I Still Never Figured Out How People Believe That The Election Of 2020 Was Legit

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first? What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕
Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first? What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕
The Reich demanded they believe it or vee vill make you beleef it!!!
Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first? What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕
You're required to believe that numerous statistical unlikelihoods -any single one of which carried the probability of winning a lotto jackpot- all fell to the favor of the same dude.

And it's being told to you with a straight face.
Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first? What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕

I think it is obvious that there was some serious (D)onkey Business going on.

My position is something about the election bothers me, but since most cheaters do try to cover up their tracks, there isn't the smoking gun or guns to prove it even to those who benefitted from it.
The trick was to engage in so many fraudulent activities that it could be argued that no single one of them would have decided the election. But even beyond that, the 2020 Presidential election was the most irregular in American history: Early and late voting allowed, mass ballot mail outs, and no verification of those which were returned. It is likely that Trump would have been reelected under regular election procedures, but we will never know.
Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first? What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕
You need to learn to express yourself in a more convincing way. Avoid getting right to the point. Think of the issues as relevant to the political divide and then use the fact that the divide isn't yet clearly established. Even the most hot button such as racism isn't completely owned by one side.
Otherwise, this thread just becomes one of hundreds that have ended in screeching profanity.
Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first? What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕
So it was magically legit in 2016?
Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first? What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕
Trump won the walk in votes IN ALL 50 STATES. The democrat Party only survives by cheating
Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first? What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕

The 2020 election was the most honest in history with the most people voting by a huge margin, the most court challenges without any finding of fraud, the most recounts showing a legitimate election and the most audits in history.
Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first? What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕
Probably has a lot to do with 62 lost trial cases in a row, some in front of Trump appointed courts or judges, along with Supreme Court refusing to take the case and overruling Texas from interfering in other states. Add to that the difference between what Trump lawyers would say on courthouse steps and Right Wing TV, vs what they would even accuse in court, while not having evidence, yet still managing to overstep legal bound of the profession, and being sanction for their duplicity of public rabble-rousing and their courtroom activity making a mockery of even bringing some of their nuisance suits to take up the court's time. Don't leave out the CyberMonkeys, being hired by state GOPs but not finding enough with investigations to change a single county, much less a state or national electoral quantity, indeed in some cases finding Biden got more legitimate votes on their extensive investigate recount than originally reported. Add to all that the total distaste for the action of hair on fire, whipped up minority partisans staging and attack on the capital to interrupt and overturn the election, totally out of sinc with acceptable actions in elections for 250 years of adults, conducting themselves post election under our laws, our constitution. Also, do not forget, Trump's AG, Trump's FBI Director, and Trump's Department for Homeland Defense director attesting to it being a clean election overall. All in all, the vast majority of Americans, seeing an knowing all this, but insisting on real evidence vs emotional commitment, just could not, nor ever would buy into the Trump narrative, preferring to retain the rights in the future, to have their voice in elections be the guiding force selecting leadership, rather than yielding to small vocal partisan at times unhinged sounding/acting minority.

Hopefully the totality of above, helps you understand why the effort to overturn the results failed, and the majority continued to insist on some coherent proof of gross election malfeasance.

I Still Never Figured Out How People Believe That The Election Of 2020 Was Legit​

It's legit because our laws were followed and the proper procedural steps took place as they were designed to do. And since there was never even one case in any court that proved the 2020 presidential election was illegitimate, most people have accepted it as a fait accompli. Get over it guys, stop pissing into the wind. You can't do shit about it, and you making yourself look like fools.

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