I think this was all planned.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.
Nice post, Gracie. Thank you.
I'm in twatter jail. Why? Because some schmuck reported me commenting in a thread over there about the big black woman smacking a kid in church and her needing her ass kicked.
So....looks like y'all will be stuck with me more often than not, lol.
Anyway...that Fauci remark just won't leave my head. Why would he say such a thing if he didn't KNOW about "the plan" to start all this crap in an election year? WHO DOES THAT?

A doctor: Oh, our potus will be dealing with a pandemic in 2020.

Not, "I'm sure there will be many trials". Nope. Just PANDEMIC. It really really smells and I have no clue why supposedly sane people (dems) have not questioned it, or GOP taking it even further with Barr to explore WHY this guy would say such a thing. Then all this happening. Does that not seem suspicious at all? Why yes, it does.
I'm in twatter jail. Why? Because some schmuck reported me commenting in a thread over there about the big black woman smacking a kid in church and her needing her ass kicked.
So....looks like y'all will be stuck with me more often than not, lol.
I got a permanent ban from Twatter for posting negative stuff about the hideous non-assimilating Muslims in our country. I guess it's a huge no-no to post anything negative about the savages on Twatter. My ban was over a year ago and I don't miss the site one bit.
Anyway...that Fauci remark just won't leave my head. Why would he say such a thing if he didn't KNOW about "the plan" to start all this crap in an election year? WHO DOES THAT?

A doctor: Oh, our potus will be dealing with a pandemic in 2020.

Not, "I'm sure there will be many trials". Nope. Just PANDEMIC. It really really smells and I have no clue why supposedly sane people (dems) have not questioned it, or GOP taking it even further with Barr to explore WHY this guy would say such a thing. Then all this happening. Does that not seem suspicious at all? Why yes, it does.
Yep, it seems VERY suspicious.
USPS mail
Harris of all people
Biden...who has mush brain
Governors/mayors ignoring whats happening
Russia again
School teachers teaching marxism
Schools making parents sign something to NOT look at what the kids are being taught
Businesses going broke
Can't go to church

The list goes on and on and on. All in an election year.
On top of that....homeless people are not dropping dead. No masks. No social distancing. Doing just fine.

Jobs scarce, but rents keep climbing higher. Are landlords retarded or something?

Food prices going up due to..._________________ insert excuse here.
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?

Below is a link to Snopes with facts that will dispel any misconceptions you have regarding the above.

Did Fauci Warn Trump in 2017 That a 'Surprise Outbreak' Was Coming?

January 11, 2017: During a forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University.

“I thought I would bring that perspective [of my experience in five administrations] to the topic today, [which] is the issue of pandemic preparedness. And if there’s one message that I want to leave with you today based on my experience … [it] is that there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming [Trump] administration in the arena of infectious diseases … both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already ongoing disease … but also there will be a surprise outbreak, and I hope by the end my relatively short presentation you will understand why history, the history of the last 32 years that I’ve been the director of the NAIAD, will tell the next administration that there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that they will be faced with the challenges that their predecessors were faced with.”

Dr. Fauci did not literally warn in January 2017 that the Trump administration would certainly face a deadly pandemic affecting the U.S., but he said more generally (while speaking on the subject of pandemic preparedness) there was “no question” that a “surprise outbreak” of infectious disease would occur. The outgoing (Obama) administration had already faced multiple such events, including the 2009 swine flu (H1N1) pandemic, the 2015–2016 Zika virus epidemic, and the 2014-16 Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?

Could it be because Covid-19 is still not under control? Or because infections & deaths are rising daily? Last I looked there were 5,682,491 Covid-19 infections & 176,223 deaths.

Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what?

The most serious repercussions I can think of are ill-health and DEATH.

And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

Currently, the only vaccine legally available now is in Russia. Maybe you could ask Putin?
All other talked about vaccines are in stage 3 trials. Wait till those trials are finished before worrying about what is in them.
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?

Below is a link to Snopes with facts that will dispel any misconceptions you have regarding the above.

Did Fauci Warn Trump in 2017 That a 'Surprise Outbreak' Was Coming?

January 11, 2017: During a forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University.

“I thought I would bring that perspective [of my experience in five administrations] to the topic today, [which] is the issue of pandemic preparedness. And if there’s one message that I want to leave with you today based on my experience … [it] is that there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming [Trump] administration in the arena of infectious diseases … both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already ongoing disease … but also there will be a surprise outbreak, and I hope by the end my relatively short presentation you will understand why history, the history of the last 32 years that I’ve been the director of the NAIAD, will tell the next administration that there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that they will be faced with the challenges that their predecessors were faced with.”

Dr. Fauci did not literally warn in January 2017 that the Trump administration would certainly face a deadly pandemic affecting the U.S., but he said more generally (while speaking on the subject of pandemic preparedness) there was “no question” that a “surprise outbreak” of infectious disease would occur. The outgoing (Obama) administration had already faced multiple such events, including the 2009 swine flu (H1N1) pandemic, the 2015–2016 Zika virus epidemic, and the 2014-16 Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?

Could it be because Covid-19 is still not under control? Or because infections & deaths are rising daily? Last I looked there were 5,682,491 Covid-19 infections & 176,223 deaths.

Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what?

The most serious repercussions I can think of are ill-health and DEATH.

And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

Currently, the only vaccine legally available now is in Russia. Maybe you could ask Putin?
All other talked about vaccines are in stage 3 trials. Wait till those trials are finished before worrying about what is in them.
Learn how to quote.
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.
Nothing was planned lol
Makes zero sense
These things just happen
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.
I don't know, maybe Fauci is somebody that dealt with the aides epidemic, saw and probably briefed the last president on Ebola that did not get out in this country? Not anything planned.
About the current covid thing, we just did not lock down as tightly and for long enough to break the cycle. I don't think our pres took it seriously, so his followers did not take it seriously. He pushed to open up. Many places did too fast and like here in Tennessee opened back up in May as he wanted, but in June started seeing expanding cases and rapid increases in deathtolls several times what we saw from late January to may. My own county only had 2 dead by may, but it started going up in June, til we're up to 35 tonight. What was said to be the problem of blue states became the problem of Red states like ours, Florida, Texas, Georgia. What was billed as a problem for those over 60 is now the problem of people in their 30s, 40s, 50s. Hell, I did CPR on a 30 year old that dropped dead next door in April, and my son (a paramedic) lost a 31 year old 5 nights ago. Tennessee has had 4 kids under 10 die and they are in the group the pres says are almost immune. Well, apparently not. His approach and the opinion of many on here reflected little care about those over 65 and that we should be willing to die for his cause. We ain't. Teachers want to teach and that is how they make their living, but we had to close schools in some counties of TN last year just for regular flu, even though we have vaccines and established treatment for standard flu. Teacher are not soldiers. They don't want to blithely take the risk of dying for a living, as they have families that depend on them and are of a college educated class that wants to live as safely as possible for their own self preservation instincts. Masks, distancing and restrictions, forced 14 day isolation s (I've been singled out for that twice by the local health department) are a pain in the ass, agreed, but it is how other countries got control of their and nobody has a better plan for getting control of ours. Sacrificing the old sure isn't it. I have already got through this covid thing once and LabCorp says I still have the antibodies. For me it was mostly like a flu, but many don't handle it as I did.
Don't worry about your twatter account. Means nothing.
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.
Nothing was planned lol
Makes zero sense
These things just happen

Really. That's what you think?
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.
I don't know, maybe Fauci is somebody that dealt with the aides epidemic, saw and probably briefed the last president on Ebola that did not get out in this country? Not anything planned.
About the current covid thing, we just did not lock down as tightly and for long enough to break the cycle. I don't think our pres took it seriously, so his followers did not take it seriously. He pushed to open up. Many places did too fast and like here in Tennessee opened back up in May as he wanted, but in June started seeing expanding cases and rapid increases in deathtolls several times what we saw from late January to may. My own county only had 2 dead by may, but it started going up in June, til we're up to 35 tonight. What was said to be the problem of blue states became the problem of Red states like ours, Florida, Texas, Georgia. What was billed as a problem for those over 60 is now the problem of people in their 30s, 40s, 50s. Hell, I did CPR on a 30 year old that dropped dead next door in April, and my son (a paramedic) lost a 31 year old 5 nights ago. Tennessee has had 4 kids under 10 die and they are in the group the pres says are almost immune. Well, apparently not. His approach and the opinion of many on here reflected little care about those over 65 and that we should be willing to die for his cause. We ain't. Teachers want to teach and that is how they make their living, but we had to close schools in some counties of TN last year just for regular flu, even though we have vaccines and established treatment for standard flu. Teacher are not soldiers. They don't want to blithely take the risk of dying for a living, as they have families that depend on them and are of a college educated class that wants to live as safely as possible for their own self preservation instincts. Masks, distancing and restrictions, forced 14 day isolation s (I've been singled out for that twice by the local health department) are a pain in the ass, agreed, but it is how other countries got control of their and nobody has a better plan for getting control of ours. Sacrificing the old sure isn't it. I have already got through this covid thing once and LabCorp says I still have the antibodies. For me it was mostly like a flu, but many don't handle it as I did.
Don't worry about your twatter account. Means nothing.
Thanks for a well thought out reply.
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.
Nothing was planned lol
Makes zero sense
These things just happen

Really. That's what you think?
This has killed Chinas economy along with US tariffs
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?
The 14 day "alone together" bullshit is now what....161 days?
Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?
Why are dem governors and mayors refusing to keep in jail those who are burning, looting, destroying their cities and letting it happen?
Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, backed by a non doctor (Gates), and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what? Not allowed in grocery stores, buy gas, see a doctor, have a job, unless we show a card or a mark we have to wear to prove we had the vaccine? And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

If you think back, and look at all the crap, what does your gut tell you? Mine says something truly stinks.
Nothing was planned lol
Makes zero sense
These things just happen

Really. That's what you think?
This has killed Chinas economy along with US tariffs
I don't give a rats ass about China.
Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic?
Why are you a paranoid loon who wishes to deny the utility of predicting future events from previous history?
Did Fauci Warn Trump in 2017 That a ‘Surprise Outbreak’ Was Coming?
[...] “The history of the last 32 years that I have been the director of the NIAID will tell the next administration that there is no doubt they will be faced with the challenges their predecessors were faced with,” he said.
USPS mail
Harris of all people
Biden...who has mush brain
Governors/mayors ignoring whats happening
Russia again
School teachers teaching marxism
Schools making parents sign something to NOT look at what the kids are being taught
Businesses going broke
Can't go to church

The list goes on and on and on. All in an election year.
Of course all this shit was planned.

. . . and some of it? I think Trump knew about. I am not sure to what extent, or if he knew there was some organized plan, I have not figured that out. . .

I hate to believe the worst, but that whole shit he was doing with BlackRock back in the summer of last Year? That is pretty damning in my book.

The COVID Coup: The BlackRock Takeover Of American Interests

Why did Fauci say back in 2016 that Trump would be dealing with a pandemic? I mean, who says that out of the blue??? Has any doctor anywhere ever told a new potus he would be dealing with a pandemic in 2020? Or is this the first?

Below is a link to Snopes with facts that will dispel any misconceptions you have regarding the above.

Did Fauci Warn Trump in 2017 That a 'Surprise Outbreak' Was Coming?

January 11, 2017: During a forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University.

“I thought I would bring that perspective [of my experience in five administrations] to the topic today, [which] is the issue of pandemic preparedness. And if there’s one message that I want to leave with you today based on my experience … [it] is that there is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming [Trump] administration in the arena of infectious diseases … both chronic infectious diseases in the sense of already ongoing disease … but also there will be a surprise outbreak, and I hope by the end my relatively short presentation you will understand why history, the history of the last 32 years that I’ve been the director of the NAIAD, will tell the next administration that there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that they will be faced with the challenges that their predecessors were faced with.”

Dr. Fauci did not literally warn in January 2017 that the Trump administration would certainly face a deadly pandemic affecting the U.S., but he said more generally (while speaking on the subject of pandemic preparedness) there was “no question” that a “surprise outbreak” of infectious disease would occur. The outgoing (Obama) administration had already faced multiple such events, including the 2009 swine flu (H1N1) pandemic, the 2015–2016 Zika virus epidemic, and the 2014-16 Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Why are we demanded to wear masks still? Why is the USA still closed?

Could it be because Covid-19 is still not under control? Or because infections & deaths are rising daily? Last I looked there were 5,682,491 Covid-19 infections & 176,223 deaths.

Why are we told a vaccine will be available soon, and if we don't take it..well...there will be repercussions. Such as what?

The most serious repercussions I can think of are ill-health and DEATH.

And what is IN that vaccine? A computer chip as small as a red or white cell?

Currently, the only vaccine legally available now is in Russia. Maybe you could ask Putin?
All other talked about vaccines are in stage 3 trials. Wait till those trials are finished before worrying about what is in them.
Learn how to quote.
go easy on smith Gracie,after all he is only a newbie.

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