I just knew the Interview movie would have something to do with Israel


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
. Another sequence would have shown Netanyahu and Abbas, as played by the two actors, arguing over the Middle East peace process. Franco then diffuses the situation and brings peace by having them share a meal of falafel. Since the two leaders both agree that they like the falafel Franco tells them that it is clear that they can at least agree on something.
As Blumenfeld told Ynet, “Our scene is really an add-on to the film. I think it is an idea to bring humor to a volatile situation and to propose a funny solution. The Israeli prime minister and the Palestinian president can agree that they love falafel and that mutual enjoyment could lead to peace. Food brings contentment… a good message, I think.”

Netanyahu Abbas Scene Cut from 8216 The Interview 8217 8211 Jewish Business News

There is nothing humorous about the Palestinian / Israel conflict , but I guess the Jews find it amusing. The film hacking, in my opinion , all along was a PR stunt for a movie that was junk to begin with, a movie depicting a leader of another country is a bad light using comedy, by a company owned by Japanese and operated by Jews, a movie wrote by a Jew, with main jewish actors.

I ask you if the Jews at Sony think its funny or were they intentionally trying to cause a global rift, isn't it bad enough with this kind of crap.

Nothing funny about what is going on in Israel now, there is nothing funny about war, death, and one clan of people trying to get rid of another clan of people.
. Another sequence would have shown Netanyahu and Abbas, as played by the two actors, arguing over the Middle East peace process. Franco then diffuses the situation and brings peace by having them share a meal of falafel. Since the two leaders both agree that they like the falafel Franco tells them that it is clear that they can at least agree on something.
As Blumenfeld told Ynet, “Our scene is really an add-on to the film. I think it is an idea to bring humor to a volatile situation and to propose a funny solution. The Israeli prime minister and the Palestinian president can agree that they love falafel and that mutual enjoyment could lead to peace. Food brings contentment… a good message, I think.”

Netanyahu Abbas Scene Cut from 8216 The Interview 8217 8211 Jewish Business News

There is nothing humorous about the Palestinian / Israel conflict , but I guess the Jews find it amusing. The film hacking, in my opinion , all along was a PR stunt for a movie that was junk to begin with, a movie depicting a leader of another country is a bad light using comedy, by a company owned by Japanese and operated by Jews, a movie wrote by a Jew, with main jewish actors.

I ask you if the Jews at Sony think its funny or were they intentionally trying to cause a global rift, isn't it bad enough with this kind of crap.

Nothing funny about what is going on in Israel now, there is nothing funny about war, death, and one clan of people trying to get rid of another clan of people.

Anything so you can attack and demonise the Jews, even if they all packed their bags and left tommorrow you would still find fault with the breakdown in palestinian civil order
. Another sequence would have shown Netanyahu and Abbas, as played by the two actors, arguing over the Middle East peace process. Franco then diffuses the situation and brings peace by having them share a meal of falafel. Since the two leaders both agree that they like the falafel Franco tells them that it is clear that they can at least agree on something.
As Blumenfeld told Ynet, “Our scene is really an add-on to the film. I think it is an idea to bring humor to a volatile situation and to propose a funny solution. The Israeli prime minister and the Palestinian president can agree that they love falafel and that mutual enjoyment could lead to peace. Food brings contentment… a good message, I think.”

Netanyahu Abbas Scene Cut from 8216 The Interview 8217 8211 Jewish Business News

There is nothing humorous about the Palestinian / Israel conflict , but I guess the Jews find it amusing. The film hacking, in my opinion , all along was a PR stunt for a movie that was junk to begin with, a movie depicting a leader of another country is a bad light using comedy, by a company owned by Japanese and operated by Jews, a movie wrote by a Jew, with main jewish actors.

I ask you if the Jews at Sony think its funny or were they intentionally trying to cause a global rift, isn't it bad enough with this kind of crap.

Nothing funny about what is going on in Israel now, there is nothing funny about war, death, and one clan of people trying to get rid of another clan of people.

Anything so you can attack and demonise the Jews, even if they all packed their bags and left tommorrow you would still find fault with the breakdown in palestinian civil order

Is it my fault they are behind everything. Its known now it wasn't N. Korea, and then a couple days ago I read its NK, Iran (I figured Iran would need to be involved-ha ha) and Russia, its always been then, and its probably always been the top elites at Sony.
Penny once got stabbed by a Jew...right in the gegegegege....
Read it an weep, motive is always the answer to every question:

One could be forgiven for thinking that Israel does not have a dog in this fight. After all, North Korea is some 8,000 kilometers away and would appear to be too busy stirring up trouble with its own neighbors to bother with the Jewish state. But that is far – very, very far – from being the case. For despite the distance separating it from our region, the Stalinist realm has become increasingly involved in the Middle East, stirring up trouble at every given opportunity. It therefore behooves Israel to become more vocal in denouncing the North Korean regime and taking a more robust stand against it.
Bla Bla Bla Bla

While the distance between good and evil may be as vast as that between Jerusalem and Pyongyang, North Korea has gone to great lengths to target Israel. It is time now for the Jewish state to defend itself more vigorously and return the favor.

Fundamentally Freund When Israel fought North Korea - Opinion - Jerusalem Post
LOL Penelope will always find some way to demonize Jews. What a pathetic Muslim Nazi you are.

You're obviously Jealous that so many Jews are successful while you sit in your studio apartment collecting welfare. Get a life :cool:
Just like the rage of 'World War Z' and many other similar plays - well done you earned yourself a medal.

P.S. Falafel is a Middle Eastern meal originated in Egypt, some believe its a relative of the Babylonian Falafel, however not a Jewish thing.
LOL Penelope will always find some way to demonize Jews. What a pathetic Muslim Nazi you are.

You're obviously Jealous that so many Jews are successful while you sit in your studio apartment collecting welfare. Get a life :cool:

Jealous, no , just hate to see what they are doing to the world, esp the US. How many one legged, one armed, brain damaged soldiers are hanging out in Israel? Few.
. Another sequence would have shown Netanyahu and Abbas, as played by the two actors, arguing over the Middle East peace process. Franco then diffuses the situation and brings peace by having them share a meal of falafel. Since the two leaders both agree that they like the falafel Franco tells them that it is clear that they can at least agree on something.
As Blumenfeld told Ynet, “Our scene is really an add-on to the film. I think it is an idea to bring humor to a volatile situation and to propose a funny solution. The Israeli prime minister and the Palestinian president can agree that they love falafel and that mutual enjoyment could lead to peace. Food brings contentment… a good message, I think.”

Netanyahu Abbas Scene Cut from 8216 The Interview 8217 8211 Jewish Business News

There is nothing humorous about the Palestinian / Israel conflict , but I guess the Jews find it amusing. The film hacking, in my opinion , all along was a PR stunt for a movie that was junk to begin with, a movie depicting a leader of another country is a bad light using comedy, by a company owned by Japanese and operated by Jews, a movie wrote by a Jew, with main jewish actors.

I ask you if the Jews at Sony think its funny or were they intentionally trying to cause a global rift, isn't it bad enough with this kind of crap.

Nothing funny about what is going on in Israel now, there is nothing funny about war, death, and one clan of people trying to get rid of another clan of people.

Anything so you can attack and demonise the Jews, even if they all packed their bags and left tommorrow you would still find fault with the breakdown in palestinian civil order

Is it my fault they are behind everything. Its known now it wasn't N. Korea, and then a couple days ago I read its NK, Iran (I figured Iran would need to be involved-ha ha) and Russia, its always been then, and its probably always been the top elites at Sony.

Then producethe evidence to back up your claims and use sites that dont have an ulterior motive.
LOL Penelope will always find some way to demonize Jews. What a pathetic Muslim Nazi you are.

You're obviously Jealous that so many Jews are successful while you sit in your studio apartment collecting welfare. Get a life :cool:

Jealous, no , just hate to see what they are doing to the world, esp the US. How many one legged, one armed, brain damaged soldiers are hanging out in Israel? Few.

Sounds like "booo"! look what the eviiiil Jew did!
LOL Penelope will always find some way to demonize Jews. What a pathetic Muslim Nazi you are.

You're obviously Jealous that so many Jews are successful while you sit in your studio apartment collecting welfare. Get a life :cool:

Jealous, no , just hate to see what they are doing to the world, esp the US. How many one legged, one armed, brain damaged soldiers are hanging out in Israel? Few.

What does that have to do with Jews?

What you are is simple. You are the Goebbels of the 21st century. No surprise at all that you're Muslim. Go worry about what Muslims are doing to the world.

Jewish people, who make up less than 1% of the world population, have contributed an incredible in many important fields.

13 Million Jews have contributed a lot more than 1.5 BILLION Muslims. That should tell you a lot, Nazi Shill.
LOL Penelope will always find some way to demonize Jews. What a pathetic Muslim Nazi you are.

You're obviously Jealous that so many Jews are successful while you sit in your studio apartment collecting welfare. Get a life :cool:

Jews are successful because they work hard and study to make themselves better, I took a leaf out of their book and did the same thing. This gave a very good life and wage when I was working, and a very good pension when I retired. I wonder if miss pitstop can say the same thing ?
LOL Penelope will always find some way to demonize Jews. What a pathetic Muslim Nazi you are.

You're obviously Jealous that so many Jews are successful while you sit in your studio apartment collecting welfare. Get a life :cool:

Jealous, no , just hate to see what they are doing to the world, esp the US. How many one legged, one armed, brain damaged soldiers are hanging out in Israel? Few.

How many one armed, one legged, blind and brain damaged terrorists are hanging out in gaza................lots and you are paying for their upkeep in UN aid.
LOL Penelope will always find some way to demonize Jews. What a pathetic Muslim Nazi you are.

You're obviously Jealous that so many Jews are successful while you sit in your studio apartment collecting welfare. Get a life :cool:

Damn it, Toastman, couldn't you at least TRY to be accurate.

How many times do I have to tell you -- A carbord box is not considered a studio apartment!
. Another sequence would have shown Netanyahu and Abbas, as played by the two actors, arguing over the Middle East peace process. Franco then diffuses the situation and brings peace by having them share a meal of falafel. Since the two leaders both agree that they like the falafel Franco tells them that it is clear that they can at least agree on something.
As Blumenfeld told Ynet, “Our scene is really an add-on to the film. I think it is an idea to bring humor to a volatile situation and to propose a funny solution. The Israeli prime minister and the Palestinian president can agree that they love falafel and that mutual enjoyment could lead to peace. Food brings contentment… a good message, I think.”

Netanyahu Abbas Scene Cut from 8216 The Interview 8217 8211 Jewish Business News

There is nothing humorous about the Palestinian / Israel conflict , but I guess the Jews find it amusing. The film hacking, in my opinion , all along was a PR stunt for a movie that was junk to begin with, a movie depicting a leader of another country is a bad light using comedy, by a company owned by Japanese and operated by Jews, a movie wrote by a Jew, with main jewish actors.

I ask you if the Jews at Sony think its funny or were they intentionally trying to cause a global rift, isn't it bad enough with this kind of crap.

Nothing funny about what is going on in Israel now, there is nothing funny about war, death, and one clan of people trying to get rid of another clan of people.

Anything so you can attack and demonise the Jews, even if they all packed their bags and left tommorrow you would still find fault with the breakdown in palestinian civil order

Is it my fault they are behind everything. Its known now it wasn't N. Korea, and then a couple days ago I read its NK, Iran (I figured Iran would need to be involved-ha ha) and Russia, its always been then, and its probably always been the top elites at Sony.

Then producethe evidence to back up your claims and use sites that dont have an ulterior motive.
Phoenall, you just have to roll your eyes and shake your head over the ridiculous statements Penelope makes. She wants to blame the Jews for everything bad that is happening in the world, just like people of her kind usually do. While she is trying to blame the Jews for what happened at Sony with regard to the movie The Interview, there is another explanation coming out which is more feasible. Many disgruntled ex-employees attempt to sabotage their old companies. Maybe we should chip in and sent Penelope to North Korea for a nice vacation. South Korea is actually too nice and too modernized for a person like her, and she and Kim Jong Un would get along quite well.

Sony insider -- not North Korea -- likely involved in hack experts say - LA Times
. Another sequence would have shown Netanyahu and Abbas, as played by the two actors, arguing over the Middle East peace process. Franco then diffuses the situation and brings peace by having them share a meal of falafel. Since the two leaders both agree that they like the falafel Franco tells them that it is clear that they can at least agree on something.
As Blumenfeld told Ynet, “Our scene is really an add-on to the film. I think it is an idea to bring humor to a volatile situation and to propose a funny solution. The Israeli prime minister and the Palestinian president can agree that they love falafel and that mutual enjoyment could lead to peace. Food brings contentment… a good message, I think.”

Netanyahu Abbas Scene Cut from 8216 The Interview 8217 8211 Jewish Business News

There is nothing humorous about the Palestinian / Israel conflict , but I guess the Jews find it amusing. The film hacking, in my opinion , all along was a PR stunt for a movie that was junk to begin with, a movie depicting a leader of another country is a bad light using comedy, by a company owned by Japanese and operated by Jews, a movie wrote by a Jew, with main jewish actors.

I ask you if the Jews at Sony think its funny or were they intentionally trying to cause a global rift, isn't it bad enough with this kind of crap.

Nothing funny about what is going on in Israel now, there is nothing funny about war, death, and one clan of people trying to get rid of another clan of people.

Anything so you can attack and demonise the Jews, even if they all packed their bags and left tommorrow you would still find fault with the breakdown in palestinian civil order

Is it my fault they are behind everything. Its known now it wasn't N. Korea, and then a couple days ago I read its NK, Iran (I figured Iran would need to be involved-ha ha) and Russia, its always been then, and its probably always been the top elites at Sony.

Then producethe evidence to back up your claims and use sites that dont have an ulterior motive.
Phoenall, you just have to roll your eyes and shake your head over the ridiculous statements Penelope makes. She wants to blame the Jews for everything bad that is happening in the world, just like people of her kind usually do. While she is trying to blame the Jews for what happened at Sony with regard to the movie The Interview, there is another explanation coming out which is more feasible. Many disgruntled ex-employees attempt to sabotage their old companies. Maybe we should chip in and sent Penelope to North Korea for a nice vacation. South Korea is actually too nice and too modernized for a person like her, and she and Kim Jong Un would get along quite well.

Sony insider -- not North Korea -- likely involved in hack experts say - LA Times

Ha Ha, Sony insiders, really, only takes a fool to figure that out. Actually it has been planned for several months, low cost movie, PR to make money, and blame it on NK, and bad mouthing Obama. They are good at what they do, not that good though.
. Another sequence would have shown Netanyahu and Abbas, as played by the two actors, arguing over the Middle East peace process. Franco then diffuses the situation and brings peace by having them share a meal of falafel. Since the two leaders both agree that they like the falafel Franco tells them that it is clear that they can at least agree on something.
As Blumenfeld told Ynet, “Our scene is really an add-on to the film. I think it is an idea to bring humor to a volatile situation and to propose a funny solution. The Israeli prime minister and the Palestinian president can agree that they love falafel and that mutual enjoyment could lead to peace. Food brings contentment… a good message, I think.”

Netanyahu Abbas Scene Cut from 8216 The Interview 8217 8211 Jewish Business News

There is nothing humorous about the Palestinian / Israel conflict , but I guess the Jews find it amusing. The film hacking, in my opinion , all along was a PR stunt for a movie that was junk to begin with, a movie depicting a leader of another country is a bad light using comedy, by a company owned by Japanese and operated by Jews, a movie wrote by a Jew, with main jewish actors.

I ask you if the Jews at Sony think its funny or were they intentionally trying to cause a global rift, isn't it bad enough with this kind of crap.

Nothing funny about what is going on in Israel now, there is nothing funny about war, death, and one clan of people trying to get rid of another clan of people.

Anything so you can attack and demonise the Jews, even if they all packed their bags and left tommorrow you would still find fault with the breakdown in palestinian civil order

Is it my fault they are behind everything. Its known now it wasn't N. Korea, and then a couple days ago I read its NK, Iran (I figured Iran would need to be involved-ha ha) and Russia, its always been then, and its probably always been the top elites at Sony.

Then producethe evidence to back up your claims and use sites that dont have an ulterior motive.
Phoenall, you just have to roll your eyes and shake your head over the ridiculous statements Penelope makes. She wants to blame the Jews for everything bad that is happening in the world, just like people of her kind usually do. While she is trying to blame the Jews for what happened at Sony with regard to the movie The Interview, there is another explanation coming out which is more feasible. Many disgruntled ex-employees attempt to sabotage their old companies. Maybe we should chip in and sent Penelope to North Korea for a nice vacation. South Korea is actually too nice and too modernized for a person like her, and she and Kim Jong Un would get along quite well.

Sony insider -- not North Korea -- likely involved in hack experts say - LA Times

Ha Ha, Sony insiders, really, only takes a fool to figure that out. Actually it has been planned for several months, low cost movie, PR to make money, and blame it on NK, and bad mouthing Obama. They are good at what they do, not that good though.
Ha, ha, ha yourself. Is this what your conspiracy sites are feeding you, laughing hyena? I guess the ha, ha, ha girl has never worked for big corporations or even read of incidents which have occurred so would not ever know if someone did something to make their former employers look bad. Little Kim is waiting for you to be his new playmate.

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