*I Say We Give Obama To China*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. But Obama has opened his mouth saying it would be easier being the President of China.
2. Okay fine, lets send him there.
3. His whinny statement should be followed by and invitation to leave.
4. He has tried so hard to hide the truth about who he is, in China it would be so much easier.
5. Not here, we shall find out who he is, and everyday, we peel the onion finding out more and more who he is.
6. Soon, we will peel back the final layer, and then, wham, he will need a *Bambalance*.
7. LINK:President of China? | The Weekly Standard

"“Mr. Obama has told people that it would be so much easier to be the president of China. As one official put it, ‘No one is scrutinizing Hu Jintao’s words in Tahrir Square.’”

“Obama Seeks a Course of Pragmatism in the Middle East,” The New York Times, March 11, 2011.

Mr. Obama is right.

If you’re president of China, people around the world who are fighting for freedom don’t really expect you to help. If you’re president of China, you don’t have to put up with annoying off-year congressional elections, and then negotiate your budget with a bunch of gun-and-religion-clinging congressmen and senators. If you’re president of China, you can fund your national public radio to your heart’s content. And if you’re president of China, when you host a conference on bullying in schools, people take you seriously.

Unfortunately for him and us, Barack Obama is president of the United States. That job brings with it certain special responsibilities. It’s a tough job—maybe tougher than being president of China. But Barack Obama ran for president of the United States. Maybe he should start behaving as one."

They don't want him either.. Everyone knows he's a dumbass and doesn't know what the hell he's doing. We're stuck with the boob, at least for another 2 years.
Of course he thinks it would be easier for him to be president of China. China is a communist nation. He can silence any dissent. He can kill any political enemies. He can run a tank through protests.

Obama is envious of this type of power. He'd like to have it here too!
Strange attribution in the NYT:

I don't know where the NYT got this throwaway statement, which they use in the last paragraph of the linked article, but it seems to me, yeah - it would be alot easier to be President of China:

  • People around the world who are fighting for freedom don’t really expect you to help.
  • You don’t have to put up with annoying off-year congressional elections
  • You don't have to negotiate your budget with a bunch of gun-and-religion-clinging congressmen and senators.
  • You can fund your national public radio to your heart’s content.
  • You can just imprison and/or outright kill your opponents
  • And if you’re president of China, when you host a conference on bullying in schools, or anything else - people take you seriously. Because they know if they heckle you, they might end up imprisoned for life, or dead.

POTUS is the toughest job on our planet. I don't envy President Obama one bit. But statements like this, are really really stupid and makes me wonder what special type of idiots Obama has working for him.
China probably wouldn't want him but he would fit right in.

Communism?? Right up his lefty looney alley.
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Strange attribution in the NYT:

I don't know where the NYT got this throwaway statement, which they use in the last paragraph of the linked article, but it seems to me, yeah - it would be alot easier to be President of China:

  • People around the world who are fighting for freedom don’t really expect you to help.
  • You don’t have to put up with annoying off-year congressional elections
  • You don't have to negotiate your budget with a bunch of gun-and-religion-clinging congressmen and senators.
  • You can fund your national public radio to your heart’s content.
  • You can just imprison and/or outright kill your opponents
  • And if you’re president of China, when you host a conference on bullying in schools, or anything else - people take you seriously. Because they know if they heckle you, they might end up imprisoned for life, or dead.

POTUS is the toughest job on our planet. I don't envy President Obama one bit. But statements like this, are really really stupid and makes me wonder what special type of idiots Obama has working for him.

Apparently ones who excel at their job.
Strange attribution in the NYT:

I don't know where the NYT got this throwaway statement, which they use in the last paragraph of the linked article, but it seems to me, yeah - it would be alot easier to be President of China:

  • People around the world who are fighting for freedom don’t really expect you to help.
  • You don’t have to put up with annoying off-year congressional elections
  • You don't have to negotiate your budget with a bunch of gun-and-religion-clinging congressmen and senators.
  • You can fund your national public radio to your heart’s content.
  • You can just imprison and/or outright kill your opponents
  • And if you’re president of China, when you host a conference on bullying in schools, or anything else - people take you seriously. Because they know if they heckle you, they might end up imprisoned for life, or dead.

POTUS is the toughest job on our planet. I don't envy President Obama one bit. But statements like this, are really really stupid and makes me wonder what special type of idiots Obama has working for him.

Apparently ones who excel at their job.
I mean, if Obama really said this, what the hell is he thinking? Does he WANT the US to be like China? Is THAT his vision?
I'm no defender of his, but I could see saying something like that jokingly amongst friends. I'd like to see the context of when he's said it.

EDIT: Yes he does have some special kind of idiots working for him.
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I'm no defender of his, but I could see saying something like that jokingly amongst friends. I'd like to see the context of when he's said it.

EDIT: Yes he does have some special kind of idiots working for him.
Tea party protests? Just squash 'em like Tienanmen Square. Repugs in WI wanna reform state Union agreements? Airstrikes. Problems with "right wing talk radio?" Outlaw it and put all the opposing pundits under the jail. Execute publicly, the worst offenders to set the example.

Is he saying he wants to be a dictator, and can do anything he wants by decree or fiat? Does he wish the US was like China?

It's a disturbing statement, it really is.
I'm no defender of his, but I could see saying something like that jokingly amongst friends. I'd like to see the context of when he's said it.

EDIT: Yes he does have some special kind of idiots working for him.
Tea party protests? Just squash 'em like Tienanmen Square. Repugs in WI wanna reform state Union agreements? Airstrikes. Problems with "right wing talk radio?" Outlaw it and put all the opposing pundits under the jail. Execute publicly, the worst offenders to set the example.

Is he saying he wants to be a dictator, and can do anything he wants by decree or fiat? Does he wish the US was like China?

It's a disturbing statement, it really is.

maybe we should look into more of Jeremiah Wright's sermons. What else was he teaching besides racial bigotry and hatred for America?
I have no doubt it would be easier to just kill and imprison your opposition than it would be to actually lead. Thankfully, our "leaders" don't have that option.
I have no doubt it would be easier to just kill and imprison your opposition than it would be to actually lead. Thankfully, our "leaders" don't have that option.
Yeah I mean, he's of course correct in what he said. No disputing that!

The other thing I take from this: Is this a lament? He would rather be President somewhere else?
Strange attribution in the NYT:

I don't know where the NYT got this throwaway statement, which they use in the last paragraph of the linked article, but it seems to me, yeah - it would be alot easier to be President of China:

  • People around the world who are fighting for freedom don’t really expect you to help.
  • You don’t have to put up with annoying off-year congressional elections
  • You don't have to negotiate your budget with a bunch of gun-and-religion-clinging congressmen and senators.
  • You can fund your national public radio to your heart’s content.
  • You can just imprison and/or outright kill your opponents
  • And if you’re president of China, when you host a conference on bullying in schools, or anything else - people take you seriously. Because they know if they heckle you, they might end up imprisoned for life, or dead.

POTUS is the toughest job on our planet. I don't envy President Obama one bit. But statements like this, are really really stupid and makes me wonder what special type of idiots Obama has working for him.

that Kristol right? ;)


yes well, whats interesting is, I think on one level he really really means it, becasue hes so self willingly naive.
Strange attribution in the NYT:

I don't know where the NYT got this throwaway statement, which they use in the last paragraph of the linked article, but it seems to me, yeah - it would be alot easier to be President of China:

  • People around the world who are fighting for freedom don’t really expect you to help.
  • You don’t have to put up with annoying off-year congressional elections
  • You don't have to negotiate your budget with a bunch of gun-and-religion-clinging congressmen and senators.
  • You can fund your national public radio to your heart’s content.
  • You can just imprison and/or outright kill your opponents
  • And if you’re president of China, when you host a conference on bullying in schools, or anything else - people take you seriously. Because they know if they heckle you, they might end up imprisoned for life, or dead.

POTUS is the toughest job on our planet. I don't envy President Obama one bit. But statements like this, are really really stupid and makes me wonder what special type of idiots Obama has working for him.

Apparently ones who excel at their job.
I mean, if Obama really said this, what the hell is he thinking? Does he WANT the US to be like China? Is THAT his vision?


And unlike previous Presidents..he's under a 24/7 microscope. I don't think every one of his utterances is going to be poetry. Sometimes he's going to say something stupid. We all do.
Apparently ones who excel at their job.
I mean, if Obama really said this, what the hell is he thinking? Does he WANT the US to be like China? Is THAT his vision?


And unlike previous Presidents..he's under a 24/7 microscope. I don't think every one of his utterances is going to be poetry. Sometimes he's going to say something stupid. We all do.
Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, Obama.

ALL under intense scrutiny, 24/7/365. It's the nature of the job in these modern times.

However, it is good to see you agree this was a really stupid thing to say. It's also stupid, IMO for the Times to be quoting it as hearsay, and not attributing the follow-up quote. Really poor journalism. We don't really know for sure if the President ever said anything such, when you get right down to it.
Apparently ones who excel at their job.
I mean, if Obama really said this, what the hell is he thinking? Does he WANT the US to be like China? Is THAT his vision?


And unlike previous Presidents..he's under a 24/7 microscope. I don't think every one of his utterances is going to be poetry. Sometimes he's going to say something stupid. We all do.

"UNLIKE PREVIOUS" Presidents...?:lol:

well his poopy does smell like roses eh sallow? I bet Bushs smelled baaaaddd!!!we don't really know sooooo:rolleyes:

Yes you just did say something..uhm no witty or true and pretty out there you know, use your own example........my god dude.
Look around!! It would be easier to be president of China. No opposition party, not having to deal with wannabe king makers like the Kochs. I believe Bush said something similar when he was POTUS.

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