I Really Don't Like Pat Buchanan, But This Is Ridiculous


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
What happened to Pat B. is described below, but this kind of 'silencing' on campus appears to be escalating. Daniel Pipes has been invited then shouted down by those that disagree. In the past few weeks the following incident occured, along with pie hittings to John McCain and Bill Kristol. None of these folks have prosecuted, but I think they should:


The Story Behind the Campus Assault on Pat Buchanan
According to a Western Michigan University senior, Pat Buchanan wasn't the only conservative assaulted on campus last Thursday. Matt Hall, who organized the Buchanan speech, alleges that a woman's studies professor pushed him from behind and boxed him out after he attempted to retrieve a torn-down poster from the professor's classroom hours before the lecture.

The dousing of Pat Buchanan with salad dressing one week ago today was prefaced with WMU's advisor to student organizations denouncing the event in his newspaper column, professors using class time to label Buchanan a "racist," a faculty-directed effort that resulted in the removal of more than 2,500 fliers promoting the event, and a professor allegedly assaulting the student organizer of the lecture. While a non-WMU student attacked Buchanan, the College Republicans who hosted the commentator believe WMU faculty and administrators created a climate that encouraged the assault.

The professor-student conflict took place in the early afternoon last Thursday. "I saw three girls going around tearing down the Pat Buchanan signs," explained WMU student Jeff Tirrell. "As I went to wait outside my class I saw that they were taking the torn-down fliers into a classroom and handing them to a professor." Tirrell alerted College Republican Chairman Matt Hall that a professor was assigning her students to rip down posters promoting the Buchanan event. Hall then confronted the professor, Edith Fisher, in a classroom in Dunbar Hall.

Seeing his $30 glossy poster promoting the Buchanan speech impaled on the pole holding a Mexican flag, Hall attempted to retrieve his club's property. According to Hall, Fisher shoved him from behind and then elbowed him aside when he tried to take his sign. "No, this is official university property and it's been confiscated," Dr. Fisher allegedly told him. Fisher hasn't responded to emails sent Monday requesting her side of the story.

Several witnesses note that Fisher then crumpled up the large promotional poster and threw it in the trash. At this point, Hall noticed scores of his fliers in the garbage bag. Fisher, several witnesses claim, started screaming at Hall. "I was kind of shocked," Hall explained to me. The incident occured during Fisher's class, Introduction to Women's Studies, with the professor informing Hall: "You're intruding on my class, please leave."

That night, twenty-four-year old community college student Samuel Mesick rushed the podium and dumped a large cup of ranch dressing on Pat Buchanan as he spoke. "The campus police were unable to stop the assault on Buchanan," witness Jason Miller told me, "but responded very rapidly to protect the assailant." In fact, the mohawked assailant screamed for the police when a burly College Republican apprehended him. As for Buchanan, "He was pissed," according to Miller, who wondered if the sixty-six-year old pundit was going to take a swing at the man who disrupted the event. Remarking that he didn't even like ranch dressing, Buchanan stopped the question and answer period and returned to his hotel. The event ended prematurely and Mesick was released on $100 bond.

"This was institutionally acceptable," WMU student Matt Hall believes. "Professors telling their students to tear down fliers. Professors telling students that Pat Buchanan is a racist and a bigot. A professor physically attacking me, a student. An administrator, the advisor to registered student organizations, denouncing the Buchanan speech in his newspaper column. This sort of thing adds up and creates an institutional atmosphere where it becomes acceptable to treat people like scum."

A leftist student's assault on Patrick Buchanan at Western Michigan University generated nationwide attention. Allegations of a leftist professor's assault on a conservative student didn't make headlines. It should have.
I guess I'm not the only one who thinks these should be prosecuted:


Left wing goons

The Washington Times has joined Michelle Malkin, David Horowitz and us in decrying the wave of left wing violence against conservative speakers on campus. the Times editorial makes a couple of points worth serious attention:

1) The MSM largely ignores this violence, just as it ignored the pre-election violence against Bush-Cheney campaign offices, including the firing of guns.

It is virtually inconceivable that similar violence directed at Kerry supporters or - imagine! - abortion clinics would have been similarly ignored.

2) When violence is ignored, it inevitably escalates. Pym Fortuyn was attacked with pies in the face (laced with urine). Then he was shot and killed. As a result politics in the Netherlands changed drastically.

Let me be the first to call for a Justice Department investigation into political violence. Substantial FBI resources need to be devoted to uncovering the perpetrators. Their crimes are against the civil right to freedom of speech, and their organized efforts to violate these civil rights may well violate federal law.

Thomas Lifson 4 11 05
It's definitely inappropriate behavior that does their positions no good. But nobody needs to be prosecuted for a harmless prank.

Not so sure about your police work there, menewa.

As an initial matter, I love free speech. I love dirty words, I love political incorrectness (obviously), I love pranks, I love political jokes, I love protests, sit-downs, marches, you name it. I think the T-shirt about Tom DeLay on DRUDGE is hilarious. This is America. Even throwing blood on fur-wearing women, while criminal, at least makes a point.

But the physical attacks on conservative speakers don't classify as any of the above. The only purpose that serves is to SILENCE SPEECH. These left-wing babies aren't saying anything sophisticated or making persuasive counter-points by throwing food at conservatives: they're engaging in pointless juvenile behavior that doesn't advance political debate. I would say the same if right-wingers were throwing food at liberals (though this probably won't ever happen). If these jerks are so clever, why don't they save it for Q&A jousting afterward? Or give their own speech? Answer: because the left doesn't have anything to say. They don't have facts. They don't have logic. They don't have reason. Just whining, like babies.

They also interfere with MY RIGHT TO HEAR THE SPEAKER. The left thinks they have the "right" not to hear opinions they find "racist" or politically incorrect. And they think they have the "right" to enforce this "right" on behalf of us all. Really, the First Amendment guarantees the right to speak and the right to assemble, which, if not protected by government, should be illegal.

So, in our society, we should prosecute them for assault.

Or, here's an idea. Catch the kid and strap him to a chair. Put him in front of a microphone in front of the whole audience. Then allow him one minute for his "position." Then allow the speaker to respond. Then film it. Then force the DNC to air that footage with every ad it funds!
While I disagree with Pat Buchanans isolationists and relgious views
I appreciate his candor and inside when he analyzes current
public policies.

With so much spin these days it is refreshing having someone
talk straight and share his oppinion even if unpopular.

If he should come around my area I will attend and voice
my support for his right to free speech.

I wish we had more people like him that fight an open battle
about their political oppinion.
menewa said:
But nobody needs to be prosecuted for a harmless prank.

Come on, Menewa. These are not harmless pranks, but assault, plain and simple, and, as such, should be prosecuted. I am sure Pat Buchanan's expensive suit was ruined by the salad dressing, so I don't think he would agree with your assessment that this was a harmless prank. (And if it had happened to you, I'll bet you wouldn't think it was a harmless prank either.)

As has been mentioned, the aim of these attackers is to deny conservative speakers their right to speak in an open and free society, and they are successful when the speaker cuts his speech short and leaves the auditorium, like Buchanan did. This is a a sad commentary on the campus environment that has been created by the liberal administrators and faculty. Guess conservative speakers are going to have to start wearing suits of armor for their speeches on campus. Maybe that would get the attention this whole matter deserves.
While no one was "hurt" in this affair, I think it shows how deeply our civilization has eroded. When people have no respect or "manners," their actions can only become more brutal and uncivilized. The selfishness that is the undercurrent of this situation is flabbergasting to me.
Kathianne said:
What happened to Pat B. is described below, but this kind of 'silencing' on campus appears to be escalating. Daniel Pipes has been invited then shouted down by those that disagree. In the past few weeks the following incident occured, along with pie hittings to John McCain and Bill Kristol. None of these folks have prosecuted, but I think they should:


This is a great post Kathianne, this has been escalating over the last few weeks and yet again the mainstream press has done nothing to address it. If anything speaks to the goal of so called "free speechers" it's occurances like this. Mr Buchannan sums it up well.

So you would find nothing wrong with someone throwing a urine soked pie in your face when they disagree with your point of view?

How about someone firing a gun into your office when they find what you believe offensive?

You must be the most tolerant person in the country, I'm not sure whether to be impressed at your commitment to taking "free speech" to the ultimate or to think that you have a few screws loose to think that such things are "harmless pranks."

Destruction of personal property or physical attacks are not free speech, neither is tearing down or destroying the signs and/or posters of people that you don't want to hear speak if the signs are posted in designated areas. Show up at these speakers meetings, shout and yell and ask important questions. I am in no way defending Pat Buchanan, actually I find some of his opinions repugnant and would likely be one of the ones shouting questions at him if he had ever come to my campus....but I would not stoop to throwing things at him, harming him and/or defacing his signs and then try to hide under an incorrect notion of free speech.

I agree with William Joyce entirely. These types of protest are not about free speech, but rather, and far more frightening about SILENCING free speech. They are about getting anyone who doesn't "see it my way" to shut up and slink away in fear of being attacked (either by salad dressing or a gun fired into your office window)...and attempting to forever silence the free expression of ideas because you don't like them should not be something we support in this country.

How about someone teaching these kids to engage meaningfully in debate with ideas they feel are wrong? Stage a counter presenter...respectfully invite Pat Buchanan to debate his views with another speaker or even a student representitive...make the most of his question and answer session and RESPECTFULLY ask questions that will make him sweat!!!

By hurling salad dressing all these people did was make themselves look childish...and hurt free speech...way to go...what a harmless prank.
Gem said:

So you would find nothing wrong with someone throwing a urine soked pie in your face when they disagree with your point of view?

How about someone firing a gun into your office when they find what you believe offensive?

You must be the most tolerant person in the country, I'm not sure whether to be impressed at your commitment to taking "free speech" to the ultimate or to think that you have a few screws loose to think that such things are "harmless pranks."

Destruction of personal property or physical attacks are not free speech, neither is tearing down or destroying the signs and/or posters of people that you don't want to hear speak if the signs are posted in designated areas. Show up at these speakers meetings, shout and yell and ask important questions. I am in no way defending Pat Buchanan, actually I find some of his opinions repugnant and would likely be one of the ones shouting questions at him if he had ever come to my campus....but I would not stoop to throwing things at him, harming him and/or defacing his signs and then try to hide under an incorrect notion of free speech.

I agree with William Joyce entirely. These types of protest are not about free speech, but rather, and far more frightening about SILENCING free speech. They are about getting anyone who doesn't "see it my way" to shut up and slink away in fear of being attacked (either by salad dressing or a gun fired into your office window)...and attempting to forever silence the free expression of ideas because you don't like them should not be something we support in this country.

How about someone teaching these kids to engage meaningfully in debate with ideas they feel are wrong? Stage a counter presenter...respectfully invite Pat Buchanan to debate his views with another speaker or even a student representitive...make the most of his question and answer session and RESPECTFULLY ask questions that will make him sweat!!!

By hurling salad dressing all these people did was make themselves look childish...and hurt free speech...way to go...what a harmless prank.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
William Joyce said:
They also interfere with MY RIGHT TO HEAR THE SPEAKER. The left thinks they have the "right" not to hear opinions they find "racist" or politically incorrect. And they think they have the "right" to enforce this "right" on behalf of us all. Really, the First Amendment guarantees the right to speak and the right to assemble, which, if not protected by government, should be illegal.

So, in our society, we should prosecute them for assault.

Or, here's an idea. Catch the kid and strap him to a chair. Put him in front of a microphone in front of the whole audience. Then allow him one minute for his "position." Then allow the speaker to respond. Then film it. Then force the DNC to air that footage with every ad it funds!

Sonofabitch! ! !

William - are you feeling alright?
You're not just cleaning up because you've been diagnosed with something unpleasant are you?
A post with which I agree completely and lacking in the usual bashing of your favorite whipping groups.

Boy, I'm marking this one down on the old calendar! Merry early Kwanzaa to ya bro! :blsmile:
Merlin1047 said:
Sonofabitch! ! !

William - are you feeling alright?
You're not just cleaning up because you've been diagnosed with something unpleasant are you?
A post with which I agree completely and lacking in the usual bashing of your favorite whipping groups.

Boy, I'm marking this one down on the old calendar! Merry early Kwanzaa to ya bro! :blsmile:

Yeah, even I had to rep WJ for that! :teeth:

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