I Think It's Time To End This COVID Hysteria: Change My Mind

The lock downs are destroying the economy.....especially small business.

THAT my friends was the intent all along.

Please try to remember, DEMOCRAT is the party of "HATE AMERICA !!!.....KILL AMERICA !!!!"

I agree lock down are stupid, ineffective, and incredibly harmful.
However, it is just ignorance in my opinion, not malice.
They just do not understand health care, epidemics, herd immunity, that even if masks were 99% effective, that would not be enough, that you need to just isolate the vulnerable and the infected, not everyone else, etc.

By the way, I am extremely left wing.
You'd have to have a mind to be able to change one.

If you think a quarter of a million deaths and climbing is acceptable....you're seriously not worth the effort.

And the scientists at Johns Hopkins said the vast majority of deaths have been the very old and the very sick and death rates for this group are unchanged with Covid. So yeah.....mostly it's a hoax. If Covid didn't kill them something else would have and fairly quickly.

And before you ask look up the link yourself. :D

Then look at the graph on this page
View attachment 424863

Now can you explain where the excess deaths are coming from?

If it is not COVID could you please explain?
Mortality rate is 1.9% and falling every day. Tons more testing gives you tons more cases and some of them die like with any disease.

2.0 on the nose... If case numbers continue to rise the Heath System will start to buckle... Some states are already shipping out of state for ICU beds...

Hate to tell ya.....but those are DEMOCRATS.


(And sadly, one person liked your post)
can you find any democrats who like the KKK?

i can find republicans who like them

imagine a kkk member voting for Obama.

KKK members wear masks. Isn't that enough to say it all. And guess who pushes the masks? Even Biden said he wants everyone wearing a mask. Democraypts obviously love masks.

Masks can be useful, but if that is all you do, and you do not separate the infected from the elderly, then you actually just end up killing more and keeping the epidemic alive longer.
Herd immunity or full quarantine are the ONLY 2 choices, not a partial lock down that can not possibly work.

Lockdowns are used to get a break and let the Heath System get a chance to catch up... If all your ICU beds are taken then you are in deep trouble, people will die who could have been saved...
Herd Immunity is not practical... You are talking millions dead and over a year and half of it continuing if infecting at an optimal rate....

Vaccine only way out...
What would the Left be without it's never ending CRISES ?




The Elites play these fools from crisis to crisis bending their weak minds to believe anything and everything.

They will never figure out they are being manipulated.

Next up.......

GUN CRISIS....WE"RE ALL GONNA DIE !!!!!.....(so take the guns)
The lock downs are destroying the economy.....especially small business.

THAT my friends was the intent all along.

Please try to remember, DEMOCRAT is the party of "HATE AMERICA !!!.....KILL AMERICA !!!!"

I agree lock down are stupid, ineffective, and incredibly harmful.
However, it is just ignorance in my opinion, not malice.
They just do not understand health care, epidemics, herd immunity, that even if masks were 99% effective, that would not be enough, that you need to just isolate the vulnerable and the infected, not everyone else, etc.

By the way, I am extremely left wing.

Herd Immunity will cost millions of peoples lives and will take over a year to happen... It will put ICU beds at over capacity during that time on its own.

Lockdowns allow the support systems like Hospital beds and ICU beds not to get over whelmed... When Sapin and Italy hospitals got overun there mortality rates went to 10%+...

If the virus is running through the community in high levels it is nearly impossible to keep it isolated from the vulnerable... Staff just get it..
You'd have to have a mind to be able to change one.

If you think a quarter of a million deaths and climbing is acceptable....you're seriously not worth the effort.

And the scientists at Johns Hopkins said the vast majority of deaths have been the very old and the very sick and death rates for this group are unchanged with Covid. So yeah.....mostly it's a hoax. If Covid didn't kill them something else would have and fairly quickly.

And before you ask look up the link yourself. :D

Then look at the graph on this page
View attachment 424863

Now can you explain where the excess deaths are coming from?

If it is not COVID could you please explain?
Mortality rate is 1.9% and falling every day. Tons more testing gives you tons more cases and some of them die like with any disease.

2.0 on the nose... If case numbers continue to rise the Heath System will start to buckle... Some states are already shipping out of state for ICU beds...
I don't see it that way, I think most all the new cases now are few symptoms or asymptomatic altogether. Some areas may have more hospital visitors than usual but I think most of them actually recover at home. Daily deaths to incoming case rate percentages are small and will continue to drive the mortality rate down. And of course cases will continue to rise there are 2 million tests a day being done now.
The lock downs are destroying the economy.....especially small business.

THAT my friends was the intent all along.

Please try to remember, DEMOCRAT is the party of "HATE AMERICA !!!.....KILL AMERICA !!!!"

I agree lock down are stupid, ineffective, and incredibly harmful.
However, it is just ignorance in my opinion, not malice.
They just do not understand health care, epidemics, herd immunity, that even if masks were 99% effective, that would not be enough, that you need to just isolate the vulnerable and the infected, not everyone else, etc.

By the way, I am extremely left wing.

Herd Immunity will cost millions of peoples lives and will take over a year to happen... It will put ICU beds at over capacity during that time on its own.

Lockdowns allow the support systems like Hospital beds and ICU beds not to get over whelmed... When Sapin and Italy hospitals got overun there mortality rates went to 10%+...

If the virus is running through the community in high levels it is nearly impossible to keep it isolated from the vulnerable... Staff just get it..
Lockdowns are idiotic they do much more damage to families than the virus ever will.
Infections at all time highs

Hospitalizations at all time highs

Deaths at all time highs

Shut the fuck up. You make me sick
Clearly the Dems used a fake pandemic to steal an election. Without the fear they generated to trick people into using mail-in ballots they wouldn't have been able to use Domination software to steal the election in battleground states like PA, AZ, MI, GA, and WI.
So the only reason they would have to continue this total farce is if they fully intend on destroying the economy. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is getting tired of this nonsense.

December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
The ignorance and the lies concerning the Wuhan virus can't continue much longer, because time is simply revealing the truth about it. As we continue to suffer under foolish Wuhan virus restrictions, and as many parts of the U.S. — especially those under the rule of Democrats — are again ramping up the shutdowns and the lockdowns, more and more Americans are beginning to see what many of us have long known: the Wuhan virus data simply don't match the Wuhan virus hysteria. The evidence of this continues to pile up.
As they near the end of the first semester, U.S. schools provide some of the best evidence for those sick of shutdown politics and propaganda. In spite of millions of U.S. students attending in-person classes, nowhere in America are school-aged students suffering in any significant way from the Wuhan virus. And don't tell me about "cases." As I've long noted when it comes to the Wuhan virus, cases without context are meaningless.
Andrew Bostom again provides us with some important context on Wuhan virus cases. As of early October, in spite of nearly seventy thousand reported Wuhan virus "cases" across 50 U.S. colleges and universities, there were only three hospitalizations and zero deaths! Almost certainly, numbers across all of America's K–12 schools are similar. We can be nearly certain that if this were not the case, a media establishment desperate to further the shutdown narrative would tell us so. (The media have already been caught multiple times publishing fake news on this matter.)
Months-old data out of Europe told us that schoolchildren were in little to no danger from the Wuhan virus. As City Journal recently reported:
For young students, the risk of dying from Covid is lower than the risk of dying from the flu, and researchers have repeatedly found that children do not easily transmit the virus to adults. The clearest evidence comes from Sweden, which did not close elementary schools or junior high schools during the spring Covid wave, and which did not reduce class sizes or encourage students and teachers to wear face masks.
Not a single child died, and there was little effect beyond the schools, as a team of Swedish economists reports after analyzing records of Covid infections and medical treatment for the entire Swedish population.
Even Dr. "follow the science" Fauci finally agrees that schoolchildren are not significant spreaders of the Wuhan virus! Yet, in U.S. schools, sporting events continue to get postponed or canceled, and many schools remain in remote learning mode or are threatening to move back in that direction. Again, every instance of this is driven by "cases." Yet the vast majority of students and student-athletes are not getting sick, and if they are, they are certainly not sick to the point of death or even hospitalization. The longer this pandemic propaganda continues, the longer it becomes clear that shutting down schools and athletic events is nothing more than a political stunt perpetuated by leftist authoritarians, or at least an ignorant reaction to the left's Wuhan virus fear mongering.
The same is true for the lockdowns imposed on businesses and churches. As is the case with schools, there is still zero evidence that churches and businesses are in any way significantly complicit in the spread of the Wuhan virus. As RedState reported recently:
[T]here was never a shred of scientific evidence that putting healthy people in quarantine would do anything to ameliorate the spread of COVD-19. Moreover, everything we knew about viruses made the idea of quarantining people who aren't sick completely absurd.
Even the CDC's most recent pandemic planning guide from 2017 admitted that "direct evidence for the effectiveness of these measures is limited." And by "limited" they meant non-existent. There wasn't a single study that supports the idea that quarantining healthy people was going to do a damn thing to stop a virus from spreading.
The European Centre for Disease Control's summary of the research was more honest. They noted that "there are few, if any, empirical data underpinning" the assumptions that workplace closures do anything to stop viruses from spreading. Indeed, they found no evidence for the effectiveness of any social distancing measures.
In spite of the science and the months of real-time data that proved it unnecessary, the left has persisted with shutting down businesses and churches. As a result of these state-enforced lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the U.S. have shut down — many of them permanently.
Data from late September show that between March 1 and August 31, a total of 163,735 businesses on Yelp — which is especially representative of small businesses — closed. According to Yelp, about 60 percent of these businesses (nearly 98,000) will never reopen. The Yelp data reveal that small restaurants and retail stores have been hit particularly hard. It has made zero sense that Walmart, Target, Home Depot — none of whom were requiring masks as late as middle July — and the like have been allowed to remain open, while your local diner, gun store, or gym was forced to close.
"Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.
It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.
Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.
Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues."

"I Think It's Time To End This COVID Hysteria: Change My Mind"

I would try if you had one.
Infections at all time highs

Hospitalizations at all time highs

Deaths at all time highs

Shut the fuck up. You make me sick

These selfish fuckwad Trumptoids don't realize how the disease is straining our healthcare system. It will be a miracle if it doesn't collapse.
These selfish fuckwads should watch some of the video from hospitals where you see 4-5 workers, nurses and doctors, trying to help just ONE patient.
They are overwhelmed, exhausted and burnt out.
I hope fuckwad Trump pulls on the docs and nurses in the military and sends them to these hospitals.
Infections at all time highs

Hospitalizations at all time highs

Deaths at all time highs

Shut the fuck up. You make me sick

These selfish fuckwad Trumptoids don't realize how the disease is straining our healthcare system. It will be a miracle if it doesn't collapse.
These selfish fuckwads should watch some of the video from hospitals where you see 4-5 workers, nurses and doctors, trying to help just ONE patient.
They are overwhelmed, exhausted and burnt out.
I hope fuckwad Trump pulls on the docs and nurses in the military and sends them to these hospitals.
Wow are you watching CNN again, or another one of your disaster movies? They are both the same thing. Everything you just said is nothing but baloney. Plenty of hospital availability throughout the country, daily mortality rates and critical case rates are plummeting, we are performing 2 million tests a day so more case for sure but mostly asymptomatic. All the real numbers are on Worldmeters, not sure where your fake ones come from.
Infections at all time highs

Hospitalizations at all time highs

Deaths at all time highs

Shut the fuck up. You make me sick

These selfish fuckwad Trumptoids don't realize how the disease is straining our healthcare system. It will be a miracle if it doesn't collapse.
These selfish fuckwads should watch some of the video from hospitals where you see 4-5 workers, nurses and doctors, trying to help just ONE patient.
They are overwhelmed, exhausted and burnt out.
I hope fuckwad Trump pulls on the docs and nurses in the military and sends them to these hospitals.
Do you even know any of the actual statistics?? Like only about 4% of the population of the US is infected, and 7% of those tested out of over 202 million tests. Unless you are about 70 or older this is about like getting a bad cold or the flu. US mortality rate is 1.9% which is waaay down from earlier months, critical case rate is at .46%....so less than half a percent of the 5,751,105 active cases are even critical. You libbers are nuts.
How stupid. Testing positive is no reason to quarantine anyone. What a bunch of hand wringing 'Karens.' I don't know any 'freedom rider' is that something you just made up?
That is one of the dumbest things ever uttered

From The Center for Disease Control

"If you test positive
  • A positive test result shows you may have antibodies from an infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. However, there is a chance that a positive result means you have antibodies from an infection with a different virus from the same family of viruses (called coronaviruses). Note: Other coronaviruses cannot produce a positive result on a viral test for SARS-CoV-2.
  • Having antibodies to the virus that causes COVID-19 may provide protection from getting infected with the virus again. But even if it does, we do not know how much protection the antibodies may provide or how long this protection may last. Confirmed and suspected cases of reinfection have been reported, but remain rare.
  • Talk with your healthcare provider about your test result and the type of test you took to understand what your result means. Your provider may suggest you take a second type of antibody test to see if the first test was accurate.
  • You should continue to protect yourself and otherssince you could get infected with the virus again.
    • If you work in a job where you wear personal protective equipment (PPE), continue wearing PPE.
  • You may test positive for antibodies even if you have never had symptoms of COVID-19. This can happen if you had an infection without symptoms, which is called an asymptomatic infection."

Tell me where it says you can actually infect others if you have a positive test. A positive test does not mean one is sick. Only if you actually get actively reinfected again can you pass the virus on to others. You are dumb as a box of rocks and are so ignorant and brainwashed it is really astounding. BTW the chances of getting reinfected is quite low as one has antibodies that fight the virus. Just like any other flu virus, dummy.
Last edited:
How stupid. Testing positive is no reason to quarantine anyone. What a bunch of hand wringing 'Karens.' I don't know any 'freedom rider' is that something you just made up?
That is one of the dumbest things ever uttered

From The Center for Disease Control

"If you test positive
  • A positive test result shows you may have antibodies from an infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. However, there is a chance that a positive result means you have antibodies from an infection with a different virus from the same family of viruses (called coronaviruses). Note: Other coronaviruses cannot produce a positive result on a viral test for SARS-CoV-2.
  • Having antibodies to the virus that causes COVID-19 may provide protection from getting infected with the virus again. But even if it does, we do not know how much protection the antibodies may provide or how long this protection may last. Confirmed and suspected cases of reinfection have been reported, but remain rare.
  • Talk with your healthcare provider about your test result and the type of test you took to understand what your result means. Your provider may suggest you take a second type of antibody test to see if the first test was accurate.
  • You should continue to protect yourself and otherssince you could get infected with the virus again.
    • If you work in a job where you wear personal protective equipment (PPE), continue wearing PPE.
  • You may test positive for antibodies even if you have never had symptoms of COVID-19. This can happen if you had an infection without symptoms, which is called an asymptomatic infection."

Tell me where it says you can actually infect others if you have a positive test. A positive test does not mean one is sick. Only if you actually get actively reinfected again can you pass the virus on to others. You are dumb as a box of rocks and are so ignorant and brainwashed it is really astounding. BTW the chances of getting reinfected is quite low as one has antibodies that fight the virus. Just like any other flu virus, dummy.
Thats the thing......many, many of the positive tests counted as new cases are people who already had Covid and now display the antibodies.
Do you even know any of the actual statistics?? Like only about 4% of the population of the US is infected, and 7% of those tested out of over 202 million tests. Unless you are about 70 or older this is about like getting a bad cold or the flu. US mortality rate is 1.9% which is waaay down from earlier months, critical case rate is at .46%....so less than half a percent of the 5,751,105 active cases are even critical. You libbers are nuts.
What's interesting to me is that the media throws around terms like 'infected' and 'COVID cases' with reckless abandon without informing folks what those terms really mean. Testing positive does not mean one has an active 'case' of COVID or is actively infected and sick with COVID.
Thats the thing......many, many of the positive tests counted as new cases are people who already had Covid and now display the antibodies.
These are links to antibody tests, which are not commonly done and everyone knows indicate prior infections, not current.

When the cases are reported for new infections, they are not reporting results from these antibody tests.
Do you even know any of the actual statistics?? Like only about 4% of the population of the US is infected, and 7% of those tested out of over 202 million tests. Unless you are about 70 or older this is about like getting a bad cold or the flu. US mortality rate is 1.9% which is waaay down from earlier months, critical case rate is at .46%....so less than half a percent of the 5,751,105 active cases are even critical. You libbers are nuts.
What's interesting to me is that the media throws around terms like 'infected' and 'COVID cases' with reckless abandon without informing folks what those terms really mean. Testing positive does not mean one has an active 'case' of COVID or is actively infected and sick with COVID.
But how else can you empty the aisles of toilet paper and keep sheeple scared if you don't cover up facts in your storyline?
Thats the thing......many, many of the positive tests counted as new cases are people who already had Covid and now display the antibodies.
These are links to antibody tests, which are not commonly done and everyone knows indicate prior infections, not current.

When the cases are reported for new infections, they are not reporting results from these antibody tests.
Ahhh but they are.......here in my state for sure. People are getting tested at the same time for both and positives go into the daily reported case count.

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