I Received a Survey Form From the DNC - LOL!


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Hey fellow Republicans! Did you ever dream about getting sent a survey form from the Democratic National Committee ? Well, I just got one. I don't know how they picked me (with my correct whole name and address), since I am a registered Republican, but I went and filled it out anyway.

Some questions were so Democratic Party, that I couldn't even answer them, and didn't check any of the multiple choice boxes. Most of the questions I did answer, and I had to write in a few words to clarify that I was not agreeing with them. For instance, they asked if I was in favor of gun legislation. I checked that I was, but I noted that meant I was for abolishing gun-free zones. They also mentioned same-sex marriage. I had to specify that I oppose it.

They also mentioned comprehensive immigration reform (their code words for "amnesty"), Obama's judicial selections, and some other leftist position. I said I was against all of them. I noted I was for a mass deportation of illegal aliens, and I am voting for Donald Trump.

They asked what was my # 1 priority that I think a president should do. I wrote in >> Exterminate ISIS.

About the only thing they mentioned that I agreed with, was raising the minimum wage, raising taxes on the rich (individuals not corporations), and helping the environment. I kind of suspect though, that if they had gone into more detail about the environment, I would have found a number of things I disagreed with them on. You know, we all want a clean environment, but liberals do tend to go overboard on this issue.

There are other pretty large issues that they didn't ask, which I would have disagreed with them (the way they phrase the questions) on also (ex. death penalty, affirmative action, Islam, etc)
Oh I would have lied so BAD you would have been ashamed. I would have sung the glory of Sanders as loud as I could.
I would have flat lied my ass off like calling Bernie "The CHOSEN "god" {small "g".} of UTOPIA!'

i get those from the gop...they just assume everyone in this county is republican.....i fill them out and write over it.....i am a liberal democrat....yet they still send them
omg and the phone surveys...they repeat the question ...like are you just slow....lol....its funny as hell...when i zap them with total liberal....sure i think taxes should be higher...that just drives them over the edge and they will repeat the question.....

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