I sooooo want to go drinking with Ozzie Guillen


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
A couple of great passages from his presser with the Chicago meathead media, about Jim Thome's moonball walk-off homer Wednesday night.

Ozzie Guillen said:
"Is he (Jim Thome) playing good for them? I love it. I love it. I wish I hated that guy. I love that man and he knows it. But in the meanwhile, all those people in Chicago and all those people around the world that want to blame somebody for not bringing Jim Thome to this ballclub, I'll take the blame. But in the meanwhile, I tell those people that Jim Thome had to say yes to the trade when we traded him. I'm not going to hide from people when we made that decision. I say we because I'm the only one who faces it. I talked to him before I made that decision, I told him why I don't see him fitting here. And believe me, I love Jim having a season like that because I look up there and he's very close to 600 home runs. I'm not going to say I'm happy Morneau got hurt; now he's got playing time. For all those people there saying it was my fault about Jim Thome, yes it's my fault. If those people don't like that, f--- them.''

Ozzie Guillen said:
"You want to have Jim Thome here? F--- it. They're a fan, a radio announcer or a newspaper. We don't want him because we don't need him. Right now we don't. Is he playing good for them? Good for him. Anybody else anything about Jim Thome? All those f------ people in Chicago say something Jim Thome? No. Why? Good, I hope he enjoys the next couple of days. All of a sudden people are going to say, 'Oh, Ozzie's going crazy.' No, Jesus. Because I'm the one sitting here taking the beating. I'm ready to take the beating. I'm ready. I'm all for that. If anyone here thought Jim Thome was going to hit a 200,000-foot home run against Thornton? No. But he did that, and [Thornton's] not the only one he's done it to. He's got like 590-some people in the book. They score four runs in the first inning ... [then Ozzie loses memory of the score] ... how about Capps, the reliever, he f----- it up, he gave up that home run. And then the other kid, Rauch, he gave up the base hit. Those guys don't give those up, Jim Thome doesn't beat us. Thank you. That's Gardenhire's fault for bringing those guys into pitch. He should have left that guy in that started the game and then we're still playing. I'm not running away from anybody. I don't run from anybody because I sleep very well last night, I played golf this morning. I didn't change anything. I rode my bike, go to sleep and as soon as I'm done with [this game] I'm going to go back to sleep. Same stuff. Because I know my mind, my heart and my soul, they're very clean. I have my head on my shoulders, and I think we did the right thing with what we did in spring training. If people don't like it, good. They don't like it, they don't have to watch the f------ White Sox. Oh and I got one more year on my contract, just make sure to tell Jerry [Reinsdorf], get it ready, this crazy f----- Mexican, it's fine with me. They going to blame me about one home run, I'll take the blame.''


Here's one with some of Ozzie's greatest quotes...The guy is pure no-bullshit gold:

Ozzie Guillen Has Heard Enough About Jim Thome’s Departure | The Big Lead
Throw Rod Blagojevich in the mix and I'm in!

(well ok, I'll at least be your DD)
My favorite was when he called sports columnist Jay Mariotti a fag (he totally is), then apologized to all the gay people.
When you win a World Series you can say what you want, for a while anyway. Until your team starts losing again, which is inevitable.

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