick and elderly are not subject to high rates of personal bankruptcy based because they are not subject to soaring medical costs.

I agree.

Ask the EU how that's working out for them

We wanted the "insurers" out of the loop. We wanted people to be covered and have our money go to the doctors, not insurance company middle men.

But, insurance companies are a bread and butter I guess... sacred cow.
All you idiot Obamacare supporters whose knowledge of health insurance and much less Medicare is equal to my knowledge and Experiences as the size of a thimble!

READ this and get it through your heads OBAMACARE is destroying health CARE!
A) Insurances companies are 22 on list of top 50 profitable average 4%
B) Insurance companies medical loss ratio (MLR) averages 80%!
C) This means NOW with Obamacare.. idiot Obama's stupid bald face lie:

If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor.
I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."
Obama Touts Health Care Plan In Press Conference - ABC News


"I first wrote about this problem in May of 2010, describing it as a “hidden time bomb,” warning that private insurers
“may decide to exit the [individual-insurance market] altogether” because there isn’t much room to improve MLRs in the individual market. And, sadly, I was right. Aetna has announced it is withdrawing from the individual markets in Indiana, Colorado, and other states. Other insurers have similarly withdrawn from Minnesota, Texas, Virginia, and Illinois. I won’t bore you with a laundry list of further examples.

And it’s not just insurers who are dropping out. In September of 2010, McDonald’s announced that, without a waiver from the MLR regulations, the company would be forced to drop health coverage for 29,500 hourly-wage employees. (After the ensuing media firestorm, HHS granted the waiver.)

This is why at least 16 states have applied for waivers to the MLR regulations: Maine (approved); New Hampshire, Nevada, Kentucky, and Iowa (partially approved); North Dakota and Delaware (rejected); and Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kansas, Indiana, Michigan, Texas, North Carolina, and Oklahoma (under review). State governments understand that Obamacare’s MLR regulations will force most insurers to stop offering coverage to people who aren’t in the employer-sponsored system: the very people in whose name the law was passed.

Obamacare's MLR 'Bomb' Will Create Private Insurance Monopolies and Drive Premiums Skyward. Hallelujah! - Forbes

Shocking! Forbes a rich white old republican doesn't like Medical care for the poor! Now put down the Miller Lite and Rebel flag and go back to watching FOX Noise.
All you idiot Obamacare supporters whose knowledge of health insurance and much less Medicare is equal to my knowledge and Experiences as the size of a thimble!

READ this and get it through your heads OBAMACARE is destroying health CARE!
A) Insurances companies are 22 on list of top 50 profitable average 4%
B) Insurance companies medical loss ratio (MLR) averages 80%!
C) This means NOW with Obamacare.. idiot Obama's stupid bald face lie:

If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor.
I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."
Obama Touts Health Care Plan In Press Conference - ABC News


"I first wrote about this problem in May of 2010, describing it as a “hidden time bomb,” warning that private insurers
“may decide to exit the [individual-insurance market] altogether” because there isn’t much room to improve MLRs in the individual market. And, sadly, I was right. Aetna has announced it is withdrawing from the individual markets in Indiana, Colorado, and other states. Other insurers have similarly withdrawn from Minnesota, Texas, Virginia, and Illinois. I won’t bore you with a laundry list of further examples.

And it’s not just insurers who are dropping out. In September of 2010, McDonald’s announced that, without a waiver from the MLR regulations, the company would be forced to drop health coverage for 29,500 hourly-wage employees. (After the ensuing media firestorm, HHS granted the waiver.)

This is why at least 16 states have applied for waivers to the MLR regulations: Maine (approved); New Hampshire, Nevada, Kentucky, and Iowa (partially approved); North Dakota and Delaware (rejected); and Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kansas, Indiana, Michigan, Texas, North Carolina, and Oklahoma (under review). State governments understand that Obamacare’s MLR regulations will force most insurers to stop offering coverage to people who aren’t in the employer-sponsored system: the very people in whose name the law was passed.

Obamacare's MLR 'Bomb' Will Create Private Insurance Monopolies and Drive Premiums Skyward. Hallelujah! - Forbes

Shocking! Forbes a rich white old republican doesn't like Medical care for the poor! Now put down the Miller Lite and Rebel flag and go back to watching FOX Noise.
So, it's not a fact that several insurance organizations have divested of or ceased operations of their heath care divisions. You think it never happened and isn't happening, right?
All you idiot Obamacare supporters whose knowledge of health insurance and much less Medicare is equal to my knowledge and Experiences as the size of a thimble!

READ this and get it through your heads OBAMACARE is destroying health CARE!
A) Insurances companies are 22 on list of top 50 profitable average 4%
B) Insurance companies medical loss ratio (MLR) averages 80%!
C) This means NOW with Obamacare.. idiot Obama's stupid bald face lie:

If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. If you like your doctor, you keep seeing your doctor.
I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care."
Obama Touts Health Care Plan In Press Conference - ABC News


"I first wrote about this problem in May of 2010, describing it as a “hidden time bomb,” warning that private insurers
“may decide to exit the [individual-insurance market] altogether” because there isn’t much room to improve MLRs in the individual market. And, sadly, I was right. Aetna has announced it is withdrawing from the individual markets in Indiana, Colorado, and other states. Other insurers have similarly withdrawn from Minnesota, Texas, Virginia, and Illinois. I won’t bore you with a laundry list of further examples.

And it’s not just insurers who are dropping out. In September of 2010, McDonald’s announced that, without a waiver from the MLR regulations, the company would be forced to drop health coverage for 29,500 hourly-wage employees. (After the ensuing media firestorm, HHS granted the waiver.)

This is why at least 16 states have applied for waivers to the MLR regulations: Maine (approved); New Hampshire, Nevada, Kentucky, and Iowa (partially approved); North Dakota and Delaware (rejected); and Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kansas, Indiana, Michigan, Texas, North Carolina, and Oklahoma (under review). State governments understand that Obamacare’s MLR regulations will force most insurers to stop offering coverage to people who aren’t in the employer-sponsored system: the very people in whose name the law was passed.

Obamacare's MLR 'Bomb' Will Create Private Insurance Monopolies and Drive Premiums Skyward. Hallelujah! - Forbes

Shocking! Forbes a rich white old republican doesn't like Medical care for the poor! Now put down the Miller Lite and Rebel flag and go back to watching FOX Noise.
So, it's not a fact that several insurance organizations have divested of or ceased operations of their heath care divisions. You think it never happened and isn't happening, right?

It happens every year.
Shocking! Forbes a rich white old republican doesn't like Medical care for the poor! Now put down the Miller Lite and Rebel flag and go back to watching FOX Noise.
So, it's not a fact that several insurance organizations have divested of or ceased operations of their heath care divisions. You think it never happened and isn't happening, right?

It happens every year.
So, there is no change in this since Obamacare, right?

Do you have any data to support that?

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