"i hate america"...Unhinged liberal steals MAGA hat from Trump supporter,says Trump wants 'genocide'

i love it . thanks . And since this 'hispanic , latino , mexican' or similar type grew up in the USA its reasonable to assume that she went to 'public schools' and was taught by American taxpayer paid public school teachers in the USA . Thanks for the news . And just a note but this story is making nationwide play as i just saw it on 'Tucker' and thats a good thing BBro .
i love it . thanks . And since this 'hispanic , latino , mexican' or similar type grew up in the USA its reasonable to assume that she went to 'public schools' and was taught by American taxpayer paid public school teachers in the USA . Thanks for the news . And just a note but this story is making nationwide play as i just saw it on 'Tucker' and thats a good thing BBro .

She is the argument against DACA.
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Angry anchor baby who stole MAGA hat needs a GoFundMe appeal for her RENT because she was "evicted of my home by a racist white bitch."
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this is an actual picture of the crazy woman, Edith Macias

She certainly fits in with most liberal Democrats on the USMB.
Trump hates America even more...Wants to make this country like Africa with shitty infrastructure, no science institutions and shitty education.

This guy was just pissed.
------------------------------------------------- as i often say , if the USA goes down as you describe its going to be YOU lefty liberal types that take it down . And you won't be hurting me or other real Americans , you will be hurting your own kids and Grandkids Matt/scirocks .
Trump hates America even more...Wants to make this country like Africa with shitty infrastructure, no science institutions and shitty education.

This guy was just pissed.

This k*nt supports that k*nt's theft and anti-American, hatred.
OMG! She's a walking, talking puppet, spewing each and every talking point provided by anti-Americans. If she hates this country so much, regardless of where she was born, she needs to leave. Judging by her accent, and Mexican-speaking kuntry will do just fine. Fat pig doesn't look like she's suffering to much or missing many meals, either. Talk about privileged!
It's not about politics, it's about race.

Wake up Whitey
This is how blacks and Latinos feel. Thank you for reminding us.
Certainly not all blacks and latinos, but all the blacks and latinos that glean media coverage by the left-stream media. Decent, conservative folks, of all stripes, are vilified and labeled by the media in the most derogatory terms possible.
If it wasn't for the Democratic Party's race baiting, divisive politics and gullible imbeciles .. they'd have zero successes at all.

If you really want to see how much Democrats care about the poor and minorities move to south Chicago or any one of their prized inner city ghettos.


It's absolutely True....
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It's not about politics, it's about race.

Wake up Whitey
This is how blacks and Latinos feel. Thank you for reminding us.
What will conservative America do when they finally realize they aren't in the majority anymore in the 21st century??? Shouldn't conservatives try to get along with other races.......before they find themselves in the minority??? After all we know the history how conservatives treated minorities thru out history.
If it wasn't for the Democratic Party's race baiting, divisive politics and gullible imbeciles .. they'd have zero successes at all.

If you really want to see how much Democrats care about the poor and minorities move to south Chicago or any one of their prized inner city ghettos.

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It's absolutely True....
You sound worried that the end is near for your conservative ideology.

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