I Pay My Mortgage: What's in the Housing Bailout For Me?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Nice spin.

There is absolutely nothing here for responsible people who didn't over leverage themselves except of course the "privilege" of bailing out everyone who did make poor decisions.
Property tax yes, I will be a few other taxes as well. I will not be paying much income taxes.
My gratitude is aimed at myself for making better decisions than many others.
Nice spin.

There is absolutely nothing here for responsible people who didn't over leverage themselves except of course the "privilege" of bailing out everyone who did make poor decisions.

are you misinterpreting things again?


So after fresh details of the plan were released Wednesday, it's time to ask: I'm a responsible homeowner; what's in it for me?

6. Is there a silver lining in this mess? It's nearly impossible to spot any sort of silver lining in the current housing mess.

quotes from the OP link.

you didn't read anything, you just posted out of anger and mis-perceptions again.
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Rewarding irresponsibility and incompetence cannot help but nurture these underrated virtues. Obviously this is a brilliant economic and political move.
responsible People are losing there homes, has nothing to do with over leverage.
just who has a job and who don't.
if you have a government job and clock in and clock out like a monkey, changing lite bulbs or sweeping floors at government complex or working for the post office sorting mail for 25 an hour then your one of the lucky one's, that managed to keep your house or apartment!!
the bailout may keep your out of work neighbor from looting your house or maybe worse.
the bailout may keep your house from becoming worthless as if there are mi9llions of homes in foreclosure it will drive your house to become worth nothing.
I did not read the article, just venting did not know there were so many dumb people out there, thanks.
Now if your talking about this Wall Street Bailout or Hank Paulson Fraud Treason
here check out the video decide for yourself
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hhPvas-Q8Y]YouTube - Congressman Stearns Questions Hank Paulson How Do You Have Any Credibility ?[/ame]
A bailout to mortgage-delinquent homeowners is equivalent to another bailout of banks, as it is merely money passing through the homeowners' hands and then into the banks to ensure they get loans that they issued repaid.
My farm/home is paid for what do I get out of the bailout?

Same thing here. Where's our free lunch.
I owned three homes for the past 20 years why did I have to pay all them school taxes I have no kids
If I add that up comes out in the 200k range.

Plus Interest more like 300k just fo9r school taxes on my properties.
I am not looking for a handout but if I needed it I would take it.........
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We have corrupt politician's that take bribes, Gifts and wall Street Bankster control everything, I lost my faith in this System, Americans need to stand together and demand Justice.
Most people don't even realize are system is on the verge of collapse, most believe what they here and see on the Fake News
We have corrupt politician's that take bribes, Gifts and wall Street Bankster control everything, I lost my faith in this System, Americans need to stand together and demand Justice.
Most people don't even realize are system is on the verge of collapse, most believe what they here and see on the Fake News

You never had faith in the American system, you were just naive.

The American system has always been corrupted by Americans taking bribes and gifts, and financiers have always controlled some thing.

You are not looking for justice. You're looking for a mommy and daddy to make the big bad cruel world the way you imagined it to be -- before you woke the fuck up.


My farm/home is paid for what do I get out of the bailout?

Same thing here. Where's our free lunch.
I owned three homes for the past 20 years why did I have to pay all them school taxes I have no kids
If I add that up comes out in the 200k range.

Plus Interest more like 300k just fo9r school taxes on my properties.
I am not looking for a handout but if I needed it I would take it.........

move. out of the country to a place where there are no school taxes.

This is America, and we care about 'the children'

Didn't you get the memo?
Same thing here. Where's our free lunch.
I owned three homes for the past 20 years why did I have to pay all them school taxes I have no kids
If I add that up comes out in the 200k range.

Plus Interest more like 300k just fo9r school taxes on my properties.
I am not looking for a handout but if I needed it I would take it.........

move. out of the country to a place where there are no school taxes.

This is America, and we care about 'the children'

Didn't you get the memo?

Dante I typed that in there so that member can see what an idiot he is.
2nd this is my country not a draft dodger like you dante, I don't need to run and hide in another country like you!!!
We have corrupt politician's that take bribes, Gifts and wall Street Bankster control everything, I lost my faith in this System, Americans need to stand together and demand Justice.
Most people don't even realize are system is on the verge of collapse, most believe what they here and see on the Fake News

You never had faith in the American system, you were just naive.

The American system has always been corrupted by Americans taking bribes and gifts, and financiers have always controlled some thing.

You are not looking for justice. You're looking for a mommy and daddy to make the big bad cruel world the way you imagined it to be -- before you woke the fuck up.


The system is more corrupt then ever you WAKE THE F#CK UP IDIOT:clap2:

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