I thank God every day for immigrants that come to America!!

To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.
They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education
yea they all have that as their priority.....thats why California went from top 5 to bottom 10 in the country over the last 40 years...
illegals!!!!!!!! I'm talking about legal mf's...bad poster on my part, its coming down
good because i dont know anyone against legal immigrants...

Neither do I. If they come here legally most people have no problem with immigrants. Its the illegals and the refugee's that are the problem.

Most refugees do come here legally.

Many do but thousands are here illegally more than thousands.
My family, most of whom are Hispanic immigrants, thank you for the welcome. But you should know that we all voted for Donald Trump. We all came here legally and we don't want or need any of your liberal government programs. We expect every other person trying to come to the US to do stand in line and do so legally just like we did.

God Bless America and God Bless Our President.
First off, get off the programs bullshit.....unemployment in this country is 4%, at least for now, which mean, people are working. Stop buying the freebee liberal mantra' of welfare and bullshit. And my dear friend, most of that welfare is in the form of corporations and disability, which is a white man's free check.
It should be noted, dear friend, that those people stopped at the air ports, like you came to this country LEGALLY AND STILL FELT THE WRATH OF TRUMP, SO DON'T FEEL SO DAMNED SAFE.
Finally, no where in my comments did I say illegals. The photos I used may have been a bit misleading, but my comments are for legal immigrants from all over the world, including you and your family...which I doubt very seriously came here legally, just sayin

Then why are more than 40 million still on food stamps?
Most people on food stamps have jobs. Instead of Walmart or whoever paying them decent wages we provide them with food stamps. Get a Job? Most Welfare Recipients Already Have One
To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.
My family, most of whom are Hispanic immigrants, thank you for the welcome. But you should know that we all voted for Donald Trump. We all came here legally and we don't want or need any of your liberal government programs. We expect every other person trying to come to the US to stand in line and do so legally just like we did.

God Bless America and God Bless Our President.

I wish I could rate your post with more than just 1 "winner".
To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.


tigerred59 could never write anything as coherent as the first paragraph of her post, on her own.
I keep hearing we are nation of immigrants, especially now when lefties are trying to prevent illegals from being kicked out.

But we're not nation of immigrants, we are the nation of citizens, where president and congress, regardless of political parties are suppose to ensure that they protect American citizens, American nation and American state.

That is exactly what Trump was doing with his EO and I have absolutely nothing against that.
Protect you???????? How in the fuck is holding LEGAL CITIZENS FOR 2 HOURS AT THE AIR PORT PROTECTING YOU??? How the fuck is holding a 5 year old protecting you???? From what I've seen over the last few years, its these home grown born here mf's that you should be protected from, idiot!!
To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.
God hates you because you are a black racist bitch.
Really Mike.....if God hates me, trust me, it ain't because of Trumpites
^ What's it like being so obtuse you can't grasp words?
I keep hearing we are nation of immigrants, especially now when lefties are trying to prevent illegals from being kicked out.

But we're not nation of immigrants, we are the nation of citizens, where president and congress, regardless of political parties are suppose to ensure that they protect American citizens, American nation and American state.

That is exactly what Trump was doing with his EO and I have absolutely nothing against that.

Democrats are dishonest bullies shoving their false narratives and out right lies down the throats of real American citizens. Or trying to. They HATE America. I'm beginning to see them as America's biggest and worst enemy. This isn't the 80s anymore.
I am begging you to please please seek some sort of mental intervention. You sound stupid, you're acting crazy and your clearly on the brink of a melt down. Now either get off the compute and chill for a few days or take that big white head of your, remove the brain and have it cleaned out and cleared, cause you white ass is crazy if you think Democrats are a problem with that pathetic white clown acting bitch, you call your president...dumb ass
ya know, "sovereign" America has allowed all this immigration ... and even gives many of them money to live here .... but do such as tigger offer any appreciation to "sovereign" America ? Talk about "bite the hand that feeds you" .... Americans in general have always welcomed and admired immigrants that come here eager to work and assimilate.

Muslim "refugees" often indicate they don't intend to assimilate ... and many come to USA and Europe fully intending to conquer for Islam.


Listen, I know you idiots lack intelligence and love alternative facts.....but its home grown AMERICAN BORN CITIZENS THAT CAUSES MORE CHAOS IN THIS COUNTRY THAN ANY IMMIGRANT CAN DO. But hate all you want, Karma is so coming to ya...just be prepared, racist bitch
They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education
yea they all have that as their priority.....thats why California went from top 5 to bottom 10 in the country over the last 40 years...
illegals!!!!!!!! I'm talking about legal mf's...bad poster on my part, its coming down
good because i dont know anyone against legal immigrants...

Neither do I. If they come here legally most people have no problem with immigrants. Its the illegals and the refugee's that are the problem.

Most refugees do come here legally.

Many do but thousands are here illegally more than thousands.

I'm curious as to how many canadians Trump plans to depart?
To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.

Racist shit-head.
illegals!!!!!!!! I'm talking about legal mf's...bad poster on my part, its coming down
good because i dont know anyone against legal immigrants...

Neither do I. If they come here legally most people have no problem with immigrants. Its the illegals and the refugee's that are the problem.

Most refugees do come here legally.

Many do but thousands are here illegally more than thousands.

I'm curious as to how many canadians Trump plans to depart?

Ask him.
My family, most of whom are Hispanic immigrants, thank you for the welcome. But you should know that we all voted for Donald Trump. We all came here legally and we don't want or need any of your liberal government programs. We expect every other person trying to come to the US to do stand in line and do so legally just like we did.

God Bless America and God Bless Our President.
First off, get off the programs bullshit.....unemployment in this country is 4%, at least for now, which mean, people are working. Stop buying the freebee liberal mantra' of welfare and bullshit. And my dear friend, most of that welfare is in the form of corporations and disability, which is a white man's free check.
It should be noted, dear friend, that those people stopped at the air ports, like you came to this country LEGALLY AND STILL FELT THE WRATH OF TRUMP, SO DON'T FEEL SO DAMNED SAFE.
Finally, no where in my comments did I say illegals. The photos I used may have been a bit misleading, but my comments are for legal immigrants from all over the world, including you and your family...which I doubt very seriously came here legally, just sayin

Then why are more than 40 million still on food stamps?
Most people on food stamps have jobs. Instead of Walmart or whoever paying them decent wages we provide them with food stamps. Get a Job? Most Welfare Recipients Already Have One
Thank you.....the biggest topic of this last election, which never got mentioned, is wages. You increase wages and welfare stops. You decrease welfare, keep wages low, expect a slow growth in GDP.
illegals!!!!!!!! I'm talking about legal mf's...bad poster on my part, its coming down
good because i dont know anyone against legal immigrants...

Neither do I. If they come here legally most people have no problem with immigrants. Its the illegals and the refugee's that are the problem.

Most refugees do come here legally.

Many do but thousands are here illegally more than thousands.

I'm curious as to how many canadians Trump plans to depart?

Since the Canadians have just declared that they will house all Muslims that trump has now stranded at the airports, my bet on your question would be that trump will deport all citizens of canadistan. Your bet?
illegals!!!!!!!! I'm talking about legal mf's...bad poster on my part, its coming down
good because i dont know anyone against legal immigrants...

Neither do I. If they come here legally most people have no problem with immigrants. Its the illegals and the refugee's that are the problem.

Most refugees do come here legally.

Many do but thousands are here illegally more than thousands.

I'm curious as to how many canadians Trump plans to depart?
someone asked this question on a show i was watching a few weeks back and the "expert" said that there are an estimated 80,000 illegal Canadians here compared to approx 10 million "latinos"....and he said most Canadians are here for a job and then go back home....so you can figure that one out....

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