I think we can call this KARMA Month....


Gold Member
Nov 18, 2017
I think we can all agree its been a bad month for the lefttards....

All of their lies have been exposed.....

Their media in all its lying forms has lost all credibility......

They have all been caught in their own traps............

Everything they throw at Trump comes back harder at them.....

KARMA BABY........................................

Is life Good or What!


Michael Avenatti arrested and charged with embezzlement and attempt to extort Nike
Unless you own the Current Events forum on USMB, there ain't no "we" in your OP.
I think we can all agree its been a bad month for the lefttards....

All of their lies have been exposed.....

Their media in all its lying forms has lost all credibility......

They have all been caught in their own traps............

Everything they throw at Trump comes back harder at them.....

KARMA BABY........................................

Is life Good or What!


Michael Avenatti arrested and charged with embezzlement and attempt to extort Nike

They deserve everything they get the Demtards

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Dems remind me of the Energizer Bunnies, they keep getting their asses kicked, yet they keep coming back for more, and more, and more...
I think we can all agree its been a bad month for the lefttards....

All of their lies have been exposed.....

Their media in all its lying forms has lost all credibility......

They have all been caught in their own traps............

Everything they throw at Trump comes back harder at them.....

KARMA BABY........................................

Is life Good or What!


Michael Avenatti arrested and charged with embezzlement and attempt to extort Nike
Listen, if Mueller the cowardly jew has to live and breath among Trump NRA disgusting retards for the rest of his life if he in fact had indicted Trump and like most political cowards in this country, everybody is afraid of Trump supporters.....who will support a pile of shit if it wore a MAGA hat at a Trump rally, that's how fucked up crazy you white bastards are
Dems remind me of the Energizer Bunnies, they keep getting their asses kicked, yet they keep coming back for more, and more, and more...
How in the fuck are we getting our ass's kicked??? Mueller didn't exonerate Trump, and if he did, why won't the AG release the full report? Trump still has NY to deal with, not to mention a full congressional hearing in process....so how in the hell did we get our ass kicked, especially since kicking your GOP ass last Nov???? Trump sooner or later is going to jail along with his fuckin family, that is fact.
Well Trump will win in 2020 and won't that frost their Dem asses. LOL
By the time the SC shoot down all these gerrymandered districts and our intel community defeat Putin's interference, no GOP ass ho will be able to win anything but a free hall pass in prison.
I think we can all agree its been a bad month for the lefttards....

All of their lies have been exposed.....

Their media in all its lying forms has lost all credibility......

They have all been caught in their own traps............

Everything they throw at Trump comes back harder at them.....

KARMA BABY........................................

Is life Good or What!


Michael Avenatti arrested and charged with embezzlement and attempt to extort Nike

They deserve everything they get the Demtards

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And you stupid OPIOD induced ingrates deserve Trump
Well Trump will win in 2020 and won't that frost their Dem asses. LOL
By the time the SC shoot down all these gerrymandered districts and our intel community defeat Putin's interference, no GOP ass ho will be able to win anything but a free hall pass in prison.

Seems you forgot. The Dems gerrymander just as much as the Reps do.

Oh and with the shit show the Dem House has turned into I'd doubt a Dem could win a hall pass.

Trump will win in 2020 and I'm thinking the Dems will lose the House.

Happy trails dipshit.
I think we can all agree its been a bad month for the lefttards....

All of their lies have been exposed.....

Their media in all its lying forms has lost all credibility......

They have all been caught in their own traps............

Everything they throw at Trump comes back harder at them.....

KARMA BABY........................................

Is life Good or What!


Michael Avenatti arrested and charged with embezzlement and attempt to extort Nike

They deserve everything they get the Demtards

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And you stupid OPIOD induced ingrates deserve Trump

All of America except for you lefty loons deserve Trump.

Great economy. UE the lowest its been since 69. Jobs, jobs and more jobs all across the country.

Not to bad for a man who wasn't supposed to win.

Really, really sucks to be your stupid ass.
Well Trump will win in 2020 and won't that frost their Dem asses. LOL
By the time the SC shoot down all these gerrymandered districts and our intel community defeat Putin's interference, no GOP ass ho will be able to win anything but a free hall pass in prison.

Seems you forgot. The Dems gerrymander just as much as the Reps do.

Oh and with the shit show the Dem House has turned into I'd doubt a Dem could win a hall pass.

Trump will win in 2020 and I'm thinking the Dems will lose the House.

Happy trails dipshit.
Sweetheart, Trump ran against a corrupt white bitch equal to his record, we won't make that mistake a second time. White voters support this clown, but brown will show up in numbers never seen before or sense and unless some race war breaks out, Russian invades the US or Hillary runs again, trust me, not only will Trump be toast in 2020, that bastard is going to fuckin prison with his whole gotdamned family close behind, keep dreamin
I think we can all agree its been a bad month for the lefttards....

All of their lies have been exposed.....

Their media in all its lying forms has lost all credibility......

They have all been caught in their own traps............

Everything they throw at Trump comes back harder at them.....

KARMA BABY........................................

Is life Good or What!


Michael Avenatti arrested and charged with embezzlement and attempt to extort Nike

They deserve everything they get the Demtards

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And you stupid OPIOD induced ingrates deserve Trump

All of America except for you lefty loons deserve Trump.

Great economy. UE the lowest its been since 69. Jobs, jobs and more jobs all across the country.

Not to bad for a man who wasn't supposed to win.

Really, really sucks to be your stupid ass.
Great economy my black ass....if the economy was so fuckin great, why then after the gov. shutdown, the so called middle class was on the verge of bankruptcy? People got jobs, thanks to Obama, but nobody is living the tax cut good life but Trump and his rich fuckin friends. And them rich bastards are slowly ridding themselves of labor workers and robotizing their jobs, which is gonna hit us all pretty soon. Just a little foot note, Hitler gave his Nazi white retards a great economy too and we all know how that turned out, fool.
I think we can all agree its been a bad month for the lefttards....

All of their lies have been exposed.....

Their media in all its lying forms has lost all credibility......

They have all been caught in their own traps............

Everything they throw at Trump comes back harder at them.....

KARMA BABY........................................

Is life Good or What!


Michael Avenatti arrested and charged with embezzlement and attempt to extort Nike

They deserve everything they get the Demtards

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And you stupid OPIOD induced ingrates deserve Trump

All of America except for you lefty loons deserve Trump.

Great economy. UE the lowest its been since 69. Jobs, jobs and more jobs all across the country.

Not to bad for a man who wasn't supposed to win.

Really, really sucks to be your stupid ass.
Great economy my black ass....if the economy was so fuckin great, why then after the gov. shutdown, the so called middle class was on the verge of bankruptcy? People got jobs, thanks to Obama, but nobody is living the tax cut good life but Trump and his rich fuckin friends. And them rich bastards are slowly ridding themselves of labor workers and robotizing their jobs, which is gonna hit us all pretty soon. Just a little foot note, Hitler gave his Nazi white retards a great economy too and we all know how that turned out, fool.

Speaking of fools. That would be your stupid black ass.

You obviously forgot all the people who collected unemployment for months under Barry.

How unemployment was extended and then extended again. How millions were on food stamps.

UE was through the roof and the economy was in the toilet.

You have one short memory.

The economy today is booming. There are jobs, jobs and more jobs all over the country. UE is the lowest its been since 69.

If this isn't your idea of a great thing then you are stupider than you appear to be.
Great economy my black ass....if the economy was so fuckin great, why then after the gov. shutdown, the so called middle class was on the verge of bankruptcy? People got jobs, thanks to Obama, but nobody is living the tax cut good life but Trump and his rich fuckin friends. And them rich bastards are slowly ridding themselves of labor workers and robotizing their jobs, which is gonna hit us all pretty soon. Just a little foot note, Hitler gave his Nazi white retards a great economy too and we all know how that turned out, fool.
The economy is doing quite well, Trump’s Economy Vs. Obama’s Economy, and we are not rounding up Jews or getting ready to invade Czechoslovakia or Poland (despite your comparison's to Hitler, which is where butt sore losers always try to go ).

Unemployment now stands at a fifty year low of 3.7%...and that would include the time Obama was in office, despite your idiotic claim. But I understand you clowns have to bitch about something.
I think we can all agree its been a bad month for the lefttards....

All of their lies have been exposed.....

Their media in all its lying forms has lost all credibility......

They have all been caught in their own traps............

Everything they throw at Trump comes back harder at them.....

KARMA BABY........................................

Is life Good or What!


Michael Avenatti arrested and charged with embezzlement and attempt to extort Nike

They deserve everything they get the Demtards

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And you stupid OPIOD induced ingrates deserve Trump

All of America except for you lefty loons deserve Trump.

Great economy. UE the lowest its been since 69. Jobs, jobs and more jobs all across the country.

Not to bad for a man who wasn't supposed to win.

Really, really sucks to be your stupid ass.
Great economy my black ass....if the economy was so fuckin great, why then after the gov. shutdown, the so called middle class was on the verge of bankruptcy? People got jobs, thanks to Obama, but nobody is living the tax cut good life but Trump and his rich fuckin friends. And them rich bastards are slowly ridding themselves of labor workers and robotizing their jobs, which is gonna hit us all pretty soon. Just a little foot note, Hitler gave his Nazi white retards a great economy too and we all know how that turned out, fool.

Speaking of fools. That would be your stupid black ass. Correction, I speaking of your pathetic white ass

You obviously forgot all the people who collected unemployment for months under Barry. And your simple white ass keep forgetting the Bush econonmy he inherited, brain dead bitch

How unemployment was extended and then extended again. How millions were on food stamps.How many do you think are working 2 fuckin jobs just to make ends meet today, fool?

UE was through the roof and the economy was in the toilet.And? How bout that 3 trillion dollar deficit your clown baby is throwing on us all?

You have one short memory.Your stupid ass is the one with memory loss.

The economy today is booming. There are jobs, jobs and more jobs all over the country. UE is the lowest its been since 69. Wages are stagnent, the cost of living is going up, we have a ballooning deficit, people are working paycheck to paycheck and the rich are getting even richer thanks to the tax cuts...so miss me on this jobs shit, and trust me, if the economy was so gotdamned great, you whores wouldn't have got a ass whipping so bad in Nov. and Trumps approval ratings would miraculously move past the 40's LOLOLOLO

If this isn't your idea of a great thing then you are stupider than you appear to be. And if this is your idea of happy days are hear again and making America Great, than its a no brainer, your brain dead retarded
I think we can all agree its been a bad month for the lefttards....

All of their lies have been exposed.....

Their media in all its lying forms has lost all credibility......

They have all been caught in their own traps............

Everything they throw at Trump comes back harder at them.....

KARMA BABY........................................

Is life Good or What!


Michael Avenatti arrested and charged with embezzlement and attempt to extort Nike

They deserve everything they get the Demtards

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And you stupid OPIOD induced ingrates deserve Trump

All of America except for you lefty loons deserve Trump.

Great economy. UE the lowest its been since 69. Jobs, jobs and more jobs all across the country.

Not to bad for a man who wasn't supposed to win.

Really, really sucks to be your stupid ass.
Great economy my black ass....if the economy was so fuckin great, why then after the gov. shutdown, the so called middle class was on the verge of bankruptcy? People got jobs, thanks to Obama, but nobody is living the tax cut good life but Trump and his rich fuckin friends. And them rich bastards are slowly ridding themselves of labor workers and robotizing their jobs, which is gonna hit us all pretty soon. Just a little foot note, Hitler gave his Nazi white retards a great economy too and we all know how that turned out, fool.

Speaking of fools. That would be your stupid black ass.

You obviously forgot all the people who collected unemployment for months under Barry.

How unemployment was extended and then extended again. How millions were on food stamps.

UE was through the roof and the economy was in the toilet.

You have one short memory.

The economy today is booming. There are jobs, jobs and more jobs all over the country. UE is the lowest its been since 69.

If this isn't your idea of a great thing then you are stupider than you appear to be.

Speaking of fools. That would be your stupid black ass. Correction, speaking to a fool, ie you!!

You obviously forgot all the people who collected unemployment for months under Barry.And you seem to forget you shit for brains moronic simp, Obama inherited a Bush fkked up economy

How unemployment was extended and then extended again. How millions were on food stamps.Food stamps yesterday, 2 and 3 effin jobs today, what's the effin difference you idiot savant?

UE was through the roof and the economy was in the toilet. We now have a 3 trillion plus deficit, you ain't seen toilet yet, idiot

You have one short memory. And you have none, next stupid question

The economy today is booming. There are jobs, jobs and more jobs all over the country. UE is the lowest its been since 69.
Fkked up wages, 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet, rich getting all the benefits of the tax cuts, yeah, all's good in La La effin land, idiot

If this isn't your idea of a great thing then you are stupider than you appear to be.
If this is the shit that keeps your nipples hard, mo power hommie

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