I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Nope. The pledge was null and void the moment Trump attacked Cruz's family. Besides, Trump reneged on the pledge himself after signing. So... pot, meet kettle!

You forgot to mention minor detail that Cruz started the attacks.

Lets say you pledge to give me $1000 but you don't really want to give it to me. How do you get out of it? You provoke me long enough to say something you won't like...

Cruz is a sore loser. What's next from him? Voting with democRATs?
Trump backtracked his pledge first.

But even so hun, he did not do it at a convention where he was asked to speak.

That is kinda like ''she did it first mommy'' KWIM??
Neither did Ted Cruz, they all announced it at a Town Hall.

??????????????? He was asked buy the people in the crowd last night to support Trump. I saw it. He ignored it. So, why was he there?
You're right, and I think he should have endorsed Trump, but I suppose he just felt like he had something he had to say. I don't really know.
The country is going to be fine if we stick to our principles. I've not decided how I will vote, I might vote for Hillary. My home state is Alabama and it will go for Trump by a wide margin, so my protest vote won't mean much.. but, I am thinking about going to my house in NC and voting there instead. It's a battleground state and Hillary stands a chance to win.

I want you to look at the responses I am getting in this thread. One nasty slur after another, either at me or Ted Cruz, or both. These people don't represent my values, do they represent yours? Why the hell would I support their candidate? It's clear to me how they feel about Ted Cruz... so all this fear mongering over the SCOTUS picks... you think these shitstains are going to demand a constitutional originalist to the court? Do you think they have the backbone to stand up for Christian values or right to life? They are too stupid to even comprehend who the real enemy is... and you think we should elect THEIR candidate?

Nope... I shrugged off the bitter primary campaign and unfair attacks on Cruz... I passed it off as politics and was prepared to put that behind me in order to unite... but they've made it abundantly clear they don't care about unity. Voting for Trump is supporting who these people are... I can't do it. I am not a part of this bunch and don't want my name associated in any way with what they stand for. I'll see them rot in hell before I vote for their candidate now. That's just how it is.

Sir, with all the vulgar things you have posted, telling people to f**k off and etc..(you know what you said, and if not, go back and read, and probably read other posts in other threads you have made), you have absolutely no room to talk about how others have posted.

It is your right to vote how you see fit, just as it is everyone's right. Last night you were telling me I had to be nice to you and maybe you would vote for Trump. Funny thing is that I never said I was voting for Trump. I am saying now that I will either vote for Trump, or no one. The no one vote is as good as voting for Hillary.
We ALL have the right to vote for which ever we choose........including you, me , or anyone on this board. That it ONE of the few things that has yet to be taken from us.......or has it?

No, you are mis-characterizing what I said which is typical of you TrumpHeads. I never said anyone had to be nice to me. I'm a big boy and I've been around message boards a long time. I don't have a problem with vulgarity or insults. Let 'em fly, baby! But you come at me with a bunch of vulgarity and insults, don't expect me to cower and capitulate.... that's not gonna happen. And I sure as hell am not going to take your side because you bullied me around.

If I vote for Hillary, it will be in NC where it counts... and it will be a protest vote, not because I support her policies. I want to make it perfectly clear.... Trump's supporters have driven me here! Not Trump... I can handle Trump. I was willing to give him a pass because this is politics and he's new at this stuff. I didn't agree with him on everything, but I hardly ever agree 100% with any politician and that includes Ted Cruz. So it's not the policies and not the candidate... it's 100% his supporters and their vile and nasty attacks on Ted Cruz when there was NO REASON FOR IT!

They've disgusted me for the last time... I can not tolerate it anymore. I do not want these people to win in November and I will work vigorously to ensure their candidate loses. They can all rot in hell before I vote for Donald Trump now. They've made it clear to me they don't care, they don't need my vote or want my vote... so fine... they don't have it and they won't get it.
I understand where you're coming from, but Kat is neither vulgar, nor insulting, nor a Trumphead. You should walk that back a bit and apologize. I can understand insulting Trump supporters and calling them names, they do that to everyone else, but Kat has done nothing to anyone, and isn't a Trump-bot. She doesn't deserve this treatment.

I don't think I said Kat was vulgar or insulting. She has been vocally supporting Trump.

You referred to her as part of the Trumpheads, making the following statements apply to her, too. She specified that she would support him or nobody. It sounds like begrudged support. She didn't support him in the primaries, either.

When I said "you" .... you're interpreting that as me meaning Kat... that's not what I meant. YOU is being used to in the "royal" sense.... it means ANYBODY in this context, not Kat in specific.

I called her a "TrumpHead" because she is posting support for Trump and defending Trump... and that is really a mild and tame label compared to some flying around this board. Furthermore, this is not the first time Kat has misconstrued something I've said. She seems to have this problem often.
I know what I said last night too, and I didn't say you had to be nice to me. I said, it makes sense to me that if you want someone to do something for you, you behave nicely toward them instead of being nasty and mean.

I was neither nasty or mean. And yes, you did infer that I needed to treat you nice if I wanted you to vote for Trump. You need to understand that ZI see it as your business who you vote for, and I will not attack you for it.
You forgot to mention minor detail that Cruz started the attacks.

Lets say you pledge to give me $1000 but you don't really want to give it to me. How do you get out of it? You provoke me long enough to say something you won't like...

Cruz is a sore loser. What's next from him? Voting with democRATs?
Trump backtracked his pledge first.

But even so hun, he did not do it at a convention where he was asked to speak.

That is kinda like ''she did it first mommy'' KWIM??
Neither did Ted Cruz, they all announced it at a Town Hall.

??????????????? He was asked buy the people in the crowd last night to support Trump. I saw it. He ignored it. So, why was he there?
You're right, and I think he should have endorsed Trump, but I suppose he just felt like he had something he had to say. I don't really know.

What I personally really think, since he feels as he does, is that he should not have gone to the convention.
Sir, with all the vulgar things you have posted, telling people to f**k off and etc..(you know what you said, and if not, go back and read, and probably read other posts in other threads you have made), you have absolutely no room to talk about how others have posted.

It is your right to vote how you see fit, just as it is everyone's right. Last night you were telling me I had to be nice to you and maybe you would vote for Trump. Funny thing is that I never said I was voting for Trump. I am saying now that I will either vote for Trump, or no one. The no one vote is as good as voting for Hillary.
We ALL have the right to vote for which ever we choose........including you, me , or anyone on this board. That it ONE of the few things that has yet to be taken from us.......or has it?

No, you are mis-characterizing what I said which is typical of you TrumpHeads. I never said anyone had to be nice to me. I'm a big boy and I've been around message boards a long time. I don't have a problem with vulgarity or insults. Let 'em fly, baby! But you come at me with a bunch of vulgarity and insults, don't expect me to cower and capitulate.... that's not gonna happen. And I sure as hell am not going to take your side because you bullied me around.

If I vote for Hillary, it will be in NC where it counts... and it will be a protest vote, not because I support her policies. I want to make it perfectly clear.... Trump's supporters have driven me here! Not Trump... I can handle Trump. I was willing to give him a pass because this is politics and he's new at this stuff. I didn't agree with him on everything, but I hardly ever agree 100% with any politician and that includes Ted Cruz. So it's not the policies and not the candidate... it's 100% his supporters and their vile and nasty attacks on Ted Cruz when there was NO REASON FOR IT!

They've disgusted me for the last time... I can not tolerate it anymore. I do not want these people to win in November and I will work vigorously to ensure their candidate loses. They can all rot in hell before I vote for Donald Trump now. They've made it clear to me they don't care, they don't need my vote or want my vote... so fine... they don't have it and they won't get it.
I understand where you're coming from, but Kat is neither vulgar, nor insulting, nor a Trumphead. You should walk that back a bit and apologize. I can understand insulting Trump supporters and calling them names, they do that to everyone else, but Kat has done nothing to anyone, and isn't a Trump-bot. She doesn't deserve this treatment.

I don't think I said Kat was vulgar or insulting. She has been vocally supporting Trump.

You referred to her as part of the Trumpheads, making the following statements apply to her, too. She specified that she would support him or nobody. It sounds like begrudged support. She didn't support him in the primaries, either.

When I said "you" .... you're interpreting that as me meaning Kat... that's not what I meant. YOU is being used to in the "royal" sense.... it means ANYBODY in this context, not Kat in specific.

I called her a "TrumpHead" because she is posting support for Trump and defending Trump... and that is really a mild and tame label compared to some flying around this board. Furthermore, this is not the first time Kat has misconstrued something I've said. She seems to have this problem often.

"Furthermore, this is not the first time Kat has misconstrued something I've said. She seems to have this problem often."

Please show proof, with links.
So you are saying you want Hilary as president?

Then you were never a true conservative, you just like the status quo.

No one in their right mind would vote for Hilary..

No, I don't want Hillary as president. I would much rather have a conservative.

But what I want even less than Hillary as president is for these Trump asswipes to win the election. They have made it clear they don't represent me and have no intention of representing me or respecting me in any way. They've told me they don't need or want my vote. I don't trust they would hold their candidate accountable for the kind of SCOTUS justices I want or anything else that I want, to be honest. So why would I vote for their candidate?

Hey... I never in a billion years thought that I would be where I am tonight. I did not think it was possible to be so pissed off that I would ever vote for Hillary Rotten Clinton. The Trump supporters are fully responsible for this. Not Trump... not his policies... his supporters. Their vicious attacks on Ted Cruz were what pushed me over the edge and I will do everything in my power to ensure they lose this election.
I am more concerned with the good of the country than me me me myself.
I know what I said last night too, and I didn't say you had to be nice to me. I said, it makes sense to me that if you want someone to do something for you, you behave nicely toward them instead of being nasty and mean.

I was neither nasty or mean. And yes, you did infer that I needed to treat you nice if I wanted you to vote for Trump. You need to understand that ZI see it as your business who you vote for, and I will not attack you for it.

No I did not, kat... that's a false characterization of what I said and I've corrected you already.... three times now.

I did not EVER say you needed to treat me nice if you wanted me to vote for Trump. I defy you to link that post in this thread if you think that's what I said! Stop it! I didn't say that!

What I said was... it makes sense to me that if you want someone to do something for you, that you treat them nicely and not rudely. To me, that is just common sense. If you want to DISTORT what I said and twist it into something I DIDN'T say, that's fine... but we're going to be honest about that.
I know what I said last night too, and I didn't say you had to be nice to me. I said, it makes sense to me that if you want someone to do something for you, you behave nicely toward them instead of being nasty and mean.

I was neither nasty or mean. And yes, you did infer that I needed to treat you nice if I wanted you to vote for Trump. You need to understand that ZI see it as your business who you vote for, and I will not attack you for it.

No I did not, kat... that's a false characterization of what I said and I've corrected you already.... three times now.

I did not EVER say you needed to treat me nice if you wanted me to vote for Trump. I defy you to link that post in this thread if you think that's what I said! Stop it! I didn't say that!

What I said was... it makes sense to me that if you want someone to do something for you, that you treat them nicely and not rudely. To me, that is just common sense. If you want to DISTORT what I said and twist it into something I DIDN'T say, that's fine... but we're going to be honest about that.

Where did I say I wanted you to do something for me? I already looked for the particular post, and did not find it.
I am more concerned with the good of the country than me me me myself.

I'm more concerned with the good of the country too.... and I'll be damned if I sit by and let these obnoxious little Ted Cruz-hating assholes win the election. They don't stand for my values and they don't have any respect for my opinion. They've said they don't need my vote or want my vote... so they don't have my vote! All they ever had to do was shut up and be cordial... for just one night... they failed. And now, they've got to deal with me until the election and I'm going to be one tough cookie.
ewwwwwwwwwwwwww big bad boss. No one has to listen to you. you are easy to ignore.
I know what I said last night too, and I didn't say you had to be nice to me. I said, it makes sense to me that if you want someone to do something for you, you behave nicely toward them instead of being nasty and mean.

I was neither nasty or mean. And yes, you did infer that I needed to treat you nice if I wanted you to vote for Trump. You need to understand that ZI see it as your business who you vote for, and I will not attack you for it.

No I did not, kat... that's a false characterization of what I said and I've corrected you already.... three times now.

I did not EVER say you needed to treat me nice if you wanted me to vote for Trump. I defy you to link that post in this thread if you think that's what I said! Stop it! I didn't say that!

What I said was... it makes sense to me that if you want someone to do something for you, that you treat them nicely and not rudely. To me, that is just common sense. If you want to DISTORT what I said and twist it into something I DIDN'T say, that's fine... but we're going to be honest about that.

Where did I say I wanted you to do something for me? I already looked for the particular post, and did not find it.

*sigh* Like I said when I posted it the first time, Kat... I was not talking to YOU specifically!

Do you really not understand grammar enough to comprehend the use of the word "you" in context of apposition with the subject of a sentence? I was never talking about YOU personally... YOU was used to define a group of people. "If you drink and drive, you're going to endanger lives!" ... Do you interpret that sentence to mean YOU specifically? Is that me making a generalized statement or me bossing you around and telling you what to do?

I've never met anyone who had this much of a problem understanding this.
"Furthermore, this is not the first time Kat has misconstrued something I've said. She seems to have this problem often."

Please show proof, with links.
Private Conversation:
March 26, 2016
LOL Listen. W hat we are doing is called ''text communication problems." I think you are misunderstanding me and you think I am misunderstanding you.
Betcha if we spoke we would not do that way.

??????????????????????? You posted a PM??

You wanted proof, I posted proof.
"Furthermore, this is not the first time Kat has misconstrued something I've said. She seems to have this problem often."

Please show proof, with links.
Private Conversation:
March 26, 2016
LOL Listen. W hat we are doing is called ''text communication problems." I think you are misunderstanding me and you think I am misunderstanding you.
Betcha if we spoke we would not do that way.

??????????????????????? You posted a PM??

You wanted proof, I posted proof.

And that is against the rules.

But this is not. YOU quoted ME. If someone quotes me, I am to assume they are speaking to ME. Just as if I quote someone I am speaking to them.

I missed Ted Cruz so much

Curious. Are you now behind Trump?

You know, I haven't decided at this point. I go back and forth. Honestly, it's not really about Trump and his policies at this point.... that's the crazy thing. I can deal with him not being the "perfect candidate" and not totally agreeing with all his policies. I've held my nose and voted for people before, I can do that without a problem, especially against someone I despise as much as Hillary... BUT....

Every single time I think I've convinced myself that I can vote for Trump... here comes some of his Fan Base with the smears and jeers against Cruz and Cruz supporters! They are making it literally impossible for me to vote for Trump... just because of their obnoxious and arrogant attitudes. I just want to tell you to go fuck yourselves and walk away.

I can tell you.... I am NOT going to be insulted, intimidated or ridiculed into voting for your candidate. None of us Cruz supporters are going to sell out our principles or abandon what we believe in to worship Trump like you do.... we may be able to reluctantly vote for him.... If you would simply BACK OFF that shit and focus on what we have in common, areas we agree on and can work together on... stop the "Lyin' Ted" bullshit.... I think you'd go a long way in unifying the party, at least as much as it could be unified. But that's not what we're getting... we're trying to get on the Trump Bandwagon and you're dumping buckets of shit in our face and calling us names!
"Furthermore, this is not the first time Kat has misconstrued something I've said. She seems to have this problem often."

Please show proof, with links.
Private Conversation:
March 26, 2016
LOL Listen. W hat we are doing is called ''text communication problems." I think you are misunderstanding me and you think I am misunderstanding you.
Betcha if we spoke we would not do that way.

??????????????????????? You posted a PM??

You wanted proof, I posted proof.

And that is against the rules.

But this is not. YOU quoted ME. If someone quotes me, I am to assume they are speaking to ME. Just as if I quote someone I am speaking to them.

I missed Ted Cruz so much

Curious. Are you now behind Trump?

You know, I haven't decided at this point. I go back and forth. Honestly, it's not really about Trump and his policies at this point.... that's the crazy thing. I can deal with him not being the "perfect candidate" and not totally agreeing with all his policies. I've held my nose and voted for people before, I can do that without a problem, especially against someone I despise as much as Hillary... BUT....

Every single time I think I've convinced myself that I can vote for Trump... here comes some of his Fan Base with the smears and jeers against Cruz and Cruz supporters! They are making it literally impossible for me to vote for Trump... just because of their obnoxious and arrogant attitudes. I just want to tell you to go fuck yourselves and walk away.

I can tell you.... I am NOT going to be insulted, intimidated or ridiculed into voting for your candidate. None of us Cruz supporters are going to sell out our principles or abandon what we believe in to worship Trump like you do.... we may be able to reluctantly vote for him.... If you would simply BACK OFF that shit and focus on what we have in common, areas we agree on and can work together on... stop the "Lyin' Ted" bullshit.... I think you'd go a long way in unifying the party, at least as much as it could be unified. But that's not what we're getting... we're trying to get on the Trump Bandwagon and you're dumping buckets of shit in our face and calling us names!

And NONE of that is me talking about "YOU" in first person. Most people have no problem discerning the context. I'm sorry that you feel every time I say "you" that I am speaking of you specifically, even when I tell you three times that's not the case.

As for posting the contents of a PM... if you want to report me you can, but you asked me for proof that you had ever misconstrued something I said... I figured that was the quickest way to jog your memory as the thread was several months ago. I don't have time to sit here and dig through threads from months ago just to prove something to you.
"Furthermore, this is not the first time Kat has misconstrued something I've said. She seems to have this problem often."

Please show proof, with links.
Private Conversation:
March 26, 2016
LOL Listen. W hat we are doing is called ''text communication problems." I think you are misunderstanding me and you think I am misunderstanding you.
Betcha if we spoke we would not do that way.

??????????????????????? You posted a PM??

You wanted proof, I posted proof.

And that is against the rules.

But this is not. YOU quoted ME. If someone quotes me, I am to assume they are speaking to ME. Just as if I quote someone I am speaking to them.

I missed Ted Cruz so much

Curious. Are you now behind Trump?

You know, I haven't decided at this point. I go back and forth. Honestly, it's not really about Trump and his policies at this point.... that's the crazy thing. I can deal with him not being the "perfect candidate" and not totally agreeing with all his policies. I've held my nose and voted for people before, I can do that without a problem, especially against someone I despise as much as Hillary... BUT....

Every single time I think I've convinced myself that I can vote for Trump... here comes some of his Fan Base with the smears and jeers against Cruz and Cruz supporters! They are making it literally impossible for me to vote for Trump... just because of their obnoxious and arrogant attitudes. I just want to tell you to go fuck yourselves and walk away.

I can tell you.... I am NOT going to be insulted, intimidated or ridiculed into voting for your candidate. None of us Cruz supporters are going to sell out our principles or abandon what we believe in to worship Trump like you do.... we may be able to reluctantly vote for him.... If you would simply BACK OFF that shit and focus on what we have in common, areas we agree on and can work together on... stop the "Lyin' Ted" bullshit.... I think you'd go a long way in unifying the party, at least as much as it could be unified. But that's not what we're getting... we're trying to get on the Trump Bandwagon and you're dumping buckets of shit in our face and calling us names!

And NONE of that is me talking about "YOU" in first person. Most people have no problem discerning the context. I'm sorry that you feel every time I say "you" that I am speaking of you specifically, even when I tell you three times that's not the case.

As for posting the contents of a PM... if you want to report me you can, but you asked me for proof that you had ever misconstrued something I said... I figured that was the quickest way to jog your memory as the thread was several months ago. I don't have time to sit here and dig through threads from months ago just to prove something to you.

That PM proved nothing. And you should never have posted it.

Generally when a person says YOU and they are quoting a person,. it means them. Maybe you (and yes I mean you so I said you) need another way word things.
Regardless....get over yourself, and get over that anger before you have a heart attack.

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