I hope Hispanics are taking note !!!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
taking note of the left wing medias biased in the Zimmerman case that is !!! remember that when you vote in 2012 !!! i hope that the way the left is bringing politics into this incident blows up in their face !!! Obama said his son would have looked like Martin ....GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK !!
I thought conservatives were saying this case wasn't about race? :laugh2:

taking note of the left wing medias biased in the Zimmerman case that is !!! remember that when you vote in 2012 !!! i hope that the way the left is bringing politics into this incident blows up in their face !!! Obama said his son would have looked like Martin ....GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK !!

I thought it wasn't about race? :laugh2:

Dante, USMB's biggest liberal is Zimmerman's biggest defender. Remember, conservatives hate Hispanics almost as much as they hate blacks. :redface:
I thought conservatives were saying this case wasn't about race? :laugh2:

taking note of the left wing medias biased in the Zimmerman case that is !!! remember that when you vote in 2012 !!! i hope that the way the left is bringing politics into this incident blows up in their face !!! Obama said his son would have looked like Martin ....GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK !!

I thought it wasn't about race? :laugh2:

Dante, USMB's biggest liberal is Zimmerman's biggest defender. Remember, conservatives hate Hispanics almost as much as they hate blacks. :redface:
ohhh it is now thanks to the president !!! and the leftwing media and race baitors !!
I thought conservatives were saying this case wasn't about race? :laugh2:

taking note of the left wing medias biased in the Zimmerman case that is !!! remember that when you vote in 2012 !!! i hope that the way the left is bringing politics into this incident blows up in their face !!! Obama said his son would have looked like Martin ....GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK !!

I thought it wasn't about race? :laugh2:

Dante, USMB's biggest liberal is Zimmerman's biggest defender. Remember, conservatives hate Hispanics almost as much as they hate blacks. :redface:
ohhh it is now thanks to the president !!! and the leftwing media and race baitors !!

As a proud Whitino (White Latino) I will take note! And then I will vote for Obama!
Dante asks you to vote for Rick Santorum.

HUGGY asks you to disregard Dante's request.

Santorum will hurt Romney. Huggy is as stupid as he looks.


Page 2: Trayvon Martin Shooter Says Teenager Went for His Gun - ABC News

Page 2 of 2
SANFORD, Fla., March 26

The law affords people enormous leeway to use deadly force if they feel their life is seriously endangered. Sonner said Zimmerman felt "one of them was going to die that night," when he pulled the trigger.

Corey, a veteran prosecutor known for her zealous defense of victims rights was hand-picked by Florida Gov. Rick Scott for the job. But she faces other challenges in the case.

While in life Trayvon Martin was barely 17, when it comes to justifiable homicide his size -- about 6-foot-3 and 150 pounds -- makes him an adult in death.

Zimmerman, 28, is 5-foot-9 and weighs well over 200 pounds.


Was Trayvon Martin a Drug Dealer?

To learn more about Trayvon’s character, we have to look to his friends and family to offer clues.
Unfortunately, it seems as if most people who knew him are intent on cleaning up his image,
rather than discussing what Trayvon was really like.
I love how the libfucks try to change the subject from Martin to Santorum...

You fucks are truly pathetic...
OK, back to Zimmerman.

1. Zimmerman initiated the conflict
2. Zimmerman was told by the police to back off
3. Whatever the second word was, what Zimmerman muttered under his breath clearly showed he went into the confrontation looking for trouble
4. In a sane world, if someone packing, initiates a confrontation, then someone is killed in that confrontation with their weopon after they pulled it, they are responsible for that result, whether the dead person is the person that they confronted, a bystander, or the person packing the gun.
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Hispanic is an ethnicity not a race. Our language is so watered down that I don't blame anyone for not knowing the difference.

they're brown though.. remember the left :clap2::clap2::clap2: illegal immigration and "the browning of America."
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taking note of the left wing medias biased in the Zimmerman case that is !!! remember that when you vote in 2012 !!! i hope that the way the left is bringing politics into this incident blows up in their face !!! Obama said his son would have looked like Martin ....GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK !!

You're the one bringing politics into it.

Most of the coverage I heard yesterday in the media was giving Zimmerman's side of the story.
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I thought conservatives were saying this case wasn't about race? :laugh2:

taking note of the left wing medias biased in the Zimmerman case that is !!! remember that when you vote in 2012 !!! i hope that the way the left is bringing politics into this incident blows up in their face !!! Obama said his son would have looked like Martin ....GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK !!

I thought it wasn't about race? :laugh2:

Dante, USMB's biggest liberal is Zimmerman's biggest defender. Remember, conservatives hate Hispanics almost as much as they hate blacks. :redface:

You noticed that too. I wonder why the cons want everyone to know he's hispanic and get so mad when people say Zimmerman is white. Zimmerman is hispanic and white, but I guess the whites dont want nothing to do with him.
Was Trayvon Martin a Drug Dealer?

To learn more about Trayvon’s character, we have to look to his friends and family to offer clues.
Unfortunately, it seems as if most people who knew him are intent on cleaning up his image,
rather than discussing what Trayvon was really like.

Reductio ad Hitlerum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reductio ad Hitlerum, also argumentum ad Hitlerum, (Latin for "reduction to" and "argument to" and dog Latin for "Hitler" respectively) is an ad hominem or ad misericordiam argument whereby an opponent's view is compared to a view that would be held by Adolf Hitler or the Nazi Party. It is a fallacy of irrelevance, in which a conclusion is suggested based solely on something's or someone's origin rather than its current meaning. The suggested logic is one of guilt by association.
This is most perplexing. His father is white, mother is peruvian so he's white hispanic? What if you are black and your mother is white and father is black? Are you black, white?, white african american? Or if your dad is white and mom is black, are you white black?

This is the first time I've ever heard someone being called a white hispanic. No one refers to hispanics down here as white hispanic.
OK, back to Zimmerman.

1. Zimmerman initiated the conflict
2. Zimmerman was told by the police to back off
3. Whatever the second word was, what Zimmerman muttered under his breath clearly showed he went into the confrontation looking for trouble
4. In a sane world, if someone packing, initiates a confrontation, then someone is killed in that confrontation with their weopon after they pulled it, they are responsible for that result, whether the dead person is the person that they confronted, a bystander, or the person packing the gun.
1. Yes I would agree.
2. He was told by a 9-11 operator to back off, not the police.
3. Really? Just sounds to me like he was pissed the kid lost him.
4. Yes, but if Martin was the initiator of the physical confrontation, it's his fault he was shot. All this could've been avoided. Zimmerman didn't need to confront Martin and all Martin had to say is I'm visiting my stepmom, just ran to the store to grab some skittles and an iced tea. And continued on his way. I doubt Zimmerman would've ran after him if he'd not ran in the first place. Bad advice from his 16 year old friend in Miami got him killed.
OK, back to Zimmerman.

1. Zimmerman initiated the conflict
Zimmerman innitated the inquiry of Martin, since as part of the NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH he was supposed to. The neighborhood watch was set up because of an increase in burgarlies in the neighborhood!

2. Zimmerman was told by the police to back off
Since this is where Liberals refuse to listen. Zimmerman did back off and was heading back to his car. In fact he was almost at his car with when the confrontation went physical! The facts aren't out at that point, but two things are known FORESURE: (1) Zimmerman did heed the 911 operators advice and headed to his car, and (2) Martin wasn't fleeing at that point and would have had to approach Zimmerman for the altercation to escalate!

3. Whatever the second word was, what Zimmerman muttered under his breath clearly showed he went into the confrontation looking for trouble
I assume your referring to the Fucking Coon comment. First, there was absolutely nothing clear about that tape in the first place. Second, when your getting beat up you rarely care about what you are sayin! Third, it's conclusive proof of nothing!

4. In a sane world, if someone packing, initiates a confrontation, then someone is killed in that confrontation with their weopon after they pulled it, they are responsible for that result, whether the dead person is the person that they confronted, a bystander, or the person packing the gun.
Packing in this case wasn't against the law and like all liberals you are distorting the facts to suit your purpose!

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