I really feel horrible

The meds are a crutch Ice , you'd be better off in the long run to face your demonds than to mask them via pharmaceuticals ~S~
I don't think facing the actor who played Lamont on Sandford and Son is going to help! :abgg2q.jpg:


I actually feel horrible for all the things I did..
I hurt everyday..
That's reality.
Bottom line.

And internet tough guys who don't know the ins and outs of my ropes actually activates My PTSD and makes me hurt more.
That is good your on MEDS. You need to stay on them as you are a THREAT TO THE PUBLIC. I just know your type
I actually feel horrible for all the things I did..
I hurt everyday..
That's reality.
Bottom line.

And internet tough guys who don't know the ins and outs of my ropes actually activates My PTSD and makes me hurt more.
BE NICE ok.. Thank you
Oh it's ptsd and I take zoloft and anti depression medication because of it.
Throw those damn pills in the damn trash where they belong. Get off the internet and outside exercising a bit. Natural endorphins way better than damn zombie pills.
I actually feel horrible for all the things I did..
I hurt everyday..
That's reality.
Bottom line.

And internet tough guys who don't know the ins and outs of my ropes actually activates My PTSD and makes me hurt more.

Quasar has a sock puppet ...


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