I love California


Diamond Member
May 10, 2007
California's Ailing Republicans: A Dying Breed? - CBS News

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, even though the state population has since grown by about 10 million. Setting aside the politically ambidextrous Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose celebrity eclipsed his Republican registration, the California GOP counts only a single victory in 21 statewide contests since 2002 - that of insurance commissioner in 2006.

You'd have to go back more than two decades to find a Republican, George H.W. Bush, who carried the state in a presidential election.
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California's Ailing Republicans: A Dying Breed? - CBS News

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, even though the state population has since grown by about 10 million. Setting aside the politically ambidextrous Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose celebrity eclipsed his Republican registration, the California GOP counts only a single victory in 21 statewide contests since 2002 - that of insurance commissioner in 2006.

You'd have to go back more than two decades to find a Republican, George H.W. Bush, who carried the state in a presidential election.

way to go guys ! you make us proud !
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And people wonder why California is going broke? Future Gov.Browne promised illegals a FREE College education when he's elected........California goes deeper in debt every day,and someone boasts they love the fact you can't find a Republican anywhere....

Sounds like pure Cali logic to me.If you're happy to be there in a State just like others that are broke.
Good for you.
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Its going broke because your team crashed the world economy yet again for the second time in one lifetime.
And people wonder why California is going broke? Future Gov.Browne promised illegals a FREE College education when he's elected........California goes deeper in debt every day,and someone boasts they love the fact you can't find a Republican anywhere....

Sounds like pure Cali logic to me.If you're happy to be there in a State just like others that are broke.
Good for you.

That is simply not true. Either you've been misinformed or you are purposefully telling a falsehood hoping that people won't know it's a lie. Which is it?
And people wonder why California is going broke? Future Gov.Browne promised illegals a FREE College education when he's elected........California goes deeper in debt every day,and someone boasts they love the fact you can't find a Republican anywhere....

Sounds like pure Cali logic to me.If you're happy to be there in a State just like others that are broke.
Good for you.

There are many reasons to love California that only a resident could understand. So shuffle along now, we have no extra housing for your fat ass.:eusa_whistle:
Hate freely flows it does from TM.

Where's the Hate?

In her fucked up pair of braincells

You sad little sack of stupid.

CA once had a vibrant economy. It went downhill after Jerry Brown signed the law which enabled public employees to unionize. Since that time, the cost of government has grown much faster than the rate of per capita inflation; and the state constitution has been amended to ensure that taxpayers foot the bill for unfunded and fraudulently calculated pensions.

It's the logical result of the deluded and destructive worldview you support.

Its going broke because your team crashed the world economy yet again for the second time in one lifetime.

No, it's going broke because of fucking liberals and fucking RINOs. Idiot. My dad pulled his business out of California.... they've moved to AZ. He'd rather support a decent state, not some bunch of fools who ran a great state into bankruptcy.

I guess you are no longer a californian then huh?
And people wonder why California is going broke? Future Gov.Browne promised illegals a FREE College education when he's elected........California goes deeper in debt every day,and someone boasts they love the fact you can't find a Republican anywhere....

Sounds like pure Cali logic to me.If you're happy to be there in a State just like others that are broke.
Good for you.

That's the way it goes when you have a few million illegals voting in the election. Nobody hates the state more than I do and I have lived here for 64yrs. This state SUCKS.
More bullshit republican rewriting of history

Exactly how much does CA owe now? And how do you intend to repay it? Gonna expect the rest of the US to bail you out?


I guess you are no longer a californian then huh?

Hey dumbass..... how about you answer CG's question and stop deflecting.

How you guys plan on paying it off?

Tons of buisinesses are moving from that tax Hell you call home. Alot of them are coming right here to Texas.... so keep up the good work, we need the jobs

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